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Messages - Mathias (Author)

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Support and Feedback / Re: Cloud Drives
« on: October 13, 2013, 12:21:04 »
Only Skydrive and Dropbox are shown.

GDrive is does not shown up because they do not provide a way get where the location is.
BoxNet and Amazon Cloud I do not support. Never heard of them.. But if anyway can tell me how to identify where the path to them is I can add them.

Support and Feedback / Re: Toolbar view messed up after upgrade
« on: October 13, 2013, 12:17:35 »
You mean that the Drivebar is so large so that it get auto arrange on its own line..  Yes then the file commands toolbar flips out. (This is because of some weird  Behavior of a built in UI Component )

There are two solutions for this.. 

1. Configure the drive bar to not show all of the extra buttons.
    Explorer Panel Settings > Layout (tab) > Uncheck button options under "Additional buttons for Special Folders and Devices"


2. Configure the drive bar to place it self its own line from the beginning.
    Explorer Panel Settings > Layout (tab) > Check the option "Place the drive toolbar on its own line"

Oh, that's nice, thank you. Is there any chance to check readiness of a network drive before resetting the path to c:\? Usually all drives are OK, but the server can be offline or something else can happen that will make drives disconnect.
I have not found a safe way that always work.. So there is a big chance you get a hang until the network request timeouts if the server is down.

Not the same issue.. and in 3.5.1 the issue when disconnection from FTP other views also reverted to c:\ is fixed.

Why network drives revert to C:\ between restart is because the option "Save Only path to local harddrive" is enabled.
It is there because if a network drives is gone the startup will hang until the connection timeout..

Zip does no support Unicode, There is an extension to the standard that gives support for UTF8 and MC do support that. But not many programs uses UTF8 when creating zips.
The problem is that ZIP is an very old standard and it only support US ASCII. But a common "hack" is to use the codepage the OS is set to instead.
and MC will do that (unless it set not to do that),  But some language have multiple codepages and you then might need to force zip into a different codepage.

At the moment there is no settings page for that in MC but there is a command you can type in the command line field

":zipcp -1" - Use OS Default codepage  (default)
":zipcp 866"  - Force Zip to use codepage 886 - ( OEM Russian; Cyrillic (DOS) )
":ziputf8 1" -  Use UTF8 when Creating zip files. ( 0 to turn it off)

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: NEXT Version v4.x (?)
« on: October 10, 2013, 07:06:14 »
There should be no reason why changing the layout or colouring of the explorer panel can be done by two or more different commands. Just one.

For instance, there is the Configuration -- File Coloring Rules Editor and then on the Colors tab of the Explorer Panel Settings there is the options to use that Editor. It should be easily seen that these two need to go together. To open one editor dialog and be told to use it you need to open another settings panel is needlessly obtuse and confusing.
The old style coloring was inside the Explorer Panel settings. But the new File Coloring rules offer an UI that is more advanced and it is not possible to show by the generic settings panel.
So because of that it had to move to its own place.

Your tabbed panel UI for the Core and Explorer Panel settings is excellent. It looks good, is functional, clean and informative. Why can't the other dialogs and menu options also be placed in similar tabbed panels? It would present a more unified and clean look.
The Generic settings panel can not show that kind of UI. It only support standard options like Checkboxes (enable/disable) and Listboxes for picking one of many, and some other controls. I been planing to maybe moving some of the settings Dialog Windows to a dialog panel that is shown inside a tab, But that can sometimes give strange look if the tab is not large enouth and other strange issue that I have not had time to look at.

Quick Look'n'Feel -- scrap it. It can be accomplished just as well with the saved/exported configurations from the other methods
No, there is a need for a one click options to switch between Commander <> WinExplorer mode..
But I think I like Kreator's suggestions about joining the two dialogs.

One minor point that needs fixing. In the Explorer Panel Settings -- Display and in the Fonts section. The first item is "Freepace" I assume that should be "Free space"?
Whops.. Thanks.. ( Why have I not notice before....  I might be going blind. )

Support and Feedback / Crash - Multi Commander Crashed
« on: October 09, 2013, 18:34:58 »
If Multi Commander crashed it will by default create a crash dump and send that to the crash report system where it will be automatically analyzed.
But the default crash dump contains very limited information so often it does not provides enough information.

If something crashes for you, please consider changing the crash dump settings under core settings and set it to create a crash dump that contains more information. That will help me with locating what caused the crash.

If you have a crash and you did something special to trigger the crash, Then please send a email or post a forum post telling me what you did and if you can recreate it. They more information I get the bigger is the chance for me to locate what caused the crash.

See here to get more information on Crash and Dump Files

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: NEXT Version v4.x (?)
« on: October 09, 2013, 09:14:19 »
I agree with previous message about the bottom button panel. It isn't very important for me, but it could add some gracefulness and individuality to the interface.
What about configuration issues, I'll rejoin:
1) Configuration -- Quick Look'n'Feel Setup -- Customize -- Colors -- (choose from the list)
Too many clicks and changes of interface even within this one setting. File menu to new dialog to another new dialog and then a dropdown list.
Maybe the last dialog is unnecessary (it's possible to add those dropdown lists to the previous dialog), but the option is called Look'n'Feel, it have to change lot's of settings. Maybe it should be reworked to 3 radiobuttons and those 4 dropdown menus, which will reflect the radiobuttons' change (i.e. you choose "MC style" and 4 dropdown menus change their items to "Commander style....", if you change dropdown lists manually, radiobutton "Customize" will be active). Here's some kind of example (in attachment).
Something like that might work..

2) Configuration -- Explorer Panel Settings -- Display or Layout of Colors (choose Display and then...) Fonts... As well as these options there is a button on the bottom of this new panel to "Import" a new scheme which loads a new dialog with another dropdown list to select a scheme.
As with 1) too many different changes in interface to edit settings: menu options to dialogs to tabbed panels to more dropdown lists and buttons.

Selecting one of those schemes changed the font colors but nothing else which meant my previous layout of the Quick Look'n'Feel setup of alternating colors now had some text with same background color. Other elements also changed to undesirable styles and there is no option to restore the layout, color or style to "factory" settings. I now have to figure out which style element was changed by which option menu.
I believe that the way it's made to choose tabs and then a dialog with the dropdown list is quite logical and easy to manage (it was clear to me). Maybe Core settings and panel settings should be mixed to one menu item and be shown together. Maybe it's a bit long way to click, but it's custom settings. You can do the trick from Look'n'Feel menu without opening settings at all. Most users do it that way, I guess.
I didn't use all Look'n'Feel options (I'm used to do all setting 1 by 1 in full list), I just chose WinExplorer style. But if different settings are made to colours from customization panel and from Look'n'Feel tool, it should be clear to a user what settings he's going to change with this or that button.

Joining Core and Explorer Panel settings does not work. It is separated for a reason and that is because Explorer Panel is really an extension (Built into MC, but could have been a its own .dll.) 
I know that it can sometimes be confusing if a settings should be found in Core or ExplorerPanel, It is where it is because of the Extension/Plugin architecture.
MC is build around an extension/plugin architecture, Almost everything in MC is a plugin. Many of the Build into MC but they should just as well have been separate dlls. It makes it easy to add new things but it also put up some limits.

Right now only core and explorer panel are using the "generic" settings views. (Some other plugins that will get some settings will also show up in the list in the future), The layout and connection to the settings files are actually defined in the MultiCommander_def.xml and ExplorerPanel_def.xml file, so it is easy to move stuff around and add new settings, But it also put limits on what kind of settings to show.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: NEXT Version v4.x (?)
« on: October 09, 2013, 08:22:44 »
1) Configuration -- Quick Look'n'Feel Setup -- Customize -- Colors -- (choose from the list)
Too many clicks and changes of interface even within this one setting. File menu to new dialog to another new dialog and then a dropdown list.
The customize dialog was there first.. But most user do not care..They only want to choose between the two main styles. CommanderStyled or WinExplorer-Style.
So the first dialog was added since most of the time that is want the user want to do. The second dialog might change a  bit. But having dropdown list is probably not removed. I don't see the problem with that. There are many too select. Dropdown list are a good UI component to use to select between many different options.

2) Configuration -- Explorer Panel Settings -- Display or Layout of Colors (choose Display and then...) Fonts... As well as these options there is a button on the bottom of this new panel to "Import" a new scheme which loads a new dialog with another dropdown list to select a scheme.
As with 1) too many different changes in interface to edit settings: menu options to dialogs to tabbed panels to more dropdown lists and buttons.

Selecting one of those schemes changed the font colors but nothing else which meant my previous layout of the Quick Look'n'Feel setup of alternating colors now had some text with same background color. Other elements also changed to undesirable styles and there is no option to restore the layout, color or style to "factory" settings. I now have to figure out which style element was changed by which option menu.
Import is to import parts of settings from a files that is "exported". So you can import just selected parts.

1) Reorganize the different ways to edit all the elements onto one place from which ALL the settings are easily identified and changed. Don't have multiple ways to do the same thing for this sort of thing, it is something the user may do once in a while and doesn't need to be in a quick one click setup but it should also be presented in a unambiguous manner so as not to confuse simple users. Like me. :)
Not sure that would work. Having all settings in one big window would be messy. and it would not work

If these settings could be saved into some sort of config file then you may find users could share their settings and you might be able to include them in a list of easily defined settings, in the same way most code editors have different layout styles.
You can export part of the settings.
Also the Quick Setup profiles is based on files in config. So it is possible to create own.
The files in CfgProfiles contains what setting to set in settings if it is selected.

2) Pretty up the button bar with the ability to change the size and maybe adding icon support.
Button panel already support font change (if you edit buttonpanel.xml manually), Icon support might be added.
Configuration option for changing font and fontsize might be added.

3) If ALL the icons, even those in the main program, were loaded from an icon library (some *.dll maybe) then users may also be able to load different libraries if so desired.
All Icons are already read from a resource dll..   MCIcons.dll

Support and Feedback / Re: Some feedback and notices
« on: October 08, 2013, 08:46:58 »
Please don't implement "skins".
It is to time consuming to implement that my self.
Only third party "skin" libraries that I have consider it the light weight kind that only changes colors. Not the heavy kind that redraw everything in none standard way. But since I got so many custom UI components, There would be lots of places where it would not work. So the risk/chance for it is very low.

Support and Feedback / Re: Customize Default UI Colors
« on: October 08, 2013, 07:52:41 »
Example on how it can look if you tweak that registry thing..

Overwriting the behavior of standard Windows UI components do not always works.

* Menu bar did not work completely so it is unchanged.
* Command line field..  did not work completely.
* Toolbar.. The text colors for the drives did not want to be overwritten.
* Rebar.. UI component that handles the Toolbar placement. the border around the Toolbar divider is drawn with incorrect color.
* Status bar..  Dividers are drawn with incorrect color.
* Scrollbars very messy to overwrite.

* The buttons for the buttonpanel need to be customized manually button by button.. for now. It might be possible to overwrite that but you get a different look since the default behavior the buttons are drawn with multiple colors.

I have not even tried to fix the UI components inside the Explorer Panel. Since I did not see a point with wasting the time for it.

Support and Feedback / Re: Customize Default UI Colors
« on: October 08, 2013, 07:33:06 »
(I Moved this question into a new topic..)

Sorry to use this page to ask this question, I just happen to be reading it and the point about colour schemes grabbed my attention.
Is it correct that the colouring only applies to the actual file panes not the rest of the UI? I can use the quick look'n'feel colour option to change colours but it looks like it only affects that area.
I would like to make the whole UI a darker style but I am not sure if those details are handled by Windows itself.
Colors for UI Components come from Windows. And the drawing of most Standard UI components are handled entirely by Windows.
They use the Colors settings in Windows.. (That you can change in windows. and will affect all programs)

Most color settings are for the Explorer Panel since that is like 90% of the UI. and if you disable Menu/Toolbar/Buttons it is 95% :)
Changing the default color behavior for standard Windows UI component will not always look good and not all of the places can be overridden.
There are some experimental support for that. It is mentioned here how to enable it.. But it looks ugly.

Support and Feedback / Re: Some feedback and notices
« on: October 07, 2013, 17:55:47 »
The MC is very nice styled and easy to understand and use for me. Thank you very much for this manager!
I have something to say about what I feel and what I found. (Sorry, if this topic should be in Requests and Suggestions forums, please, feel free to move it there).
  • When you use "Save clipboard to a file" feature (Ctrl+V), you have a dialog with settings. If you confirm by mouse button, the bottom button panel will stay toggled by Ctrl modifier auntill you press something. And please, add the information about how to use this feature in tip #17 (press Ctrl+V to bla-bla...), it's not obvious.
  • Add mid mouse button action for path above the pane and for device buttons in the tool panel. It should open clicked element in another tab (or maybe pane).
  • Add Ctrl+Drag'n'Drop action for panel tabs to duplicate them easily with mouse, not only move to another pane.
  • Add "Add user command" button to hotkeys configuration dialog. Now it's hard to find where to add a new user hotkey (it's in another menu item "User defined commands").
  • Make tray icon single-clickable. And let it minimize the window if it is visible and on top now.
  • Tip #23:
    You can loading selection from file that you create your self. The file just need to be a normal text file with a file or folder to match on every line, it also supports wildcards.
    Should be written like this: "You can load selection from a file, created by yourself. It must be a text file, each line of which is a string that will match a file or folder name. Wildcards are supported also." Better to clarify, if the file is ANSI or Unicode.
  • If I use the view filter in the bottom of a pane, it tells me how many items are hidden. That would be nice, if this message is clickable and pressing it I'd have my filter inverted. For example, I filtered "*.exe". Then I pressed the message "10 hidden" and the filter changes to "-*.exe". That's intuitive and easy way.
  • Tip #28:
    You can filter what will be removed when doing delete on files and folders. You specify what files delete.
    It shoud sound like this: "When you delete files and folders, you can use filter to specify what files and folders to delete."
  • Is A-Z sorting configured to sort only folders, not files by default?
  • Add configuration for draggind files with Shift and Ctrl. In windows explorer Shift+Drag means Move, Ctrl+Drag means Copy, Ctrl+Shift+Drag means create shortcut. In MultiCommander it differes. So it would be nice to customize this behavior.
  • Would be nice to customize tabs' position (top/bottom/left/right) and style if possible. As for me, it's very incomfortable to access bottom tabs line, because other controls are in the top.
  • And finally, add some dark colour preset, the colouring feature is very nice.
Thank you!
Best regards,

1. Yes.. I got it on my list. But it is a minor visual issue, But to fix it would require more work then I want to spend right now. And there are risk for side affects. So I have push that issue forward in time.
2. I will see if that can be added.
3. Not sure if that is possible. But I will investigate and see..
4. Hmm Not sure it is possible. You must have a command in the list to assign a hotkey to it..  Having "Add User Command" there would show the UserDefinedCommand dialog and then when you saved the command you have to assign it..  I think it feels a bit backwards.
5. It is on the list, It is coming.
6. All TipOfTheDays are old. they are have never been updated since they was created. Some of they are not valid any more and many features are missing from the tips. I is just very time consuming, and so little time.  But I will see if the text fits and then replace it.
7. There are some changes coming to the view filter part. Not sure about the click to invert. Maybe, Will have to see if I think that works.
8. That tip is obsolete.. Filter when deleting is disable since it had some strange side effect. And I had not had the time to fix it. So entire tip should be removed.
9. It is an option. But as default it should not be on. By default it should sort both files and folders.
10. Most of the drag commands matches explorer. Default drag action is different if you drag to same or different volume . Same volume then it do move by default and shift will toggle it.  Shortcut are not support.. It is on the list to support that.. I just have not had the time. I will see if I can push it up on the list.
11. As Ice-Man said.. You can configure it to a top/bottom position. Left/Right will not be supported because it is a weird look and the dragging of tabs does not work when viewed that way and it would require too much work to get it working.
12. Yes more color setups would be nice. there are one already but more are wanted. I Just do not have the time to fix that myself at the moment. But if you or anyone else create a cool color setup.. Send me the configurations files and i can included it as a quick set option.

Translations And Language Packs / Re: Translated text bug...
« on: October 05, 2013, 21:56:00 »
No they are not translated. The alternative text is not translated.

.EN language file (english)

    <item iid="982" text="Speed : %d %s/s (Average : %d %s/s)" desc="Speed : %s/s (Average : %s/s)"/>
    <item iid="983" text="%s KBytes copied of %s KBytes" desc="%s copied of %s"/>

.ES language file (spanish)

    <item iid="982" text="Velocidad: %d %s/s (Promedio: %d %s/s)"/>
    <item iid="983" text="%s KBytes copiados de %s KBytes"/>

They was added in v3.2 when it was changed how the size was shown.

Translations And Language Packs / Re: Translated text bug...
« on: October 05, 2013, 21:40:45 »
I don't know spanish so I don't know what texts is not translated..

If Multi Commander hangs and shows "Not Responding" in the title bar, Then Multi Commander is waiting for something to return before it can continue.
It is often because of some external source, Like harddrive with read/write error, network problems or other issues, But it can also be because of a problem inside Multi Commander.

To be able to figure out if it is because of a external issue or because of a problem inside Multi Commander I need a dump file of the hanged Multi Commander process.
From the dump I can see what Multi Commander is waiting for and often say if it is because of an internal error or if it is wait for something external.

After you created a dump file of MultiCommander.exe then upload it to
If you want some feedback on the result of my analyze of the dump file then post a message here on the forum or send me a mail.

See here to get information on how to create a dump from a hanged process

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: NEXT Version v4.x (?)
« on: October 04, 2013, 16:30:42 »
*Able to set customize tab colors for the explorer panel tabs.
    * Maybe auto set tab color based on path?  so if I go into c:\picture my tab turns green.
Maybe.. atleast the first one.

*New splash.. If you have the time. Low low priority (Just to make it look refresh.)
You are reading my mind, Someone have already provided me with a new splash..

*Customize default background color (Menubar, toolbar, Buttonpanel, free tab area) Override the windows default "grey" background.. If possible.
This is actually already possible. Atleast part of it. problem is that some part can not be overriden so it does not look good.
create a regvalue value under MultiCommnder section in HKCU with the name CustomPanelColor1 of type REG_SZ and insert color using HTML style.
Or for portable version add it to <mcinstall>\SessionConfig\Misc\MultiCommander.ini
Be aware. it looks ugly..

* Flag files and folder with different colors flags that are shown before or after the filename.. (Like you can flag mail in outlook) and then some way to select all files that has green flag set. (Not sure if the flag information should be saved between runs, and if so how. Maybe in a (ADS) Alternative Data Steams in the file..Hm but then it will not be possible to flag files on write protected volumes.
Been thinking about something like that. But as you say.. storing the flag information in ADS is not good because then you will not be able to flag files where you do not have write permissions. Storing the flag info in a personal storage is an option. But it would be nice if multiple users browsing the same shared network folder would see the same flags. So storing the flag data in a personal storage is not good then.  Might not exists a good solution for all use cases.

Improve some of the icons like..
  "Show Hidden files" (Sorry I got now idea on how a icons for that should look like. Just that the current icon feels wrong)
Exactly. How do you show a "Show hidden files" action as a picture ?? I have not come up with a good idea my self. If anyone got a good idea of how an icon like that should look like. please. let me know..

   Calculate Folder size (Should be a icon with a folder not a file.)
Yes. correct..

  *new* Filter icon that can show a list f view filters to apply
Yes.. Something like that is coming..

(Maybe if someone that can draw can provide some icons, that would be great)
That would be very very good. Since I can not draw at all my self.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: NEXT Version v4.x (?)
« on: October 03, 2013, 19:13:30 »
I use a 3d party library for it is not something I can fix myelf. But I will check if there is an updated version of it and if they have added support for that.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / NEXT Version v4.x (?)
« on: October 03, 2013, 17:52:12 »
For the next major versions there will be some focus on fixing UI stuff, colors and similar things.

So if you have any idea on what UI things should be changed/customized please drop a post.

In Menu > Configuration > "Quick Look'n''Feel Setup" > Customize
You can select from a couple of different colors profiles.
They will be extend with more ready to use profiles.

And I know that a lot of you guys are customizing the colors and settings heavily.
And If you think your color setup and nice and would like your colors-setup and Explorer Panel settings to be one of the fast set options. Then post a message with the ExplorerPanel.xml file here (or send it to me privately ) and It might be included in the list.
(The file is found in the config folder , type ":goconfig" in the command line bar to go the config folder )

Support and Feedback / Re: Tip of the day - some typos
« on: October 01, 2013, 17:44:20 »
I will fix that

Support and Feedback / Re: Error 4000
« on: September 27, 2013, 18:39:00 »
I tried the following to understand the problem:

then created a file aaaaaaa.txt on that directory. These seem to be the max length for both types on command prompt.

If I try to rename aaaaaaa.txt to  aaaaaaab.txt on command prompt it gives an error. If I try on Windows Explorer it doesn't even allow me to enter more characters. On MC I can rename to a larger name and the name is visible on Windows Explorer and Command Prompt but I cannot rename it anymore unless I use MC.

If I delete to the recycle bin it gives error 4000 and if I try do delete without the recycle bin MC deletes it. However if I assign the hidden attribute and try do delete it I get again error 4000.

Deleting extra long path to recycle bin will never work. Windows recycle bin stuff does not support that.

Support and Feedback / Re: Error 4000
« on: September 27, 2013, 13:37:53 »
From version 1500 i can still see on the log file:

Code: [Select]
2013-09-27 11:10:23.726 RemoveAttribute (0x4 and 0x2 from 0x20 = 0x020)
2013-09-27 11:10:23.726 Failed to remove attribute - Unknown error

Failed to remove attribute - Unknown error. When retrying it asks me to replace the file and it continues.
I'll try with the beta version.

Yes Tries to remove file attributes fails. so not the same error as the other user.
The target is a network device ? NAS ? Linux ? Windows ? Mac ?

It does a MOVE. And after the file is copied it tries to remove Hidden/System attribute from source file so that it can be deleted. Maybe there are file permissions or something that prevent file attributes from being changed.

Support and Feedback / Re: Error 4000
« on: September 27, 2013, 12:40:08 »
I'm moving a large amount of files and data between my desktop's internal disk and my usb portable drive and I'm also getting error 4000. After aborting the error window I can resume moving the files without errors but after some time I get the same error. I'm on version 3.5 (1500) 64 bits windows 7.

As said above. build 1516+ also shows the internal error code. And that might give you an idea on why it is happening.

Also Error 4000 mean that an unhanded error happen.. so the reason for getting 4000 does not have to be the same for everyone.

Beta Releases / Re: Delete dialog closing
« on: September 24, 2013, 12:08:27 »
This settings use the default values of the settings under core settings. But the settings in core is not change from the dialog, It will but it does not do that yet.

Beta Releases / Multi Commander v3.5.1 Beta
« on: September 22, 2013, 15:05:51 »
Focus of this minor release is fixing the most common stability issues.
They are not very common and only happens in special situation.

60+ Changes and some of them are...

-- Build 1524
 FIXED - Improved error logging.
 FIXED - Inline rename command Ctrl+L and so on. Will not work anymore if AltGR is pressed. (Conflicted with localized character input)
 FIXED - Favorites Window now works again, Activate on button up broke it
 FIXED - 1 Rare Crash issues reported by Crash report system.

-- Build 1519
 ADDED - File copy logging will now output time and speed information for the read/write calls.
 FIXED - 3 Rare Crash issues reported by Crash report system.

-- Build 1516
 FIXED - 3 Rare Crash issues reported by Crash report system.
 ADDED - Shell Context Menu code have been rewritten
 ADDED - MultiCommander will not change to be a toplevel window if it is activated by starting to dragged a item.
 ADDED - MultiScript function to calculate checksum "ChkSum_Create(<filename>, <checksum type>)"
 ADDED - Improved error logging for unexpected read/write errors.
 ADDED - New Language - Portuguese - Translated by Pedro Albuquerque

-- Build 1508
 FIXED - Showing some of the special folder in the device toolbar now works again
 FIXED - 6 Rare Crash issues reported by Crash report system.

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