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Messages - Mathias (Author)

Pages: 1 ... 155 156 157 158 [159] 160 161 162 163 ... 173
Not sure I understand what you want to do. Not sure what you mean by subdirectories.

INSERT will toggle the selection of a file/folder and move to the next file/folder.
And you can do Ctrl + num+ to select all files with the same extension. (and ctrl+ num- to deselect them)
Alt+NUM+ will select all files with same name that has different extension..
(eg Filename.txt , filename.cpp , filename.h,  will all be selected when you do alt+ num+ on one of them)

Script / Re: Create empty text file
« on: May 21, 2012, 10:19:57 »
Shift+F5 (might be something other, depends on default style, men look in menu > file )
will copy the select file to the same folder and will suggest a name that is same as original with ".bak" appended

To create a empty file fast. You can type "cf <filname>" in the commandline field.

Support and Feedback / Re: Unpack error
« on: May 20, 2012, 10:15:46 »
I found the error. It was fixed before but the fix got ignored because of another bug fix. 

When unpacking many small files it is slow because it handles zip as a virtual filesystem and do not unpack the files in the order they are stored in the zip file so because of that it has to located the file for every files it unpacks. However zip is very fast at that so it is only noticeable if there are many small files.

But this is fixed in the next version.

Support and Feedback / Re: Select files with the 'Insert' key
« on: May 18, 2012, 23:20:42 »
MultiCommander is made to follow the commander styled setup first. The Windows Explorer Style setup is there for compatibility. but it is not 100% and it sometimes conflicts with the commander style setup. Specially if you start out in Windows Explorer Setup and then start to customized away options that enabled that. I will see if it can be resolved without breaking anything with commander style setup.

But Im not able to recreate your problem but Im not sure exactly of your problem.  But I guess it might be the Selected vs Checked issue.
Try enable checkboxes. When copy files only checked files will be copied.. (if there are multiple files checked)

How do you run it ? from the command line in MC or by dbl clicking it ? or by script ?

Hmm don't know if that is possible. Windows is handled all of the launching of external programs. Might be possible if run from script, because then we know that it is a console program and run it directly via cmd.exe

Ahhh okey now I understand.

Right new you can only have custom colors based on filename but im working on a system where you can defined custom colors rules based on more properties and then it will be possible to set a custom colors for hidden/system files.

Yes, but I don't see a setting for system/hidden files and folders.

Layout tab

Category "Show/Hide Special files and Folder" a bit down.

Also it would be good if those files/folders were of a different color.
That can be configured in Explorer Panel Settings.
You mean under Colors? I don't see it..

Menu > Configuration > Explorer Panel Settings
Color Tab

There you can configure the color separate colors for files and folders

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Secure delete (wipe)
« on: May 18, 2012, 18:07:10 »
I have been looking into that.  But now days it is not so easy as to just over write the data. Since Windows no have a file recovery feature  (Previous Versions) There might be hidden backup still on the drive.
And if you have re-saved that file sometimes before it can still be other place on the drive. So all free space on the entire drive drive must be overwritten to be sure that it is gone.

Is there a shortcut to toggle showing of hidden/system folders and files?
Not so you can toggle it on/off with a button. You have to go into Explorer Panel Settings and enable/disable it.

Also it would be good if those files/folders were of a different color.
That can be configured in Explorer Panel Settings.

Support and Feedback / Re: Share credentials
« on: May 18, 2012, 18:00:47 »
Most of the time it will ask for credentials. But there are some situation that it fails to do that. I have it on my list of think to try to fix.

Support and Feedback / Re: Select files with the 'Insert' key
« on: May 18, 2012, 17:59:29 »
That is the normal commander style setup..
Menu > Configuration > Quick Look'n'Feel Setup

And select Commander Styled Look'n'Feel and it will configure everything for the commander styled setup.

If you Only want to change the 'insert' key then you can change it you self in
Menu > Configuration > Explorer Panel Settings

Under Selection and Checking items.
make sure that "Auto uncheck files and folder when single selection" is

Support and Feedback / Re: Unpack error
« on: May 18, 2012, 17:54:37 »
That is strange. I have not seen any slowness before. and that big difference is strange.
Hard to tell why it is slow without more information about the zip file and to where you copy it.
How is the content of the zip file. large with many large file,  with many small files, Copy to local drive or network ?

If you have an example file that is slow that I can test with, You can upload files here

Support and Feedback / Re: Unpack error
« on: May 18, 2012, 12:31:04 »
Thanks.  I was able to recreate the problem.

The problem happen if you do a drag & drop MOVE operation. since it can not delete from the zip file while copy them. 

Workaround is to make sure that you see the |+| sign on the cursor then drag and dropping the files. Then it will do a Copy and not a Move, And it will work.

In the next version this will be fixed.

Yes it would be. and it will come.. I'm planing something like that.

But it is on the design stage right now. It is easy to get the UI to be really messy for something like that. So I'm trying to come up a GUI that is not to hard to work with, but also include all the needed features.

Support and Feedback / Re: Customization
« on: May 16, 2012, 15:10:56 »
No problem at all, I was not offended at all.

I got the question a couple of time about turning off the splash. I was just wonder if there are an issue with it that I have not noticed my self. Sometimes people want to turn off or change sometime because of some reason. But when I get the information about 'why' it is a problem, I sometime finds a better fix for the problem they have. Maybe it on some system is there for a long time and is annoying in some way.. I don't know. But would like to know.

One more. I have a backup of Xml files into Zip file. If in future if there are any later updated versions and I instal them over my present version, do I need to over write Xml files to retain my customized settings in earlier version Sir.

When updating using the built in update tool the configuration files will not be overwritten so the settings you made know should be kept.
Also if you uninstall and do a reinstall you can choose not to remove configuration when uninstalling.

If you running portable version. And are NOT updating using the update tool. Then make sure you do not overwrite the files in the config/ folder or backup them

So you want the name of the folder you stand on to be already shown in the new folder name dialog ?

I think that would be a bit annoying for most people. because most of the time you create completely new folders.

But you can do that with script.

Create a User defined command of "Custom Command" type

Code: [Select]
MC.Explorer.Makedir FOLDERNAME="${sourcefocusname}"
The the name of the file/folder in focus will be show in the Create folder dialog when it is shown.

Then you assign that command to a hotkey  eg Ctrl+F7

Search and Checksum panel does not have a "Current Path Field" that changes color. :)

I might add a option for it if it does not require to much work.

It is now fixed..  Was a very simple fix.

Thank for reporting it.

Found the problem. The path is changed. it is just not redrawn as soon as it can be. It is redrawn when the process of getting icons is finished.

I see a small lag if I got around 5000 files.

But only sometimes. Strange I will take a look at it..

Btw. Try Turning of Overlay icons under
Menu > Configuration > Explorer Panel Settings

I found a problem with text appearing in text box which you can find above the "Name" column in both panels. It is in grey or blue colour depends on which panel is currently focused. When I change a directory (this happens very quickly) I expected that text will change very quickly as well but sometimes it takes one or one and half second. It is very strange and I don't know why it happens. Thanks for your answer.

The "Current Path Field" ?

It is kind of by design. It is only updated if the new location is browsed and updated successfully an if the file system is slow or computer very busy/slow it can be a minor lag.

Might be possible to optimized it a bit and make the lag a bit smaller.

How about passing the selected files from both panels so that 'Comparison' programs like "WinMerge" can be called with both files as parameters.

That would be a weird UI behavior. If it even would be possible to implement in a good way. But I agree with Jungle, That would work better as a script.

The background for the standard windows control will use the windows defined colors.. So if you change that color in windows
(win7) Personalization -> WIndows Color and Apperance > Advanced apperance settings..

It will change. It will also change in ALL the programs you run.

I do plan to include option to customize and override the default color. But that might not be in next version. More important things to fix first.

But the color for the panel focus can be change

Menu > Configuration > Core Settings
  Frame color of active panel

There is no plugin like that available yet. And plugins for other file managers be used in MC.

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