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Support and Feedback / Re: Is it possible to hide column headers in List View?
« Last post by Jungle on July 29, 2024, 10:13:03 »
@Mathias (Author),
I think @Balu just wants to hide the entire header with column names, not the particular column itself.
Support and Feedback / Re: Is it possible to hide column headers in List View?
« Last post by Balu on July 29, 2024, 08:46:59 »
So it is not possible to hide it in any way? In list mode, there is no point for it to be shown, it just takes up valuable screen space.
Correct is cannot be removed.. It will prevent you from removing the 'Name' field in 'List' mode . If you removed it, it would result in a blank list and you would not see any files.  since in List mode 'Name' is the only field that are shown.
Support and Feedback / Re: Is it possible to hide column headers in List View?
« Last post by Balu on July 28, 2024, 23:16:01 »
If you remove column 'Name' in list mode. there would be nothing that was shown.. the list would be empty since only name is shown

I tried to do that, but the Name column cannot be removed. Maybe I am doing something wrong, but so far I could not remove the header whatever I tried.
If you remove column 'Name' in list mode. there would be nothing that was shown.. the list would be empty since only name is shown
Support and Feedback / Is it possible to hide column headers in List View?
« Last post by Balu on July 28, 2024, 21:11:41 »
In list view mode, I would like to hide the column names / column header in explorer view, is that possible? Tried to find a setting for it, but without success. Thanks in advance!
Support and Feedback / Re: Is it possible to rename
« Last post by wynford on July 20, 2024, 13:29:11 »
That's exactly what I want to do... but I do not see a 'View mode' button in the top right, but Ctrl+shift+B does exactly what I want it to do


I didn't have "view mode" checked in settings... I see it now :)
Support and Feedback / Re: Is it possible to rename
« Last post by Jungle on July 19, 2024, 18:13:56 »
If I get you right... Let's suppose there's a folder structure:

Code: [Select]

You can enter my_folder\, switch to "Flat" mode (via Ctrl+Shift+B or "View mode" button in the top right corner of the explorer panel). It will show all the files recursively within one list:

Code: [Select]

Now you can select these files and multi-rename them.
Support and Feedback / Is it possible to rename
« Last post by wynford on July 19, 2024, 16:48:48 »
Is it possible to rename multiple folders with files in each, where you want to rename all files all at one time instead of one folder at a time without renaming the folder?

False positives happens a lot.  The security software sees that this software do lots of files things. so it much be suspicious.
It often fix it self after a while. Not much I can do to make it not happen.

Oh O.K. thanks !
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