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Messages - Lukasz S.

Pages: [1] 2
Beta Releases / Re: v14.0 BETA
« on: May 25, 2024, 01:07:55 »

Is there any reason that Rename & Append buttons are not active? Please see attached screenshot.


Beta Releases / Re: v14.0 BETA
« on: May 14, 2024, 21:30:42 »
Hi Mathias,

Is it possible to increase dimensions of Copy/Move window to fit, for example, full Polish translation? The same for "Advanced >>" button.
Please see the screenshot.


Beta Releases / Re: v13.3 Beta
« on: November 28, 2023, 00:02:45 »

There is an issue in favourite windows (since months, I've already informed you in the past by mail), there is not text visible on focused item. It doesn't matter which colour you set.



I think there is some issue with size calculation after adding some files or folders to the queue (MC v13.1 b. 2955)
Please check attached screen.


Feature Requests and Suggestions / Synology Drive
« on: December 16, 2022, 19:14:23 »

Is there a chance to add in drive menu, link to folder: Synology Drive (if system can't automatically find it in Windows, it could be an option in settings for correct path). The same request to One Drive Business?


Beta Releases / Re: Version 12 * BETA *
« on: July 24, 2022, 00:52:27 »

Backup / Restore doesn't work, after pressing this option in menu nothing happens.


Beta Releases / Re: Version 12 * BETA *
« on: July 08, 2022, 14:40:43 »
Hi, there is some issue with refresh of folders view on MC start in newest beta 2888.

When I start MC there are no folder icons, see picture 1. After for example refresh or go in and out to any folder, folder icons are refreshed picture 2.

There is still some bug with showing correct keyboard shortcut for rename F2 and make folder F7 command - picture 3. Anyway shortcuts are working OK, only visualisation is wrong.

Beta Releases / Re: Version 12 * BETA *
« on: June 01, 2022, 00:25:09 »
Hi, this is copy of mentioned xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <map extid="" ctrl="0" udc="324f810d4b4d4d4d80661a6c47c3018e" key="Z" keymod="C"/>
  <map extid="" ctrl="0" udc="782b3cb27e6a45cbaabcc7026ad916cf" key="F12" keymod=""/>
  <map extid="" ctrl="0" udc="78c42211c9514886bcf4d3ebe7d56b08" key="Q" keymod="C"/>
  <map extid="" ctrl="0" udc="c22e5f9cbf2b40e6a9f71c24ecdc4395" key="F11" keymod=""/>
  <map extid="" ctrl="0" cmd="1058" key="UP" keymod="A"/>
  <map extid="" ctrl="0" cmd="1351" key="F9" keymod="S"/>
  <map extid="" ctrl="0" cmd="1361" key="" keymod=""/>
  <map extid="" ctrl="0" cmd="1300" key="R" keymod="C"/>
  <map extid="a4c2985d9c7e4035a3221cfd600171d0" ctrl="0" cmd="31000" key="N" keymod="C"/>
  <map extid="a4c2985d9c7e4035a3221cfd600171d0" ctrl="0" cmd="41090" key="" keymod=""/>
  <map extid="a4c2985d9c7e4035a3221cfd600171d0" ctrl="0" cmd="41080" key="H" keymod="C"/>
  <map extid="a4c2985d9c7e4035a3221cfd600171d0" ctrl="0" cmd="51002" key="F2" keymod=""/>
  <map extid="3f93229334d648ab8dcc1eb4f62b8ef7" ctrl="0" cmd="30002" key="K" keymod="C"/>
  <map extid="3f93229334d648ab8dcc1eb4f62b8ef7" ctrl="0" cmd="30102" key="" keymod=""/>
  <map extid="a4c2985d9c7e4035a3221cfd600171d0" ctrl="0" cmd="41010" key="F3" keymod="A"/>
  <map extid="a4c2985d9c7e4035a3221cfd600171d0" ctrl="0" cmd="41060" key="F5" keymod="S"/>

Beta Releases / Re: Version 12 * BETA *
« on: May 31, 2022, 21:19:21 »

The icon you proposed above is much better then in beta version :-)

Anyway, there is some issue with keyboard shortcuts.
Since years I have F2 for rename, and F7 for new folder. In newest beta something has changed, please see attached screen. Even if shortcut is wrong, F2 and F7 is working correctly, there is only visualization issue in button panel.


Beta Releases / Re: Version 12 * BETA *
« on: May 30, 2022, 17:05:23 »
Hi Mathias,

I'm sending some points which I found in new release (probably issues regarding favourite window was also in previous version):
1. I think icon for show/hide hidden files was good, better then new one - in my opinion (Please see Screen1.jpg).
2. If you plan to keep new icon, is it possibility to standardize it, I mean the same folder icon in the background, like one showed with green underline? (Please see Screen2.jpg)
3. Favourite window – there is issue with font colour, as you can see font should be yellow, but unfortunately is in grey like full row marking. Hover colour is also not working correctly. (Please see Screen3.jpg)
4. No possible to translate Inactive option, I think this is added function, but honestly speaking I was not able to test it during work with MC - could you give more details about it? (Please see Screen4.jpg)
5. No possible to translate sentences marked in orange. (Please see Screen5.jpg)
6. I think shortcut for Hover data preview CTRL+H should not be set as a default; I’m using this shortcut to show/hide hidden & system files and after update I had a conflict. So maybe there is a chance that MC after update will check if there are shortcut conflicts.
7. Pack and unpack command from menu and shortcut  (Alt+F5) doesn’t work.
8. There are still some windows not showed in dark mode like Multirename and others.


Beta Releases / Re: version 11.3 Bug ?
« on: September 19, 2021, 12:48:06 »

Just found another bug, I'm not sure if standard version not BETA has the same issue. I was not able to move file to my NAT folder where complete path has 52 characters and file name was 108 + extension.
Move dialog window appears but with no action closing immediately. Is there any limitation in MC for filename length I mean quantity of characters?

I moved this file in Windows with no problem.


Beta Releases / Re: version 11.3 BETA (Last updated 10-Sep-21)
« on: September 15, 2021, 23:01:54 »

Build 2810 introduce problem with colour of the tabs, MC do not read my setting where I chose dark grey colour.
In this version tabs has blue colour I think default one.
There is still an issue with colour & type of the lines different than solid. By pressing down arrow the colour changes to white or default (red marking). Any other movement using arrow or mouse above panel restore the colour of the lines (green marking). I'll try to record the screen and send directly to you.

Beta Releases / Re: version 11.3 BETA (Last updated 28-Aug-21)
« on: August 30, 2021, 11:51:12 »
Hi Mathias,

I'd like to share with you few points which I found in newest MC build 2803:
1. Missing possibility to translate "of" info on copy/move dialog box.
2. When switch to different line than solid, by pressing down arrow, lines change the colour to default one (brighter then one I set in options). Situation change when I move mouse cursor above or go by pressing up arrow. Some issue with refreshing I guess.
3. Colour of active panel change to default even I set in options different one.



There is some issue during starting MC, when initializing Explorer Panel, MC freezes and there is no chance to start it at all.
Restart doesn't help.

 Here is few file logs.

There is something wrong with ExplorerPanel.xml file I attach it. After deleting it MC starts.

I found that mentioned xml file had last rows like this:
<DelayUpdate value="1"/>
<onlylocal value="0"/>
<onlylocked value="0"/>
<itemfocus value="1"/>
<sort value="1"/>

but should be (after copy + paste MC starts):
    <DelayUpdate value="0"/>
    <onlylocal value="0"/>
    <onlylocked value="0"/>
    <itemfocus value="1"/>
    <sort value="1"/>

After last update I started only one time MC, I'm curious why xml file has changed after second start.


Beta Releases / Re: v11.0 - Release Candidate (Updated 13-Feb)
« on: February 15, 2021, 23:20:12 »
Finally! MC is working again!
There was some Windows issue probably - after few hours of cleaning registry and temp files, few restarts and MC installation trials it is working. What was the reason I don't know.

Please verify only making of settings backup, because not all settings are copied.
I lost some settings and scripts.

Beta Releases / Re: v11.0 - Release Candidate (Updated 13-Feb)
« on: February 15, 2021, 20:02:38 »
Did it few times with no success (forced few times) - even fresh instalation with deleted all files, folders created by previous instalation.

Everything works OK if I choose instalation for single user (I have two users - maybe here is the reason).
Additionaly backup of existing configuration do not copy all data from Roaming folder (scripts for sure are missed in the zip file).

Portable version works correctly also with upgrade.

Such problem I see since I use MC (few years).

I have all updates installed to my Windows 10 Pro.

Beta Releases / Re: v11.0 - Release Candidate (Updated 13-Feb)
« on: February 15, 2021, 18:41:26 »
Here you have log file.
I see that all extensions are in instalation folder.

Beta Releases / Re: v11.0 - Release Candidate (Updated 13-Feb)
« on: February 15, 2021, 17:39:10 »

This is the situation in Extension Manager.
In MultiUpdate_log.txt file I have only 32 rows and no errors.

Beta Releases / Re: v11.0 - Release Candidate (Updated 13-Feb)
« on: February 15, 2021, 15:47:26 »

In last version of MC - RC build 2765 extensions don't work.
I've upgraded and then do fresh instalation and I've got the same problem in both cases. Switching to admin rights do not help.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Playlist creator tool
« on: October 28, 2015, 22:32:25 »
Then could be useful folder name where mp3 files are located as a playlist filename.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Playlist creator tool
« on: October 27, 2015, 23:06:13 »

One small request for playlist creator tool, is it possible to add option to automatically put name for playlist file, for example basing on tags (Artist - Title or Track - Title) or it is also good idea to write name for playlist the same like folder name - it could be a checkbox option.



I've got one request regarding language editor, right now to see latest translation we need to wait next beta or final release or simply copy language file to pendrive and go to other PC and apply it manually.

Is there a possibility to add a button with option "Update" which download from the server latest translation?
Sometimes it happens that translators (for example me) find some mistake, correct it and upload to server and such situation could persist few days or weeks till users see corrected translation (in the meantime you or translator can get a lot of mails with info about mistake). MC could check if there is new translatian and download it automatically or just ask what to do.


I was thinking about small update for MultiRename Tool, to use external txt file with written words/letters to replace automaticaly.
All words/letters should be separate by "|" and words to replace in two rows. For example we can create by ourselfs some templates like:


second example to remove diacritic letters (Polish):


Such templates could by placed in config folder and load automaticaly with  MultiRename start - it could be our decision which templates load.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: My Requests
« on: March 15, 2015, 18:56:49 »
Sorry, for being to quick - I've read other requests and just added mine.
Most important thing - only one - is point first MultiRename tool to be able to change more than 4 words/letters in the same time.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Icon
« on: March 15, 2015, 18:42:39 »

Unfortunately Nash is not answering, so I've created icons basing on his idea - this is proposal.
Please check and write what do you think. Thanks

I've got the ico files with all the dimensions - already sent to you by mail.

Lukasz S.

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