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Messages - ncnnnn

Pages: [1] 2
SDK / Re: question 1
« on: June 26, 2024, 16:03:53 »
ok thank you!

SDK / question 1
« on: June 25, 2024, 15:23:30 »
1. how to use ILogger
can write log to mc'log?

2. create id  (mc how to set id)
// nID is the ID of the extensions that it should create. This is
extern "C" /*__declspec(dllexport)*/ PVOID APIENTRY Create( int nID )
  if( nID == 0 )
    MCNS::MCAppExtensionSample* pExtension = new MCNS::MCAppExtensionSample();
    MCNS::IPluginInterface* pInterface = static_cast<MCNS::MCAppExtensionSample*>(pExtension);
    return pInterface;

  if( nID == 1 )
    MCNS::MCFilePropSample* pExtension = new MCNS::MCFilePropSample();
    MCNS::IFileProperties* pInterface = static_cast<MCNS::MCFilePropSample*>(pExtension);
    return pInterface;

  return NULL;

thank your answer

I want  "File CheckSum" add   sm3.. and out  Base64Str.
or can input/paste String ,output sha256 512 sm3..(hex,base64)

ok👌. I see. thank you!!👍
I just want it can tip I selected which mode. :)

string strmc=“Multi commander is using the Commander Style Look and Feel”
string strwin="Multi commander is using the Window Explorer Style Look and Feel"

string strMcTips="how do you want to control Multi Commander\n"+strmc+"\n The Commander.."
string strWinTips="how do you want to control Multi Commander\n"+strwin+"\n The Commander.."


hope it display

“Multi commander is using the Window Explorer Style Look and Feel ”


“Multi commander is using the Commander Style Look and Feel as default”

Not sure what you mean.??

Yes by default MC is using Commander Style. If you cancel that dialog on first startup, you end up with commander styled.
If you want MC mouse / keyboard be setup to be like Windows Explorer. You need to configure that your self OR select the Quick Look 'n'Feel dialog. that will change all settings to switch setup

There is no "Commander Style" is ON / OFF thing..  When switching Windows Explorer mode, a whole range of settings are modified to match how Windows Explorer works.
Mouse settings are changed to match Windows Explorer. and how selection work.  You can do all this changes your self in Core settings and Explorer Panel Settings. You can do the quick switch to Windows Explorer mode and then customize some things to work like Commander style. 
Commander Style / Windows Explorer mode is not a simple on off thing. it just a quick way to change MANY settings to change MC

string strmc=“Multi commander is using the Commander Style Look and Feel”
string strwin="Multi commander is using the Window Explorer Style Look and Feel"

string strMcTips="how do you want to control Multi Commander\n"+strmc+"\n The Commander.."
string strWinTips="how do you want to control Multi Commander\n"+strwin+"\n The Commander.."

string strfeel="mc";


hope it display

“Multi commander is using the Window Explorer Style Look and Feel ”


“Multi commander is using the Commander Style Look and Feel as default”

Not sure what you mean.??

Yes by default MC is using Commander Style. If you cancel that dialog on first startup, you end up with commander styled.
If you want MC mouse / keyboard be setup to be like Windows Explorer. You need to configure that your self OR select the Quick Look 'n'Feel dialog. that will change all settings to switch setup

ok. thank you.

multicommander default use farar.dll unrar *.rar.

if select "windows explorer compatibility look'n'Feel"

auto diable farar.dll and can use winrar.exe open *.rar.



you mean FSRar.dll , The Rar Extension for MC ?

None of the extensions are disabled when switching mode..

Switching mode is just a quick way to switch many settings at once.

You can disabled that extension in the "Manage Plugins and Extensions" dialog.

multicommander default use farar.dll unrar *.rar.

if select "windows explorer compatibility look'n'Feel"

auto diable farar.dll and can use winrar.exe open *.rar.



hope it display

“Multi commander is using the Window Explorer Style Look and Feel ”


“Multi commander is using the Commander Style Look and Feel as default”

quick look setup  always displays "Commander style"

Even if I switch to WINDOWS EXPLORER.

So might think there was no switch and choose again.
Additionally, if "WINDOWS EXPLORER" is selected, can it automatically cancel some plugins that replace the default WINDOWS. For example, the zip copy dialog box


SDK / Re: buidl err
« on: June 25, 2024, 09:01:07 »
build ok .thanks

SDK / buidl err
« on: June 25, 2024, 04:58:21 »
WIN11 VS2022

\MCFSPluginSample\Source\FSSampleStream.cpp(340,20): error C2446: '==': no conversion from 'int' to 'const WCHAR *'

and postbuild_x64.bat return err code 4

Support and Feedback / Re: "file type" language
« on: June 25, 2024, 04:02:15 »
Sorry for the description error. The content of "file type" is displayed correctly as explorer。

I just wonder if "file type" is not displayed as "类型".
And "ext" can be displayed as "扩展名".

Thank you very much for your answers.

Support and Feedback / "file type" language
« on: June 24, 2024, 05:01:25 »
I am using a Chinese language pack, but when I added "file type", it did not display in Chinese.
I used language editing extensions and found that I couldn't find the relevant items and couldn't understand the sorting rules.
So I decompressed the language pack and searched for relevant text. I can't find it either.

Additionally, I found that columnset is stored in columnsetsXML. Directly stored name.
When switching languages, columns seem to not switch based on language changes

Support and Feedback / Re: how to add filetype column
« on: June 24, 2024, 04:28:35 »
thanks! 👍

Support and Feedback / Re: how to add filetyoe column
« on: June 20, 2024, 14:31:16 »
thanks! Looking forward to version 4.1 software  👍

”Never been a request for actually showing that..“

I hope to switch seamlessly between using Explorer on someone else's computer and using Multicommand on my own computer
I like multicommand with multiple tabs, each tab has an independent folder tree,and Make full use of the widescreen left and right panel  :)
Similar software also has FreeCommander, but it seems to use . net to implement some functions and has a slower response
thank you! :)

ps: I don't know if it's a bug

“Configuuration"-->"Extension/plug-in manager"--> "explorer panel"
webpage show: http:\\www.multicommander.
not http://

and click http:\\,  msedge show "Forbidden"

The program can now display the extension column, but cannot find the file type column.
The program has already obtained the icon for the file, so it should also be able to obtain the file type.

I hope to display the corresponding type column like explorer  . thanks

Never been a request for actually showing that.. But I think it is easy to add.. See if I get time to add it to 14.1

Support and Feedback / Re: how to add filetyoe column
« on: June 20, 2024, 14:21:40 »
thank your script 👍。but I donot know how to add it.
But I think it doesn't have a cache and can only be queried during runtime, which takes a lot of time

if ($type_name ==""){

If I get you right, you may try the following script:

Code: [Select]
@var $type_name;

if ( IsFolder($_FILEPROP_FILEPATH) == 0 )
  @var $ext = PathGetFileExtPart($_FILEPROP_FILEPATH);
  $type_name = RegValueGetSZ("HKCR", $ext, "");
  $type_name = "Directory";

@var $_COLUMN_TYPE_DESCRIPTION = RegValueGetSZ("HKCR", $type_name, "");

Create scriptable column and add $_COLUMN_TYPE_DESCRIPTION as the Output variable.

But for unknown extension it will return empty string. I think in such cases Windows [Explorer] constructs description itself in the form "EXT File". And it depends on the OS locale. I'm not sure it's possible (or there's an easy way) to get it from OS.

Support and Feedback / how to add filetype column
« on: June 20, 2024, 04:22:34 »
The program can now display the extension column, but cannot find the file type column.
The program has already obtained the icon for the file, so it should also be able to obtain the file type.

I hope to display the corresponding type column like explorer  . thanks

ok。thank you.

When  unzip and overwrite the original version, SessionConfig will overwrite the original configuration.

SessionConfig will override user‘s config。

Support and Feedback / Re: right menu lost "new text doc"
« on: December 27, 2023, 03:20:51 »
from OpenSource topic

download double commander and test it

it's right menu is tight.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Open Source
« on: December 27, 2023, 03:13:07 »
Many contributions would just come to you

ideal opensource

Look at DC as you mention.. 90-95% of all commit is from 1 person.

True opensource

Support and Feedback / Re: right menu lost "new text doc"
« on: December 27, 2023, 02:46:52 »

WIN11 chinese ver

  the class data is right as MC
NOT text

and try github ContextMenuManager
it's menus as MC. NOT text also.

Support and Feedback / right menu lost "new text doc"
« on: December 15, 2023, 09:00:11 »
WIN11 mouse right click menu:

explorer like


multicommander'menu lost "Text Document"

yes. tree expand when selected .
 it can not reduce when  click again.
 can expand and reduce when   double-click?
thank you.

expand the folder tree when  double-click the mouse
Now only click + expand  it.

thank you!

Pages: [1] 2