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Topics - Peter G

Pages: [1]

I have two minor feature requests:

1. When I start to give a name to a Tab, it would be nice to have the text field already prefilled with the current folder name so to avoid typing it in. As of now that field is empty. Naturally, one wants to give the tab the name of the folder, I believe..

2. When the new Tab is created out from the locked tab it inherits the color of that locked tab if this was customised. In my opinion, if the name was not copied, the color should not be copied as well.

Dear Mathias,

I noticed, that a new MC backup file is created without a .zip extension. If I still need a new file I must first make a copy of the existing file, rename it, and only then use it as a new backup file.


If I accidentally closed all tabs on a pane how to restore it after? For me, nothing helps...


Sometimes it is nice to have "your own" personally registered copy of software in return for a donation, for example.

Good day!

I want to start MC in the current folder while browsing the files using the standard Windows Explorer. Is that possible?


I miss some global hotkey for opening the Multi Commander from the system tray. Every time I have to click the icon with the mouse. Would love to have something like double Ctrl or similar.

P.S. and for minimizing as well. Many software comes with built-in activation shortcuts, like WizFile for example.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / To highlight the active tab more.
« on: December 20, 2021, 03:25:31 »
Dear Mathias,

In MultiCommander I found everything I need to work with files. But I find it is difficult to tell which tab is active at the moment. I may have 5-10 fixed tabs but all of them look similar to the active one. In my opinion, the active tab should be emphasized more )

Pages: [1]