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Messages - bgroper

Pages: [1]
Thanks for your helps.
Yes, the problem comes from windoze, not MC.
I've managed to hack at the registry, and now multiple files are opening tabbed in Foxit as expected.
If anybuddy else has a similar issue, there's some useful ideas in this blog page.
Meanwhile, I've marked this as [SOLVED]

Support and Feedback / Re: MC using wrong app to open multiple files
« on: December 07, 2024, 08:41:58 »
You are saying "view" So I guess you edit the "view" part in FileType Setup.?

When you click to "Open" file. you are not viewing them.. you are Opening them. so the "Open/Run" part in FileType Setup is used.

By default it is handled by windows and windows will open all of the files that MC send to Windows with the program associated with the file.
You can override that behaviour if you want, But then I don't think opening multiple is supported. But Then you can do that from Script and define you own command.

Sorry, I shouldn't use vague and misleading terminology.
Actually, I'm almost exclusively using the keyboard.  Not much mouse.
To select a few files, I'm using the keyboard shift and arrow keys.  Then just press Enter key.
I don't know whether the Enter key causes View or Open/Run actions.
In File Type Setup I've configured Foxit executable for *.pdf in both Viewers and Launchers(Run/Open) tabs.
Single files get opened by Foxit as expected, but when multiple files selected, a different (unwanted at this point) PDF app opens the selected files.
Please, is there some existing information about making a script to achieve my desired outcome ?
BTW, with Windows Explorer I can use keyboard to select multiple pdf files and then press Enter key.  The multiple files (nearly) instantly open in FoxitReader in separate tabs as expected.
TIA's for any tips or clues.

Hi forum
I'm using MC 14.4 (build 3047) on Windows 10 Pro-N.
I have Windows configured with FoxitReader as the default viewer for PDF files.
Also added *.pdf to File Type Setup in MC, with pointer to FoxitReader.
I can also see the xml elements and values saved in C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\MultiCommander\Config\FiteTypes.xml.
Using MC, a point and click at a single pdf file opens the file using the FoxitReader as expected.  Tick.
When MC has multiple pdf files selected (ie 2 or more files), they will all open using a different app.  A secondary PDF tool.
How do I make MC open multiple files in the selected default app, FoxitReader ?
Thanks for any tips or clues, and thanks for the great program.

Edit.  Yes, after making these changes I did restart windows, but the problem remains.   :(

Support and Feedback / Re: F6 - Move files
« on: January 23, 2021, 05:04:13 »
Not by default since many of the options and feature for copy are set there.
But you can use UserDefinedCommand to create a new command that skip that.

Thanks, that might be very useful.

Thanks for clarification.  I did think you meant LEFT not right.
BTW, on my old skool mechanical keyboard, the key left of 1 is the backtick key. 
It works as intended.   ;D

Support and Feedback / Send to menu variations
« on: April 17, 2019, 14:11:00 »
Hi forum.
I'm new here, and liking the MultiCommander.   :)

I can select a file in either panel, and then right-click, Send to.
This gives me a neat list of apps that I've carefully configured in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo

BUT if I select a file, then Shift-F10, Send to
This Send to list now includes a list of unwanted windows cruft and crud.

Please, any clues for howto tame this errant windows behaviour.   >:(

Edit.  It seems the unwanted items are located in the %USERPROFILE% directory.
I've deleted a pile of windows junk.  Time will tell whether anything is broken.   :-X


By default it will send any key to the command line field. But even if you turn that if there is a hotkey that bring focus to the command line field
the key that is right of the "1" key.

Please, I mean no disrespect.  You're an admin, and I'm just a newbie.
But did you mean to the LEFT of the "1" key ??   ???

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