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Topics - Stéphane P.

Pages: [1]
Attached is the last translation of the MC_LangPack_fr_5.9.5_Build2805_BETA.

Script / Script to retreive and/or update sysinternals tools
« on: July 22, 2014, 21:59:30 »
I share my script in case of it can interest other people.
The need is to update "Process Explorer" tools from Sysinternals to the last version.
It verifies the registry to see if the EULA has been accepted. If it is the case, it retreives the running path to overwrite it if a newer version exists.
If no EULA, retreives the last version in a defined path.

The only possible problems is that may take a long time to respond.

Code: [Select]
// =
// Return Only wants "num"

@var $ProcExpOnlineVersion, $ProcExpLocalVersion;
@var $ProcExpOnlinePath, $ProcExpLocalPath;

@var $ExecutableName = "procexp.exe";
@var $ExeRegName = "Process Explorer";
@var $l, $o;

function GetOnlineVersion($ExecutableName)
 @var $Result
 $ProcExpOnlinePath = '\\\Tools' ^ $ExecutableName;
 $ProcExpOnlineVersion = GetFileProp($ProcExpOnlinePath , "ExtendedProp.prodVersion");
 $Result= StrReplace($ProcExpOnlineVersion , "." , "" );
 return $Result;

function GetLocalVersion($ExeRegName)
 @var $Result
 @var $exists = RegKeyExists("HKCU","Software\\Sysinternals\\" + $ExeRegName );
 if( $exists == 1 )
  $ProcExpLocalPath = RegValueGetSZ("HKCU","Software\\Sysinternals\\" + $ExeRegName, "OriginalPath");
  $ProcExpLocalVersion= GetFileProp($ProcExpLocalPath , "ExtendedProp.prodVersion");
  $Result= StrReplace($ProcExpLocalVersion, "." , "" );
  return $Result;
  $ProcExpLocalPath = "C:\\Temp" ^ $ExecutableName;
  return 0;

function CopySysTool()
 CopyFile( $ProcExpLocalPath , $ProcExpOnlinePath , "NODIALOG, OVERWRITE_ALL");

$o = GetOnlineVersion($ExecutableName);
$l = GetLocalVersion($ExeRegName);

if( StrCompareNoCase($l , "0" ) == 0 )
 if($o > $l)

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Hot Paths by Tab.
« on: July 23, 2012, 16:12:02 »
Is it possible to have for each panel explorer it's own Hot Paths list?

Is it possible to add a Stop Service button when it is a service that is using the locked file?

When this option is used, no file is created in the destination folder selected.
Tested using the default name unkown.txt and with another one.

More the type combobox is not available in the Save As dialog.

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