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Topics - multicart

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I saw that I can save a search (F3) and even put it on the F keys in order to quickly search with the saved parameters again.
However, I rather would like to have a quick list of my saved searches that I can quickly choose from, so that with one (or max two) click(s) the chosen search is executed.

I also found the custom command MC.FileSearch ( This is nice too. But it seems to only open the search UI dialog with predefined parameters.
(Besides, the values for PANEL: LEFT, RIGHT, ACTIVE, INACTIVE I do not see them reflected in the search UI dialog.)

I am just wondering, is there no way to just load and run a saved search (predefined parameters) via some form of user defined command without the UI dialog (without using the F keys)?

What would make sense to me is, if the MC.FileSearch custom command would have an option to run a saved search (saved previously via the search dialog) immediately without the dialog.

regards, m.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / coloring rules and selection colors
« on: November 29, 2024, 12:25:02 »
Hi Mathias,

I understand that the background color of coloring rules competes with the background color of selected items.
Even though, it would be nice if both background colors could somehow be visible in such a case, I do understand if you do not go for such a solution.

However, I am not sure why the text color of the coloring rules gets overwritten by the defined text color of selected items.
I would wish that the text color of coloring rules will always be stronger than any other definded text color.

regards, m.

Support and Feedback / BUG: MultiCommander.xml gets corrupted
« on: November 29, 2024, 11:22:27 »
Hi Mathias,

when I do Configuration > Dark colors theme setup... > Change the custom colors (Eg Explorer Panel Filelist colors) > Dark colors for Windows Explorer styled work flow
and click Apply
then the MultiCommander.xml under C:\Users\[profile name]\AppData\Local\Packages\48089MathiasSvensson.MultiCommander_9d7x1c4ybj2dr\LocalState\Config gets corrupted.
Specifically, <toolbars> .... <cmdlinebar> ... <launchbar value="1"/>
-> the "launchbar" turns into something like "lau..." and some asian looking character. As a result, MC will not start anymore but crashes with lots repetion of the same error message that the MultiCommander.xml is corrupted.

Hi Mathias,

I noticed something strange. The context of all(?) other toolbar buttons - if they have a context menu - pops up when clicking the right mouse button.
But for the "Select File Coloring Profiles" toolbar button it is the left mouse button. This is a bit uncomfortable.
Is there a reason for this strange difference in behavior?

regards, m.

Hello Mathias,

The heading pretty much says it all:

I would wish to be able to define / safe the sorting column and sorting order in a custom column layout as well. Additionally to the selection of which columns should be included.

E.g. I would like for my Downloads folder to always be sorted by date as default, but the rest of the file system should be sorted by name as default.

BTW, it would also be nice, if any settings effecting the sorting could be defined in a custom column layout, e.g. whether the folders should always be sorted alphabetically or not. E.g., I would like them to generally be always sorted alphabetically but not in the Downloads folder. :)

kind regards, m.

Support and Feedback / Problems / Hick ups with file / folder coloring
« on: November 27, 2024, 21:26:32 »
Hi Mathias,

I continue to encounter, problems or hick ups with the file / folder coloring.
It does not work 100 % reliably.

It just does not always color all files/folders that should be affected by the coloring rules. Sometimes no files / folders are colored at all, sometimes some are and some not.
As it seems to me, it might help a bit to deactivate "Explorer Panel Settings > Display > Refresh file coloring on forced refresh". But in general, the application of the coloring rules is not 100 % reliable here on my end.
Sometimes, a file or folder ist even displayed as just a white "empty" line. It is there in the list, but no name nor other properties are displayed. When I refresh, the file or folder is displayed ok again but another one is affected by the "white line" bug instead. As soon as I turn off file coloring, the "white line" bug disappears and all file / folder information is displayed fine.

All these symptoms appear sometimes and at other times it works as expected. I have not found a reason nor a pattern of when it occurs.
Any ideas?

regards, m.

Support and Feedback / location of new tabs on the tab bar
« on: November 27, 2024, 10:30:43 »
hello all,

if a tab was opened from within an existing tab (e.g. locked tab with setting ON to open folders from a locked tab in a new tab), is there a way to open that new tab right next to the existing tab (and not at the end of the tab bar)?

regards, m.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / navigating away from a locked tab
« on: November 27, 2024, 10:03:04 »
Hi Mathias,

this is kind of a desparate wish. I like locked tabs. However, in MC, when I am in a locked tab, I cannot even navigate to a folder in a new tab.
I would like to use locked tabs as a jump off base to open folders (from the list or the address bar) quickly in new tabs by just clicking on them as I would normally.
Right now, it is quite frustrating to click on a folder in the list or on a parent folder in the address bar just for MC to do ... nothing. I wish it would instead open a new tab with that folder.

(BTW, I saw the option to "allow suppath change" but the main problem really is with parent folders. Besides, I prefer a locked tab be fully locked, so I don't have to think about where it went.)

regards, m.

Hi all,

Are the Core and Explorer Panel Settings also included in the Help > Backup / Restore function?
I am a bit confused because the Settings have each their own Export / Import functions.

thx, regards, m.

Hi Mathias,

I have the Windows Store App version of MC. Company policy.
Now, I want to start it with CLPs. I asked MS Copilot.
I do find the installation path in the UWP_Apps_List.txt created with the PowerShell command Get-AppxPackage.
I saw that there is a seemingly normal MultiCommander.exe.
When I start it with CLPs, everything seems to work fine as expected.
However, MS Copilot warned me against starting that exe directly, since it supposedly could have undesired side-effects, since a Windows Store App is not supposed to be started with an exe directly.

So, I thought, I ask the dev directly. What do you recommend?

Many thx, regards, m.

Hi Mathias,

under Explorer Panel Settings > Mouse configurations, the "Click and hold" event also triggers the "Click" event, e.g. when I have "Click" set to "Open/Execute" and "Click and hold" to "Rename" then upon clicking and holding it will (in case of a file) both start an inline renaming of the file and at the same time open the file. Not what anybody with these settings could want.

I want to humbly request, please, for a "Click and hold" to NOT trigger a "Click". Many thx in advance for considering it.

regards, m.

I found the ID of UDCs (user defined commands).
But how do I find the IDs of other commands?

thx and regards, m.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Tab Sessions drop down menu
« on: November 22, 2024, 16:57:51 »
Hello Mathias,

it would be nice if there was a button that would provide a drop down like the sub-menu in the File > Tab Sessions sub menu (see picture).

I tried to find an internal command that would pop that menu to make a user defined command (UDC) that would pop it directly, but I did not find any.

regards, m.

see title, please, thx.

Or can we users "only" customize a lot of other things (e.g the menu and the button bar (at the bottom))?

regards, m.

Is it possible to configure the delay for "Click and hold" (Explorer Panel Settings > Mouse configurations)?

Support and Feedback / Problems with configuring selection behavior
« on: November 15, 2024, 10:26:38 »
Hi Mathias,

In Explorer Panel Settings > Display, I unchecked "Select and Unselect when navigating over files and folders".
Then, in > Mouse configurations, I set "Left Click" to "Open folder", "Right click" to "Toggle Selection" and Right "Click and hold" to "Shell context menu".

It is really nice that one can - in theory - adjust the mouse buttons behavior in such detail. However, when I now right click on files or folders, it sometimes selects them and sometimes not. The behavior is not reliable. Do you have any suggestions how to fix it?

Many thanks in advance, regards, m.

Support and Feedback / Problems with Quick Search
« on: November 15, 2024, 10:01:38 »
The Quick Search feature seems to not work. I am using Windows Explorer-Style Setup.
When I start typing, the focus seems to go to some kind of (new?) field in the location where the status bar would normally be.
But other than that, nothing happens when I type.
I am using WASE (Windows App Store Edition).

Support and Feedback / coloring rule for overlong file paths?
« on: November 13, 2024, 11:18:58 »
Hi all,
is it currently possible to define a file coloring rule for overlong file paths?
i.e. if the path has more than 260 characters, apply the coloring rule

regards, m.

Hi Mathias,

The split size right now is not remembered across sessions. It would be much better for me ;-), if it would get remembered, at least as an option.

Anyway, thank you for this good program.
regards, multicart

Hello Mathias,

I am a long time user of XYplorer and am "forced" to migrate to Multi Commander because of restrictions bestowed upon me by my employer.
That said, MC seems to be nice and actively (maybe even passionately?) developed. So, the pain is already reduced.

One of the features, though, that I am very sad about to have lost, is the option to be able to color code folders based on whether their sub-branch is empty of files. Meaning, if the folder and its sub-folders (if any) do not contain any files, then color code the folder in a certain way, e.g. blue text.
Especially, when browsing a folder structure, created by someone else, this is very helpful. Sometimes also with my own folder structure.

In order to accomplish this, that logic must be accessible in the file coloring rules.
I also have an idea, already, how:

In,4745.msg13685.html#msg13685 you mentioned:

Quote from: Mathias (Author)
I have some idea about a column that gets the content to show from a MultiScript.

With such a "custom column" implemented I could (hopefully) write my own script for that column, evaluating each folders content and returning an indicator in that special column (as long as I have a variable/placeholder for the item of each line (respectively, the current line,) that I can use in that MultiScript). Then I could base my coloring rule on that column's value - as long as the coloring rules will then support such special columns.

There are other things that I already miss, but this one currently seem the most important for me.
Many thanks in advance if you were to consider it.

Kind regards,

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