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Topics - bgroper

Pages: [1]
Hi forum
I'm using MC 14.4 (build 3047) on Windows 10 Pro-N.
I have Windows configured with FoxitReader as the default viewer for PDF files.
Also added *.pdf to File Type Setup in MC, with pointer to FoxitReader.
I can also see the xml elements and values saved in C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\MultiCommander\Config\FiteTypes.xml.
Using MC, a point and click at a single pdf file opens the file using the FoxitReader as expected.  Tick.
When MC has multiple pdf files selected (ie 2 or more files), they will all open using a different app.  A secondary PDF tool.
How do I make MC open multiple files in the selected default app, FoxitReader ?
Thanks for any tips or clues, and thanks for the great program.

Edit.  Yes, after making these changes I did restart windows, but the problem remains.   :(

Support and Feedback / Send to menu variations
« on: April 17, 2019, 14:11:00 »
Hi forum.
I'm new here, and liking the MultiCommander.   :)

I can select a file in either panel, and then right-click, Send to.
This gives me a neat list of apps that I've carefully configured in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo

BUT if I select a file, then Shift-F10, Send to
This Send to list now includes a list of unwanted windows cruft and crud.

Please, any clues for howto tame this errant windows behaviour.   >:(

Edit.  It seems the unwanted items are located in the %USERPROFILE% directory.
I've deleted a pile of windows junk.  Time will tell whether anything is broken.   :-X

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