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Messages - Mathias (Author)

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Support and Feedback / Column sizing in List view
« on: Yesterday at 12:15:59 »
If you right click on column header and select "save current layout as default" it will try to always use that size.

Support and Feedback / Re: MC hangs when copying files
« on: February 26, 2025, 23:10:18 »
Not seen that, Nothing with copy has changed in latest version.

If it hangs you can create a process dump from taskmanager and upload it to
And I check from that see what MC is waiting for. Often when mc hang it wait for some call to Windows to finish. often some network operation.

Yes showing Root can be slow..  No it does not call for each folder.

It is actually only done 1 api call.
Problem is that Everyting is not optimized for just returning folder size.  (Everything 1.5 will be better) it doing a search.
So when asking about the root of a drive. Everything is actually returning everything on that drive and MC need to filter out what it needs. But for what I understand Everything 1.5 will handle it better

So when clicking on the buttons in the toolbar nothing happens.. Any button ? or just some
I cannot reproduce that , I tested in both Win10 or Win11.

Does other mouse click action work in other places in the program? like navigating into folder. opening menu . and other ?

I can't see what the issue is from that video ?
What is not correct ? what should I look for ?

Support and Feedback / Re: Setting MC with Everything
« on: February 19, 2025, 22:11:14 »
Only folder sizing using Everything is supported at the moment.  More support might be added.

Support and Feedback / Re: [Issue] MultiDataViewer word wrap is broken
« on: February 18, 2025, 08:02:10 »
Options in the viewer.
I think you have fixed width enabled., So it breaks after X characters..

Yes some formatting are lost when lines are broken. that is a know bug.

Support and Feedback / Re: SHIFT + Character Hotkey not working
« on: February 18, 2025, 07:59:09 »
It gets in conflict with other things

Disable Forward keys to command line bar
and Quick search can't be letter only...

Problem is that Shift + C is Upper case 'C'.
And both Forwards key to command line bar and Quick search see that as normal text.

Support and Feedback / Re: No update available?
« on: February 16, 2025, 10:47:18 »
Fixed.. should work again

Support and Feedback / Re: No update available?
« on: February 15, 2025, 12:41:41 »
I moved the website into a docker container yesterday and something got messed up.. Should work now.

Support and Feedback / Re: Default sorting type per folder?
« on: February 13, 2025, 12:21:41 »
There is no way to customize folder by folder.
It is planed for something like that.

But you can change sorting with hotkeys
Ctrl+F1 to F5 will change sorting to column 1 to 5, Selecting an column that is already sorting will reverse the sort..

Support and Feedback / Re: Can not move some files
« on: February 13, 2025, 09:06:07 »
Attributes does not matte for admin or not. 
Permission can cause issue specially over the network. even if you are admin on your machine you might not be admin on remote machine.
Unless you are connected to a ActiveDirectory

Remote side is a Windows machines ? or a Linux NAS  ?

Support and Feedback / Re: Can not move some files
« on: February 13, 2025, 08:25:21 »
Does the files has readonly attribute, or permissions that prevent it from being deleted ?

Support and Feedback / Re: Proper column sizing in List view
« on: February 12, 2025, 22:10:36 »
My other issue is position-to within a file listing. In Windows Explorer and other file managers, you can click once in the file listing to set the focus, then start typing, and the focus changes to the first file that starts with that letter. And if you press Enter after pressing F or G or CH or whatever, the focused file gets launched. In MC, a little popup appears showing my typed text, but it doesn't change the focus.

Yes it change the focus and you can lunch with return from the search filed that pops up..
But you can also turn off the quick search field.
Explorer Panel settings , Under Keyboard handling.. turn off search field.. and turn off search keys.. Then focus will jump to best match while typing

Support and Feedback / Re: Can not move some files
« on: February 12, 2025, 14:07:15 »
Yes. Nothing around that is changed.. No issue have been found.
Not been able to reproduce it.

When Windows Server is involved . nothing surprises me. The network security in Windows Server is complex and advanced.

Support and Feedback / Re: Everything support - wrong folder size
« on: February 12, 2025, 14:03:20 »
Ok, I understand.

But still MC hangs when operation is in progress ("Calculating folder size, please wait...") and I want to close MC. Need to kill it. Is it possible to cancel task, when exiting MC?

I tried to upload dump (via, but there is an error:
Bad Gateway
The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.

The problem is that MC is waiting for the response from Everything. And currently there is no good way to abort that..
It will work better when Everything 1.5 comes. then get folder sizes will be even faster.

that is not a key for MultiUpdate. it is a key for WinHTTP  that is a service in windows for doing Http connection.. But MultiUpdate and MC is using that.

Make sure you allow the MultiUpdate.exe app go pass the firewall and not just Multicommander.exe

It works on the Windows server I have access to. But it is not super locked down.

However on server there are so many other policies then just firewall that can block app from reaching the network.
It is very complex. I don't know what can cause the issue for you.

Support and Feedback / Re: Everything support - wrong folder size
« on: February 10, 2025, 15:00:21 »
No MC can't cause Everything to crash like that..  Everything has an API that MC uses and ask. If everything has memory issues it is not becuse of MC.

But to get the correct folder size the option "Index folder size" must be enabled in the settings in Everything .

Support and Feedback / Re: No full-row select
« on: February 10, 2025, 12:30:46 »
To be able to turn it off, It been on the todo list for a while. Problem is that it will break a lot of other features/options. So it is not a quick fix. So because of that it been pushed a head.

Support and Feedback / Re: Everything support - wrong folder size
« on: February 10, 2025, 12:17:20 »
I can't reproduce that..
What version of "Everything" are you running. ?

That value look like a 64bit max value.. I guess Everything might have returned an error code that is not handled.

Everything can cause slowness specially in the root of C: MC will get the folder size from everything in the background , so it should not lock up everything. but everything can cause slowness.

Do you see folder size in "Everything"? . Might be that it must be turned on in settings in Everything.. not sure if that is on by default.

Script / Re: 7-zip profiles vs cmd line 7-zip?
« on: February 10, 2025, 12:16:00 »
Not sure why i hangs for you. it is strange..  all file operations are handled in background threads.

Can you give me a script that fails and a list how with how the the file structure should be for the script. Then I can test using the same file structure as you..  if it is something with the files or script

Script / Re: 7-zip profiles vs cmd line 7-zip?
« on: February 10, 2025, 08:41:32 »
Yes the idea was to scan subfolders; zip specifically named folders; delete those source zipped folders, leaving the 7z in their place & log operations.
(a & b were just placeholders for my test before giving it actual pathing)

I was thinking of adding a StrIsRegExpMatchNoCase or similar to delete redundant files recursively.  Basically a tidy up operation on a number of subfolders.
I got this, but the DeleteFiles instruction hangs the debugger & MC with a deletion dialog, tried with & without {}s on the last instruction.  Also tried SILENT to no effect  ???
Am I missing sth or is this a bug?

Code: [Select]
@var $currentPath = GetSourcePath();
@var $Items = GetSourceItems();
@var $count = arrayCount($Items);
@var $curItem;
@var $fullFilename;
@var $array2[];

// Loop all items in the $Items array
for( $n = 0; $n < $count; $n++)
  $curItem = $Items[$n];
  $fullFilename = $currentPath ^ $curItem;
  @var $isMatch = StrIsRegExpMatchNoCase($fullFilename, "[a-z0-9]{30}");

      arrayAdd($array2, $curItem);

@var $options[] = {"NODIALOG"};
DeleteFiles($array2, $options);

Thanks in advance for looking at this

Hang the debugger ? hmm any error dialog that popup behind MC maybe ?

this work for me
Code: [Select]
@var $deleteOptions[] = {"NODIALOG"};

@var $files[] = {"R:\\Target\\", "R:\\Target\\", "R:\\Target\\"};

DeleteFiles($files, $deleteOptions);

Support and Feedback / Re: Invalid Path
« on: February 10, 2025, 07:19:17 »
Ahh During file operation. the look in the fileoperations log.  not app log. sorry

In core settings you can enable if the logging should be saved or not and what log level you want to show

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