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Topics - BigMultiCommandering

Pages: [1]

I'd like to connect to sharepoint sites of my company from my work laptop which has MC installed on my request. How would I be able to do that, if possible?

Support and Feedback / sorting folders by date
« on: May 05, 2023, 13:20:56 »


Is there a way to also sort folders by date just like the files do when you click on the date column but keep them separate in the folder?
Thanks in advance.

I can't seem to find the option to add a column in the explorer plane that displays the number of pages like in windows explorer.
Also, is there a way to make the row number appear IN FRONT of the icon and not awkwardly very close to the right of it, right next to the filename?
Thirdly, when you copy files to a different location the process stops at that point when encountering errors or duplicate files only to resume after you've made a decision about the error. Is there an option to make MultiCommander skip or postpone the errors until the very end of the move or copy process in the same way TeraCopy does?

Thanks! Keep up the very nice work!

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