Multi Commander Support Forum

Multi Commander => Support and Feedback => Topic started by: Isabelxxx on May 02, 2015, 18:33:03

Title: File Checksum broken
Post by: Isabelxxx on May 02, 2015, 18:33:03
Hi, just seen you updated the program with the Unicode Support but now there is something definitely wrong.

Using Multicommander to create a checksum file

H:\New test.rar

Output sfv file:
Code: [Select]
N e4e5a3

h:\Musica_vinilo\Omega\10000 lépés {luckburz 1969 HUN 1st Qualiton LPX 17400}\
Code: [Select]
10 - Félbeszakadt koncert.flac
09 - Spanyolgitár legenda.flac
08 - 1958-as boogie-woogie klubban.flac
07 - Tízezer lépés.flac
06 - Tékozló fiúk.flac
05 - Kérgeskezű favágok.flac
04 - Udvari bolond kenyere.flac
03 - Tűzvihar.flac
02 - Gyöngyhajú lány.flac
01 - Petróleum lámpa.flac

Code: [Select]
0 68a2cb3b
0 70862fb6
0 3b81c27e
0 5c6be97e
0 a89de4d3
0 8f1a3448
0 c790ef0c
0 33f646d1
0 88c8344f
1 c40a8568
1 e4ce9dfe

Tested several times with different folders and files, no names are written in the sfv file using the last versión. Just the first character and the checksum.

Loading an unicode sfv file (created with total commander) from

h:\Musica_vinilo\Omega\10000 lépés {luckburz 1969 HUN 1st Qualiton LPX 17400}\

Code: [Select]
; Generated by WIN-SFV32 v1.0
; (Compatible: Total Commander 8.51a)
art\Gatefold Inside.png 22413440
art\Gatefold Outside.png 592C79D6
art\Poster.png E26B0256
art\Side A.png AAF84704
art\Side B.png D894FB4C
Flac_MD5.ffp 7EF399A9
01 - Petróleum lámpa.flac 68A2CB3B
02 - Gyöngyhajú lány.flac 70862FB6
03 - Tűzvihar.flac 3B81C27E
04 - Udvari bolond kenyere.flac 5C6BE97E
05 - Kérgeskezű favágok.flac A89DE4D3
06 - Tékozló fiúk.flac 8F1A3448
07 - Tízezer lépés.flac C790EF0C
08 - 1958-as boogie-woogie klubban.flac 33F646D1
09 - Spanyolgitár legenda.flac 88C8344F
10 - Félbeszakadt koncert.flac C40A8568
cover.jpg EA172055
foo_dr.txt 50656364
Info.txt CB847F8B
info_avax.txt 8CFA4173

Still those files using unicode names not being recognized. Ansi sfv files working as expected.

All that using last version, portable, from clean install.
Title: Re: File Checksum broken
Post by: Mathias (Author) on May 04, 2015, 09:47:21
Hi, just seen you updated the program with the Unicode Support but now there is something definitely wrong.
No what was added was

"ADDED - SFV tool can now read .sfv/.md5 files in unicode."

READ not create, Create is still not supported since it require another approach else a lot of other tools that read .sfv files created by MC would start failing. Most SFV tools do not like .sfv files in unicode

Title: Re: File Checksum broken
Post by: Isabelxxx on May 04, 2015, 17:38:07
To me is not really necessary to add the create unicode feature, since TC does that.

But read again my previous post:

Create sfv is not working with any file
. Not only unicode.

Also the Reading is not working with unicode as intended. Still working with the non unicode sfv.

Check the first example I put, it's not unicode and it didn't work.
Title: Re: File Checksum broken
Post by: Mathias (Author) on May 04, 2015, 17:46:15
That is strange because it works for me. I can check both ASCII and Unicode SFV without issues.

Are you sure the sfv is unicode and not ascii with different text encoding so when it is loaded maybe it does not find the files since the encoding of MC and the created program does not match
Title: Re: File Checksum broken
Post by: Isabelxxx on May 05, 2015, 14:40:48
Still can not create ASCII sfv in multicomander.

Have found the "unicode" problem...

Just noted the sfv file is in UTF-8. While multicommander seems to check for UTF-16 (or UCS-2). Any possibility to add sfv UTF-8 support too?

Title: Re: File Checksum broken
Post by: Mathias (Author) on May 08, 2015, 07:52:22
UTF-8 is not supported. and not sure if it will.  problem with UTF-8 is that it can't always be autodetected.
Title: Re: File Checksum broken
Post by: Isabelxxx on May 18, 2015, 14:48:55
I see. Have managed to solve the problem by using a command line utility to encode those utf-8 cheksums to the required encoding before checking them.

I don't use it, but don't forget to check the checksum creation since it was not working properly as I noted you.