« Last post by tbone on June 27, 2024, 00:03:15 »
Hello Matthias,
thank you for your response. I tried to explicitly change to dark mode and back, but no way. The preview keeps being black, the switch between light/dark mode ruined all my font settings and probably some more, but I had a copy of the folder.. so I was back to where I left off very quickly.
I don't get how the preview template is related to the multi viewer. I can add random text to a preview template and it will show in the preview tooltip and in the preview panel, but setting a FontSize e.g., only affects the preview tooltip font size. I also found a font setting in..
MultiCommander_v14.1.0.3017_x64_portable\Config\Extensions\MultiFileViewer\MultiFileViewer.xml, but it had no effect.
There are 2 more config files for the same plugin, looking very similar, why do these exist in 2 places, do you know?
This plugin also seems to appear under various names, as "MultiFileViewer" and "File Viewer" in "Manage Plugins and Extension.."
and as "MultiDataViewer" in "File Type Setup..". Is this the same plugin each time?
In general I get a bit confused, if you find the time to answer, thank you.. o)
1) "Preview Customization.. " in the menu, it allows to map preview templates to file extensions, so this is (mainly) for the tooltip, right?
It somehow affects the preview panel as well though. Since any text entered in a template, will also show up in the preview panel.
2) You said: "the panel view is the entire multiviewer that shown the data. so it support highlighthing and lots more stuff"
It seems to me that "MultiDataViewer" under Menu -> "File Type Setup.. " is the viewer, which opens in a separate window only?
Or is there a way to make it work in the preview panel as well?
3) Is there a compatible Total Commander (or anything) plugin, that would allow setting a Font when previewing text files in the preview panel?
Maybe there is something that allows to handle images a bit better (quickly zoom in/out in the preview panel e.g.)?
When speaking of "Preview Panel", I mean what the MC GUI is declaring as "Preview Panel", shown as tab in one of the two file displays.
Thanks! o)