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Topics - rovf

Pages: [1]
Support and Feedback / Can not "click and hold" to toggle selection
« on: February 23, 2015, 17:40:02 »
I'm looking for a way to select/deselect a file in the explorer pane. I have configured my left mouse button to open/execute the file, because this is what I am doing most of the time, but sometimes I just want to select or deselect a file, without doing anything else.

I have configured my mouse to associate "click and hold" for the right mouse button, with "toggle selection". However, when I click and hold the mouse - even for more than one second - it always opens the context menu instead. What am I doing wrong?

See the attached screenshot for my current settings.

Support and Feedback / File coloring does not work
« on: February 06, 2015, 10:13:52 »
I have set the following options in my explorer panel colour settings:

- highlight the background on panel in focus
- use file specified background colors
- use folder specified background colors
- different colors for files with system/hidden attributes
- rule based coloring for files and folders

Clicking on the file coloring icon shows that the default coloring profile is enabled, and "apply file coloring" has a checkmark. Still, I don't get any file coloring, even after clicking on "Refresh....".

Are there other options I need to activate for enabling file coloring?

Support and Feedback / Can't get quick path working
« on: January 26, 2015, 12:35:32 »
How can I set a Quick Path?

I clicked on the "star" icon, and then a window pops up saying "Favorites". This pop up window disappears immediately, as soon as I move the mouse. As long as I don't move the mouse, I can use the cursor keys to one of 10 possible QuickPath entries, but I don't see any explanations on how I actually can enter a path.

I didn't find this explained in the docs either. For example, the Content Index ( doesn't even mention the Quick Path feature.....

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