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Messages - Pawel

Pages: [1] 2
Beta Releases / Re: Version 12 * RC *
« on: August 10, 2022, 16:14:05 »
Thank you for your point of view.

I will check your idea with script. Sounds interesting!

Beta Releases / Re: Version 12 * RC *
« on: August 10, 2022, 11:08:36 »
Yes, it always fit. But how about get current screen resolution and set window width and height proportionally and place window centered?

Beta Releases / Re: Version 12 * BETA *
« on: August 09, 2022, 17:21:25 »
Could you please improve displaying Multi Commander window on first run?
On my monitor (2k, 2560x1440) main window is NOT centered.

Have you try to improve displaying Multi Commander main window?
I would like to remind you, that the window is still not centered. Window is not proportional.
Take a look how it looks on 2K resolution after installation (on first run). See attachement image.
As you can see - MC window is not centered.

Left edge distance (163px) is different then Right Edge distance (491px). Top edge distance (156px) is different then Bottom Edge distance (212px)
How about making it proportional for each resolution?


Beta Releases / Re: Version 12 * BETA *
« on: June 08, 2022, 19:19:31 »
It is something like "Preview Panel". In Total Commander it is displayed in external window, but can be also displayed in Panel (like on my screenshots).
In TC it can be extended by plugins...

Beta Releases / Re: Version 12 * BETA *
« on: June 08, 2022, 10:41:03 »
Hover Data Functionality.

It looks promising... However, did you think about implementing such feature, like Total Commander Lister?
User select element in one panel and all related information is displayed in second panel (different information for different file type/content). Something what you did in "Hover Data".
"Lister" is better, as it can be shown imediately and can show much more info (Panel window is bigger)...

How do you think?

Beta Releases / Re: Version 12 * BETA *
« on: June 08, 2022, 10:13:59 »
Could you please improve displaying Multi Commander window on first run?
On my monitor (2k, 2560x1440) main window is NOT centered.

The window is moved to top and left.
Also, would be nice if window has some proportinal size (now, it is much wider). Take a look at screenshot.

Best regards,

Beta Releases / Re: version 11.3 BETA (Last updated 28-Aug-21)
« on: September 03, 2021, 09:46:46 »
@Mathias (Author)
Could you please answer my email about adding an option to overwrite (replace) default path to some configuration files and UDC Script directory?
Also, what do you think about it?
Is it possible to add this for next release?


User Contributed Content / ULTIMATE FILE MANAGER
« on: March 09, 2021, 19:46:30 »
I am developing Ultimate File Manager Project. Ultimate File Manager (UFM) is an advanced File Manager distributed with carefully selected and configured freeware applications. The purpose of UFM project is making the best environment to run your favourite applications within one place. Main application of the project is well-known and appreciated Total Commander File Manager (shareware) or its freeware equivalent Multi Commander. UFM lets you manage all of your files and applications in best and simplest way. This properly configured, easy to use and very powerfull environment gives you the best experience, whatever you want to do!...

Here is the project website:


ULTIMATE FILE MANAGER 11.6 is ready for download!

Ultimate File Manager 11.6 was released on July 1, 2024. It is a main release that brings bug fixes and component updates.

The most important change is Multi Commander File Manager update and new UFM internal application - UFM Clipboard Manager.
UFM Clipboard Manager allows you to manage Windows Clipboard data. The Clipboard is a temporary storage area for data (text, images, etc) that is being transferred from one location to another. This is still in development (I need to implement image crop functionality and maybe support for remembering clipboard data on list). There is still no other languages translation and there might be some bugs.


UFM Information | UFM Statistics

Give it a try! Enjoy! If you see any problem or have a sugesion, please report it.

I would like to remind you - Ultimate File Manager project is free - it will never change! It is created with passion and commitment - for You. I hope it serves you and does what it is supposed to do. It is created in my free time. I do spend a lot of time trying to make it better. Please, remember this!

If you want, you can support my project financially. Thanks for any donation (it really matters).

If you have any comments, suggestions for changes or found any problem, please notify me. Maybe you know some interesting and functional plugin? Maybe you would like me to implement some functionality? Do not hesistate - Ultimate File Manager is for You! Together we can make this project even better.

Ps: Big thanks to Mathias, for developing Multi Commander - the best freeware File Manager all over the world!


Support and Feedback / Re: DarkMode Question
« on: February 19, 2021, 21:27:33 »
1. OK. I hope it will change in future.
2. It is happening constantly to me... I will try to record some video, to show you... I know, you have to reproduce it to fix, but maybe we will be lucky :)

Ps: I posted this questions in MC 11 beta thread, because I use the latest beta and all I described was in new beta... btw, are you going to release new version before end of month mybe?
Is there any release date or you just release it when "it will be ready" (no major bugs)?

Thank you for Multi Commander. It is great piece of software!

Support and Feedback / DarkMode Question
« on: February 17, 2021, 23:14:07 »
Thanks for explanation.

I have got one more question and one potential problem...

1. Is it possible to change interface Dark Mode color? I can not find any option for this. It is a bit to light for me (just a bit). It is #383838 - I would like to use #191919 (for example). Could you add possibility to change it via options?

2. I use Coloring Rules. One rule is to show last used files (<1h). It works, but sometimes it deactivates without any reason (it works again if I change directory or refresh (F2)).


Beta Releases / Re: v11.0 - Release Candidate (Updated 13-Feb)
« on: February 16, 2021, 19:35:37 »

I would like to askabout MultiScript. Is there a way to get the Windows known folders path using MultiScript?

I know, Multi Commander supports TranslateEnvString function to get environment path, for example:
Code: [Select]
@var $tag = TranslateEnvString("%WINDIR%");It works great, but there is not much env variables to get...

There are plenty of Windows CSIDL_* variables ( Can I use it? How?
Or can I use guids? For example: {031E4825-7B94-4dc3-B131-E946B44C8DD5} (this should points to Windows Libraries)?

Is there support for SHGetKnownFolderPath() function to get all this paths?

I would like to display given path in MC Explorer list, using Multi Script commands via custom menu.

Thanks for any help,

Beta Releases / Re: v10.3 - BETA (Updated 26-Jan)
« on: January 28, 2021, 13:02:38 »
This page should help get yo started:

:) Thanks. But I hope you know I know docs...
I asked for write down examples, to be sure it is correct (I know I can test this bymyself using beta build, but I need to be sure how it should be used correctly).

So, should it be:
MultiCommander.exe /OPEN "<path>" /PANEL=Left /NONEWTAB
MultiCommander.exe "<path>" /PANEL=Left /NONEWTAB


Beta Releases / Re: v10.3 - BETA (Updated 26-Jan)
« on: January 28, 2021, 10:23:18 »
Upcoming build will bring new command line parameters. Great!

However, could you please add here some more information how to use it?
I mean how to pass parameters and directory to open, when you want to:

I. Open directory in already-running instance of Multi Commander
   1. Open directory in already-running instance of MC window in LEFT (Right|Active|Source|Target) panel in new TAB
   2. Open directory in already-running instance of MC window in LEFT (Right|Active|Source|Target) panel in already existing TAB

II. Open directory in new instance of Multi Commander
   1. Open directory in new instance of MC in LEFT (Right|Active|Source|Target) Panel in new TAB
   2. Open directory in new instance of MC in LEFT (Right|Active|Source|Target) Panel in already existing TAB

This is the basic example. Please, write here others.
MultiCommander.exe /OPEN "<path>"


Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Dark Mode
« on: March 28, 2019, 10:36:39 »
Oh, right!
It was another free file manager :P

But, I am sure it can be done easily using standard c++ libraries...
Have you consider this? I think, many people would like to see such functionality.


Feature Requests and Suggestions / Dark Mode
« on: March 27, 2019, 16:41:17 »
Dark Mode seems to be popular now. Could you add such functionality to MC?
As far as I know MC is written in Delphi. It is very easy to add support for VCL styles, so application could have Dark Mode (for example default Carbon style is nice).
How do you think?


Support and Feedback / Re: Multi Commander Custom Menu (issues!)
« on: September 10, 2018, 17:42:47 »
It is now fixed. Thanks Mathias!

Here is my UFM project that uses a lot of menu entries :)

Best regards,

Support and Feedback / Re: Multi Commander Custom Menu (issues!)
« on: July 03, 2018, 18:05:46 »
OK. Thanks for info.
I hope you can provide some fix for this.

Support and Feedback / Re: Multi Commander Custom Menu (issues!)
« on: June 30, 2018, 11:05:23 »
I made thousands of test this night... I have no idea what is the reason :(
When I remove some entries (before that not working - entries that are displayed correctly) from UserDefinedCommands.xml file it works!
Like xml parser can not support so many entries?

Ps: About Name Tags -> I use it only in definition of menu, in submentu I use text - so MC shows text (I tested it with text both in menu and submenu and no difference).
For example:
Now, I use it like this (it works fine):

; UserMenu.xml
  <menuitem displayname="&amp;Ultimate File Manager">
    <menuitem name="UFM_PROJECT_HELP" id="ccd7658789ac41038d581ce15263f29d"/>
    <menuitem name="UFM_PROJECT_HISTORY" id="5e4d79fe877d4ae68a8fad1c6cc40747"/>

; UserDefinedCommands.xml
  <userdefinedcommand name="UFM Help" id="ccd7658789ac41038d581ce15263f29d" type="multiscript">
    <tip>Open UFM Help File</tip>
    <command>@var $Win_Dir = TranslateEnvString("%WINDIR%");</command>
    <command>MC.Run CMD="{$Win_Dir}\hh.exe" ARG="${mcinstallpath}\..\HELP\UFM_ENG.chm"</command>
  <userdefinedcommand name="UFM changelog" id="5e4d79fe877d4ae68a8fad1c6cc40747" type="multiscript">
    <tip>Check UFM project changelog</tip>
    <command>@var $Win_Dir = TranslateEnvString("%WINDIR%");</command>
    <command>MC.Run CMD="{$Win_Dir}\hh.exe" ARG="ms-its:${mcinstallpath}\..\HELP\UFM_ENG.CHM::/Version/Version.html"</command>

Changing it to your suggestion change nothing:

; UserMenu.xml
  <menuitem displayname="&amp;Ultimate File Manager">
    <menuitem name="UFM Help" id="ccd7658789ac41038d581ce15263f29d"/>
    <menuitem name="UFM changelog" id="5e4d79fe877d4ae68a8fad1c6cc40747"/>

; UserDefinedCommands.xml
  <userdefinedcommand name="UFM Help" id="ccd7658789ac41038d581ce15263f29d" type="multiscript">
    <tip>Open UFM Help File</tip>
    <command>@var $Win_Dir = TranslateEnvString("%WINDIR%");</command>
    <command>MC.Run CMD="{$Win_Dir}\hh.exe" ARG="${mcinstallpath}\..\HELP\UFM_ENG.chm"</command>
  <userdefinedcommand name="UFM changelog" id="5e4d79fe877d4ae68a8fad1c6cc40747" type="multiscript">
    <tip>Check UFM project changelog</tip>
    <command>@var $Win_Dir = TranslateEnvString("%WINDIR%");</command>
    <command>MC.Run CMD="{$Win_Dir}\hh.exe" ARG="ms-its:${mcinstallpath}\..\HELP\UFM_ENG.CHM::/Version/Version.html"</command>

I suppose the problem is in MC and xml parsing (or I just don't get it :))

Support and Feedback / Re: Multi Commander Custom Menu (issues!)
« on: June 29, 2018, 22:01:23 »
I will take a look on Sunday if you have not solved it by then.

So this is only guesses

MC assume the xml files are UTF8. So not sure if that can be the case, maybe that you have some national characters that breaks it ? (But Then it would not show anything at all I think., the entire load of the file would break)
You can try to resave the file as UTF8 and add the UTF8 xml header to the file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
But I do not think that will help
XML declaration is OK. I tested it with UTF-8 (no BOM) or UCS-2 LE -> No difference. So, it seems encoding is not a problem in this case.

Also you create the GUID at install time? You can create a guid once and then use the same guid on all..
Also make sure the ID of the command and the user menu entire matched.. So you can use hardcoded id. just make sure it is a valid GUID then it would not collide if the user creates its own command. They are Global Unique. not just machine unique

Yes, I generate it on installer runtime. GUID's are different on different installation. I think I will change it to use hardcoed GUID's

Too many items ? Might be too many. Not sure what the limit is. But I think it is several 1000.. so should not be that.
But you can try to remove some of the entires in the beginning and see if the rest works. Then it might be that you hit a limit.  That we might be able to fix.
Yes. I removed some of entries before and it still not working...

Hmm The file you linked are they how the files looked when installed or before NSIS process them ?
Because the NAME part look like Text tags.  Can you attach a version of the files as they look installed. Then I can debug with a real file and see why (if it is because of encoding or language issue)

The files I linked are files generated by my installer - so they are installed.
I don't understand the part "becasue the NAME part look like Text tags" -> my generated menu is the same like I create it via MC built-in custom menu creator.
So, please, make a copy of your files, copy my files into your installation and check it with debugger and do some magic tricks to found out what is going on.


Support and Feedback / Multi Commander Custom Menu (issues!)
« on: June 29, 2018, 20:18:51 »
@Mathias (Author)
@All of You

I would like to ask you for help.
I am creating custom menu for Multi Commander (using NSIS) for my UFM project.
I create UserMenu.xml file and UserDefinedCommands.xml.

Here is my UserMenu.xml file:
Here is my UserDefinedCommands.xml file:

Multi Commander do not display some of menu entries (the last ones => Programy -> Narzędzia -> Universal Extractor 2 -> Submenus and all next).
Have no idea why... Bad GUID's? To many entries? Bad file encoding?
Could you please take a look?

How I make GUID:
Code: [Select]
!define UFM_CREATE_GUID "!insertmacro UFM_CREATE_GUID"

System::Call 'ole32::CoCreateGuid(g .s)'
Pop "$0"
${WordReplace} "$0" "{" "" "+" "$0"
${WordReplace} "$0" "-" "" "+" "$0"
${WordReplace} "$0" "}" "" "+" "$0"
${StrFilter} "$0" "-" "" "" "$0"
Push "$0"


Multi Commander Custom Menu Editor shows this "empty" entries correctly.

Problem on short video (27Mb):

Thanks for any help,

Support and Feedback / Multi Commander - Run with parameters
« on: August 02, 2017, 12:34:01 »
I want to ask you about Multi Commander Command Line.

I am trying to make it work like Total Commander does (I want to use it for AutoPlay actions toadd to registry).
Could you please write here if this is possible to:

Task 1: Run Multi Commander in NEW WINDOW (new instance) in RIGHT PANEL in NEW TAB
Total Commander: TotalCmd.exe /N /R /T="%1" (/N=New window, /R=Right Panel, /T=Open in New Tab)
Multi Commander: ???

Task 2: Run Multi Commander in EXISTING WINDOW (if MC is already opened) in LEFT PANEL in NEW TAB
Total Commander: TotalCmd.exe /O /L /T="%1" (/O=Existing window, /L=Left Panel, /T=Open in New Tab)
Multi Commander: ???

Task 3: Run Multi Commander in NEW WINDOW in RIGHT PANEL in EXISTING TAB
Total Commander: TotalCmd.exe /N /R="%1" (/N=New window, /R=Right Panel)
Multi Commander: ???

Is this possible in Multi Commander?
I know there is /OPEN to use  already running instance of Multi Commander (like /O in Total Commander)
I know ther is /L or /R for LEFT or RIGHT Panel (like in Total Commander).
How about tabs? Is it possible to create NEW TAB or USE EXISTING ONE?

Could someone write me the correct command line for Multi Commander for those example 3 tasks?

Support and Feedback / Re: Creating User Defined Menu Items
« on: February 01, 2017, 22:59:02 »
I am waiting :)
Keep up good work!


Support and Feedback / Re: Creating User Defined Menu Items
« on: January 29, 2017, 21:08:18 »
1. You may get some paths by expanding environment variables like %WINDIR%
Yes. I do. But this is not everything I need (in fact only few)... I am looking for other possibility (I see Multi Commander has built in access (via Internal Commands\File Utils\<Command>) to many System Directories.
Hope, someone will find better solution. If any exists :)

2. You may use ampersand in the custom command name
Yes! Thanks. I have added it manually (&Text) and didn't notice Multi Commander saves it as "&amp;Text"


Support and Feedback / Re: Creating User Defined Menu Items
« on: January 29, 2017, 12:49:26 »
More questions is coming...

1. How to get system directories?
I am creating user defined menu where I want to add possibility to open all most important system directories.
Is it possible to use SHGetSpecialFolderPath( function to get directories ( with Multi Commander MultiScript?

If not, how to get those directories (desktop, pictures, music, video, favourites, fonts, my doscuments, system, windows, startmenu, appdata, etc...)

2. I was trying to add & (ampersand) to the user menu (to make it work with keyboard) -> it seems to be impossible... is it?

Thanks for any help,

Support and Feedback / Re: Creating User Defined Menu Items
« on: January 25, 2017, 14:07:59 »
Yes, I found it... I should search better.

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