[New Features]
New features a powerful FM should have.
Stages: Proposed/ Approved/ In Progress/ Implemented/ Field-Tested*F02-1
Multiple actual columns (Status: Proposed; Origins: All FMs; Type: modification/update, high priority)
There are no subcolumns.
If only one basic column is selected (name/ext), files are displayed as big list since no subcolumns exist.
to illustrare, please compare the two screenshots:

See the difference ?
The visible nuber of files is very limited compared to a multi-column display.
This is something of great importance in file management.
We should adapt the current column system to be able to work this way.
In this manner we can have both the important information and geenral view of a large subfolder (like the ones from windows).
+F02-2 Related:
Filter by extension with no extension columnWhile having only one main column (name, that includes n+ext) there should be the possibility to list files by extension also, without having to add an entirely separate extensions column.
Focused file size/date displayed the lower information area (Status: Proposed; Origins: DN; Type: modification/update)
Any files that is cursor-on (focused) shown display at least its size and dates (perhaps attributes also) in the lower area where
we currently have information about selected folders.
Also, the total space should sum when multiple files are selected.
This is critical information that must be seen at all times without requireing additional commands/maneuvers.
+F02-4 Related:
F3 should be used to display 'calculate folder size' values. (Status: Proposed; Orgins: DN; Type: small update)
Since it's use can be dual (for viewing files and getting folder size) it really should be implemented.
Space selection to next row (Status: Proposed; Origins: DN, Type: small modification)
Current file selection system is pretty unfriendly.
If you want to select a few random files is not that nice.
Desired functionality: when pressing space to select a focused file, the focus should move on the next file (below).
This will cause a file list to be selected efficiently by keeping space pressed. This is widely used in file managers.
Not having this option is pretty bad. Shift-based selection is unreliable.
+F02-6 Related:
Option not to remember a file selection or not when changing folder (Status: Unknown). If one does not exist, it should be added. (Status: Proposed; Type: small modification)
This also applied for selecting the drive and going to root instead of a sub-sub-sub folder previously accessed.
+F02-14 Related:
when copying files, with unselection on, all file are unselected initially instead of being unselected independently after copy-move.
This is a big problem in case of accidental stop of copy/move.
File colors rules editor needs Enable button (Status: Proposed; Type: small modification)
When you edit file colors you get that warning that you need to enable them or they will not apply.
The best thing is to replace that with an enable button that has the same function as the color wheel apply checker.
I really took some time as new user until I could find that checkable option which was not in any relevant menus.
Custom upper icons (Status: Proposed; Origins: WN; Type: modification, low priority)
The move, delete, copy, find etc icons on the top area look way too similar.
There should be the possibility to choose external ones. An icon subfolder with proper naming should make customization easy.
Portability (independent of OS cfg/settings) (Status: Proposed; Origins: DOS, Type: modification, very high priority)
All configuration must be stored locally (InstallpathToMCmd\CfgSubfolder), not in user windows junk folders or registry.
A file manager must be able to run completely configured by its onw files, not by depending on operating system limitations.
There is no rason whatsoever to keep the cfg files in the windows user trash folders.
If user-based setup is needed, user subfolders with the custom configurations can be crated even more easy to InstallpathToMCmd\CfgSubfolder\UserName.
This is one of the most important issues for It experts.
File managers need to unpack and run in many situations where installation is not possible or file system is broken enough not to allow corresponding access to user trash folders.
Related: overwriting default XMLs.I have studied the file color-related XMls and found that it actually exists in 3 places at once. I did overwrite the default one with the my completed color configuration that is now seen as [default].
Although this is not a feature request, I would like to know if the overall configuration can be overwirtten in the same manner and what XMLs correspond to what settings (or can you overwrite all-in-one somehow ?).
Internal edit/view/others (Status: Proposed; Origins: DN, Type: new features)
A good FM must be able to view/edit files. I'm not saying to incorporate movie player or anything, but to be able to view basic file types (including well known image formats), or play an audio file without depending on the OS or installed externals is very important.
Let's be serious: notepad ? Even DOS editors are more advanced.
Related: Hex editor (Status: Proposed; Origins: DN, Type: new feature)
Sufficiently to say. A hex editor is essential for advanced file users.
Menu bar needs cloak/decloak button (Status: Proposed; Type: small modification)
Top menu bar needs a simple hide/unhide button. New users don't know about Ctrl-M. The button can be placed on the top icons raw.
*F02-14 Symlink/hardlink creation support (Status: Implemented)
-This was updated, it does exist.
Goto File (Status: Unknown; Origin: DN; Type: small modification)
In the file/dir area, pressing a key combo should enable a quick search by file name with autofocus.
So lets say I press alt-x, then when I start to type something, the focus automatically goes to the file starting with that character or multiple characters.
This is widely implemented in many FMs.
Custom Ctrl+lower buttons (Status: Unknown; Origin: DN; Type: update)
In the lower side we have the evryday view-edit-copy-etc buttons.
While pressing ctrl, new buttons do appear but they have nothing on them. Can this be customized ?
Certain actions could be bound there if customization would allow it.
Command bar customization (Status: Proposed; Type: modification/update)
1st of all, it should be placed in the lower area, not the top. Top positioning is very inconvenient for users that type a lot of commands.
2nd, it could be made customizable to be able to have colored prompt on black background (or any color combo, similar to the file area)
Removable spamtrash from drive area selectionSome users that manage files well do not use at all the windows spam folders (My Doc, My etc, Fav, Downloads, Public).
Those options should be removable from there. This could be done by allowing customization of that area.
Spamtrash folders should not be mandatory stuck with drives, network and registry.
There are still existing features I have not yet studied, but the above can turn this FM into a truly powerful tool. I am willing to debate any technical issues and even help with some issues and hope to get more time so I can even help some of the implementations if needed.
Hope this FM will continue to evolve and become the best available.