Multi Commander Support Forum
Multi Commander => Support and Feedback => Topic started by: PythonCA on June 06, 2016, 17:38:27
Hi everyone,
I'm working with two NIC Ethernet cards. One with domain name (company) and other one is only LAN.
I remark that the folders on LAN are not updated correctly after each modification (size = 0, ordered by modification date instead of name, icon becomes white)
Also, after each modification in View or setting, GUI of Multi Commander is not rendered correctly as shows the attached image.
Does anyone has the same problem ?
MC do not care how many NIC you have. MC do not talk directly with the NIC. Windows is handling all that.
MC is accessing the network path like any normal path. (almost)
Depending on you settings, files are not always automatically resorted. However doing a force refresh (F2/F5 depending on setup) should also trigger a resort.
Icons are fetched in the background and for network it can be slow and take a while, and also sometimes it take to long and timeout.
Also permissions can be involved.
Also if the server side is not a real windows machines, like NAS / Linux Samba there are issues that they are not always notifying widows on changes.
Transparent issues with changing settings are some conflict with some other program on the machine. What program I do not know.
Thank you for the quick answer.
You are right. There a something wrong with the permission et samba setting at the NAS side. It needs to be optimized.
However, I do not have these problems of sorting and icon with Windows Explorer :-\ .
Transparent issues with changing settings, all I need to do is click twice on the setting :)
Anyway, it's a small inconvenient regarding all powerful functionalities of MC.