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Support and Feedback / Re: Issue with drag and drop
« Last post by dare023 on June 01, 2024, 09:22:21 »
Sorry  for the late reply.
It happens when there are multiple images, I can drag and drop when I am moving only one.
I understand it might not be  MC issue, of course. I just reported it to see if there is someone else with the same issue.
Hi Mathias,
any chance for a change here?

When I extract an archive I got in title "28%  Abgeschlossen -" only. For copy "29%  Abgeschlossen - Dateien werden kopiert" or for move "29%  Abgeschlossen - Dateien werden verschoben"

Possible to get the same for extracting an archive? Like "29%  Abgeschlossen - Dateien werden entpackt"

Or if not possible, can you remove " - "?
Beta Releases / Re: v14.0 BETA
« Last post by User_99 on May 31, 2024, 17:26:45 »
@Second pic: Need only for ONE char more space. Possible to expand?

Thx, is fixed in latest release.
Beta Releases / Re: v14.0 BETA
« Last post by User_99 on May 30, 2024, 09:37:23 »
Hi Mathias,

some suggestion for new dialogue:

First pic: all fine

Second pic: Need only for ONE char more space. Possible to expand?

Third pic: Window is also a little bit too small. Could it be the same size as in picture one shown?

The documentation for favorites says:
Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V can be used to copy and paste Favorites. They can be used to copy a Favorite from one section and paste it into another.

But the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V have no effect in the Favorites dialog, neither in the current version (v13.5) nor in older versions (tried with v11.3 from 2021).

It's just a minor problem and fortunately there is a workaround:
Copying and pasting in the Favorites dialog can be done via the context menu.
Beta Releases / Re: v14.0 BETA
« Last post by User_99 on May 25, 2024, 20:01:27 »
Yes, text is ok, but not the two boxes.
Both boxes should be at the same height / level.
The problem is if they are, it looks like the advanced button and save button belong to the settings for Keeping incomplete/Broken files.

I been thinking to swap the left and right side if settings. then the buttons is not so close to just one setting
Thx, is fixed in latest release preview.
Beta Releases / Re: v14.0 BETA
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on May 25, 2024, 08:14:29 »
Good catch.. Will fix that
For normal file copy it should be enabled, if copying inside archives it should not
Beta Releases / Re: v14.0 BETA
« Last post by Lukasz S. on May 25, 2024, 01:07:55 »

Is there any reason that Rename & Append buttons are not active? Please see attached screenshot.

Thanks a lot.
It's very cool software by the way.
That's really odd.

I tried it on 2 PCs, one with Windows 7, the other with Windows 10.
I tried it with the installer and the portable version.
I even tried earlier versions, back to the oldest available on the download page (v11.3).
The only changes in the configuration I made was unchecking "Show link target in name column".

The results were frustratingly consistent:
Toggling the option always made targets appear or disappear for symlinks to directories. But it had no effect on symlinks to files. For them the target was always displayed.

It's not as if the universe would implode, if that mystery couldn't be solved.
But it would be very convenient, if symlinks were a bit less obtrusive.

So, though I know that this question is slightly impertinent ;): Did it really really ever work as intended with file symlinks?

Correct.. for files it does not check that option.. Easy fix.. will be fixed in next version
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