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Topics - SpiroC

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Script / Rename file script
« on: November 08, 2017, 01:10:51 »
Hi.  I couldn't find a way to launch MultiRename profiles on a button or menu, so I wrote a rename script which I am sharing here.  You can duplicate it, tweak it, then put it on a dedicated menu or button.
- Can be put on a menu/button
- Can do some things that MultiRename dialog can't (obviously, because it's a programming environment), but it's harder to use.  Once you set it up on buttons though it's all good.
- Works for multiple files selected
- Works in branch view (different paths)

- No regex grouping/capture.  So you can't replace (.*) with $1.  This is a big weakness. 
- I couldn't find any StrRegexReplace or any way of knowing how long the match is after StrIsRegExpMatch() returns with a successful find.  I used a messy guess and check iteration to find a match, but it's non-greedy and inflexible.  I'd really like a StrRegexReplace() library function.
- Inefficiency: scRegexExtract(), scRegexDelAfterMatch() and scRegexReplace() only vary slightly.  They should be consolidated into 1 routine.
- No undo.

- A popup showing changes is presented giving you the chance to op-out before and filename changes are made.
- Top function MakeNewName() is called once per file.  There are examples in this function (including regex replace, proper case, base reversal, pre/app date).  Uncomment them to try them out.


function MakeNewName($fbase, $fext)
   @var $now = GetTime();
   @var $date = FormatDate( "yyyy-MM-dd" , $now );
   @var $seasonepisode;

   // Regex replace base only
   //$fbase= scRegexReplace($fbase, "t.", "AAA", 0);

   // Regex replace global, base only
   //$fbase= scRegexReplaceGlobal($fbase, "(t|T).", "ZZZ", 0);

   // Regex replace, global, case insensitive, base only
   //$fbase= scRegexReplaceGlobal($fbase, ".", "_", 1);

   // Reverse string, base only
   //$fbase = scReverse($fbase);

   // Append date to base
   //$fbase = $fbase + " " + $date;

   // Prepend date to base
   $fbase = $date + " " + $fbase;

   // Regex delete after match case insensitive (base only)
   //$fbase = scRegexDelAfterMatch($fbase, "s[0-9][0-9]e[0-9][0-9]", 1);
   // Proper case base only (Only capitalises.  You need to lowercase first manually.  See examples below)
   //$fbase = scProperCase($fbase);

   // TV Show filename cleanup 1 (Aggresive. Removes episode name and cleans up various things)
   //$fbase= scRegexReplaceGlobal($fbase, "_", " ", 0);
   //$fbase = StrTrim($fbase, " ");
   //$seasonepisode = scRegexExtract($fbase, "s[0-9][0-9]e[0-9][0-9]", 1);
   //$fbase = scRegexDelAfterMatch($fbase, "s[0-9][0-9]e[0-9][0-9]", 1);
   //$fbase = StrToLower($fbase);
   //$fbase = scProperCase($fbase, 7);
   //$fbase = scRegexReplace($fbase, "S[0-9][0-9]e[0-9][0-9]", $seasonepisode, 0);

   // TV Show filename Proper case (Soft. Preserves chars after sXXeXX.  For minor corrections)
   //$fbase = StrToLower($fbase);
   //$seasonepisode = scRegexExtract($fbase, "s[0-9][0-9]e[0-9][0-9]", 1);
   //$fbase = scProperCase($fbase, 0);
   //$fbase = scRegexReplace($fbase, "S[0-9][0-9]e[0-9][0-9]", $seasonepisode, 0);

   // Movie filename cleanup
   //$fbase= scRegexReplaceGlobal($fbase, "_", " ", 0);
   //$fbase= scRegexReplaceGlobal($fbase, "\.", " ", 0);
   //$fbase = scRegexDelAfterMatch($fbase, " (hd|dvd|br)rip", 1);
   //$fbase= scRegexReplaceGlobal($fbase, " (hd|dvd|br)rip", "", 1);
   //$fbase = scProperCase($fbase, 0);

   return $fbase + $fext;
function scProperCase($strInput, $ignoreNfromend)
   @var $i = 1;
   @var $newStr;
   @var $len = StrLen($strInput);
   @var $nextchar;
   @var $capitaliseflag = 0;
   @var $tail = "";
   if ($ignoreNfromend > 0)
      $tail = StrSub($strInput, $len - $ignoreNfromend, -1);
      $len = $len - $ignoreNfromend;
   $newStr = "";
   $newStr = StrToUpper(StrSub($strInput, 0, 1));
   while($i < $len)
      $nextchar = StrSub($strInput, $i, 1);
      if ($capitaliseflag == 1)
         $newStr = $newStr + StrToUpper($nextchar);
         $capitaliseflag = 0;
         $newStr = $newStr + $nextchar
      $i = $i + 1;
      if (StrIsEqual($nextchar, " "))
         $capitaliseflag = 1;
   return $newStr + $tail;
function scRegexExtract($strInput, $strRe, $nocase)
   @var $firstpart;
   @var $matchpart;
   @var $matchlen;
   @var $matchcheck;
   @var $matchend;
   @var $lastpart;
   @var $lastpartidx;
   @var $inputlen;
   @var $matchpos;
   @var $result;
   @var $strInputOrig;
   $strInputOrig = $strInput;
   if ($nocase)
      $strInput = StrToUpper($strInput);
      $strRe = StrToUpper($strRe);
   $matchpos = StrRegExpFind($strInput , $strRe);
   $inputlen = StrLen($strInput);
   //Log(0, 10, "scRegexDelAfterMatch: testing regex:" + $strRe + " , string:" + $strInput);
   if ($matchpos == -1)
      //Log(0, 10, "....scRegexDelAfterMatch: not found");
      return $strInputOrig;
      //Log(0, 10, "....scRegexDelAfterMatch: found");
      $firstpart = StrSub($strInputOrig, 0, $matchpos);
      //Log(0, 10, "....scRegexDelAfterMatch: firstpart:" + $firstpart);
      $matchlen = 1;
      $matchpart = StrSub($strInput, $matchpos, $matchlen);
      $matchcheck = StrIsRegExpMatch($matchpart, $strRe);
      //Log(0, 10, "........scRegexDelAfterMatch: matchcheck trying:" + $matchpart);
      while (!$matchcheck)
         $matchend = $matchpos + $matchlen;
         if ($matchend > $inputlen)
         $matchlen += 1;         
         $matchpart = StrSub($strInput, $matchpos, $matchlen);
         $matchcheck = StrIsRegExpMatch($matchpart, $strRe);
         //Log(0, 10, "........scRegexDelAfterMatch: matchcheck trying:" + $matchpart);
      if ($matchcheck == 0)
         //Log(0, 10, "....scRegexDelAfterMatch: matchcheck failure, returning original");
         return $strInputOrig;
      $matchpart = StrSub($strInputOrig, $matchpos, $matchlen);
      $result = $matchpart;
      //Log(0, 10, "....scRegexDelAfterMatch: replace complete, returning:" + $result);
   return $result;
function scRegexDelAfterMatch($strInput, $strRe, $nocase)
   @var $firstpart;
   @var $matchpart;
   @var $matchlen;
   @var $matchcheck;
   @var $matchend;
   @var $lastpart;
   @var $lastpartidx;
   @var $inputlen;
   @var $matchpos;
   @var $result;
   @var $strInputOrig;
   $strInputOrig = $strInput;
   if ($nocase)
      $strInput = StrToUpper($strInput);
      $strRe = StrToUpper($strRe);
   $matchpos = StrRegExpFind($strInput , $strRe);
   $inputlen = StrLen($strInput);
   //Log(0, 10, "scRegexDelAfterMatch: testing regex:" + $strRe + " , string:" + $strInput);
   if ($matchpos == -1)
      //Log(0, 10, "....scRegexDelAfterMatch: not found");
      return $strInputOrig;
      //Log(0, 10, "....scRegexDelAfterMatch: found");
      $firstpart = StrSub($strInputOrig, 0, $matchpos);
      //Log(0, 10, "....scRegexDelAfterMatch: firstpart:" + $firstpart);
      $matchlen = 1;
      $matchpart = StrSub($strInput, $matchpos, $matchlen);
      $matchcheck = StrIsRegExpMatch($matchpart, $strRe);
      //Log(0, 10, "........scRegexDelAfterMatch: matchcheck trying:" + $matchpart);
      while (!$matchcheck)
         $matchend = $matchpos + $matchlen;
         if ($matchend > $inputlen)
         $matchlen += 1;         
         $matchpart = StrSub($strInput, $matchpos, $matchlen);
         $matchcheck = StrIsRegExpMatch($matchpart, $strRe);
         //Log(0, 10, "........scRegexDelAfterMatch: matchcheck trying:" + $matchpart);
      if ($matchcheck == 0)
         //Log(0, 10, "....scRegexDelAfterMatch: matchcheck failure, returning original");
         return $strInputOrig;
      $matchpart = StrSub($strInputOrig, $matchpos, $matchlen);
      $result = $firstpart + $matchpart;
      //Log(0, 10, "....scRegexDelAfterMatch: replace complete, returning:" + $result);
   return $result;
function scReverse($strInput)
   @var $newStr;
   @var $len = StrLen($strInput) - 1;
   $newStr = "";
   while($len >= 0)
      $newStr = $newStr + StrSub($strInput, $len, 1);
      $len = $len - 1;
   return $newStr;
function scRegexReplaceGlobal($strInput, $strRe, $strRep, $nocase)
   @var $retstr;
   @var $maxloops = 20;
   @var $previousmatch = $strInput;
   @var $ismatch;
   $retstr = scRegexReplace($strInput, $strRe, $strRep, $nocase);
   $ismatch = StrIsEqual($retstr, $previousmatch);
   while (!$ismatch)
      $previousmatch = $retstr;
      $maxloops = $maxloops - 1;
      if ($maxloops <= 0)
      $retstr = scRegexReplace($retstr, $strRe, $strRep, $nocase);
      $ismatch = StrIsEqual($retstr, $previousmatch);
   return $retstr;
function scRegexReplace($strInput, $strRe, $strRep, $nocase)
   @var $firstpart;
   @var $matchpart;
   @var $matchlen;
   @var $matchcheck;
   @var $matchend;
   @var $lastpart;
   @var $lastpartidx;
   @var $inputlen;
   @var $matchpos;
   @var $result;
   @var $strInputOrig;
   $strInputOrig = $strInput;
   if ($nocase)
      $strInput = StrToUpper($strInput);
      $strRe = StrToUpper($strRe);
   $matchpos = StrRegExpFind($strInput , $strRe);
   $inputlen = StrLen($strInput);
   //Log(0, 10, "scRegexReplace: testing regex:" + $strRe + " , string:" + $strInput);
   if ($matchpos == -1)
      //Log(0, 10, "....scRegexReplace: not found");
      return $strInputOrig;
      //Log(0, 10, "....scRegexReplace: found");
      $firstpart = StrSub($strInputOrig, 0, $matchpos);
      //Log(0, 10, "....scRegexReplace: firstpart:" + $firstpart);
      $matchlen = 1;
      $matchpart = StrSub($strInput, $matchpos, $matchlen);
      $matchcheck = StrIsRegExpMatch($matchpart, $strRe);
      //Log(0, 10, "........scRegexReplace: matchcheck trying:" + $matchpart);
      while (!$matchcheck)
         $matchend = $matchpos + $matchlen;
         if ($matchend > $inputlen)
         $matchlen += 1;         
         $matchpart = StrSub($strInput, $matchpos, $matchlen);
         $matchcheck = StrIsRegExpMatch($matchpart, $strRe);
         //Log(0, 10, "........scRegexReplace: matchcheck trying:" + $matchpart);
      if ($matchcheck == 0)
         //Log(0, 10, "....scRegexReplace: matchcheck failure, returning original");
         return $strInputOrig;
      $matchpart = StrSub($strInputOrig, $matchpos, $matchlen);
      $lastpartidx = $matchpos + $matchlen;
      if ($lastpartidx < $inputlen)
         $lastpart = StrSub($strInputOrig, $lastpartidx , -1);
         $lastpart = "";
      $result = $firstpart + $strRep + $lastpart;
      //Log(0, 10, "....scRegexReplace: replace complete, returning:" + $result);
   return $result;
function main()
   Log(0, 10, "-------------- Script Start --------------" );
   @var $logprefix = "scMultiRename: ";
   @var $i;
   @var $filebase;
   @var $fileext;
   @var $resultsstr = "";
   @var $resultsarr[];
   @var $arrfullpath = GetSelectedPaths();
   @var $arr = GetSourceSelectedFileNames();
   @var $count = arrayCount($arr);
   if ($count == 0)
      Log(0, 10, $logprefix + "no files selected, exiting");
      for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
         //Log(0, 10, $logprefix + "Full path:" + $arrfullpath[$i]);
         @var $dotpos = StrRegExpFind($arr[$i] , "\....$" );
         if ($dotpos == -1)
            $filebase = $arr[$i];
            $fileext = "";
            $filebase = StrSub($arr[$i], 0, $dotpos);
            $fileext = StrSub($arr[$i], $dotpos, -1);
         arrayAdd($resultsarr, MakeNewName($filebase, $fileext));
         //Log(0, 10, $logprefix + "\"" + $arr[$i] + "\" --> " + $resultsarr);
         $resultsstr = $resultsstr + $arr[$i] + " -->\r\n" + $resultsarr[$i] + "\r\n";
      @var $msganswer = MessageBox("Proceed with rename?", $resultsstr, 1);
      if ($msganswer == 1)
         Log(0, 10, $logprefix + "[Ok] renaming...");
         for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
            @var $newname = $resultsarr[$i];
            Log(0, 10, $logprefix + "Renaming:[" + $arrfullpath[$i] + "] to [" + $newname + "]");
            MC.Filesystem.Rename FILE="{$arrfullpath[$i]}" NEWNAME='{$newname}'
         Log(0, 10, $logprefix + "[Cancel] not renaming...");
   Log(0, 10, "-------------- Script Done --------------" );

Any way to do this?  I have a few favorite profiles that I call regularly.  As a workaround, if I script my own rename sequence, can I put that on a toolbar button?  How about on a custom menu if I create say a RenameProfiles menu?

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