« on: January 16, 2022, 15:15:34 »
I will make my suggestions for improving MC:
1. An internal file editor is required, using third-party editors like AkelPad or NotePad is very inconvenient.
2. I would like to be able to set the number of columns 1, 2, 3, etc. in a short format.
3. Status bar, when I stand on a file, I want to see its size and creation date, now I see the size when I mark a file, but I don’t see the creation date at all.
4. Command line, the ability to transfer to the bottom.
5. In the highlighting of files, it would be convenient if after the name of the file / folder (on the right), a mark "*" appeared with different colors, by which you can determine the date of creation / modification of the file within 1 week, I think this is a very convenient feature, now it can be done only through filters.
6. Add to the color settings, the ability to fill the cursor completely.
7. I would like more preset hot keys, such as CTRL + H, to display hidden files, etc.