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Topics - Bernd

Pages: [1]
Script / Link to file in clipboard
« on: November 22, 2020, 13:56:06 »
I am trying to do the following thing. I copy a file with Ctrl+C (not necessarily in MC); then I navigate to a folder in MC, use a User Defined command (or something else) to create a lnk file to point to the file in the clipboard. But I don't know how to get the path to the file in the clipboard - GetClipboardText() doesn't do it. And I don't know how to create a lnk file pointing to that path.

Support and Feedback / Copy path with spaces
« on: November 21, 2020, 16:34:04 »
When I have a path "c:\Black and White" and copy it with Ctrl+P, MC copies it as it is, but I would like to have the spaces replaced with %20. Otherwise some programs don't recognize the complete path but stop after c:\Black. Is there a way to achieve this?
Best regards, Bernd

Support and Feedback / Drop/copy action
« on: November 04, 2020, 17:56:37 »
When I drop a file from an email into a multicommander explorer window, I am always asked something like "Do you want to copy..." How can I avoid this extra question?
Best regards, Bernd

Support and Feedback / Creating Links
« on: April 03, 2020, 20:23:29 »
In Windows explorer, I very often use the function to create a link by dragging with the right button and then choosing "Create link". When I do this in MC, I get the error "creating links to files does not work yet". I read the answer from 2014 that Menu > Tools > File Links > Create Link.. does the trick. It does it alright but it takes a lot of clicks. I wonder why the function to create a shortcut file is not linked to the right drag menu when it is already in the code?

Support and Feedback / Icons on button bar
« on: December 01, 2019, 14:37:30 »
I am using MC 9.2 portable. It seems that the icons in the button bar don't fit the commands, see the attached screenshot.

Support and Feedback / Avoid Win Explorer Launching
« on: November 26, 2019, 18:46:42 »
I have several places where the windows explorer is launched instead of showing the directory in MC. Eg. when using favorites by using the favorites menu, a right click on the file path or by using Ctrl+1. I always get the favorite directory in a windows explorer instead of MC. What is the trick?

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