Multi Commander Support Forum

Multi Commander => Support and Feedback => Topic started by: ato on March 22, 2013, 09:36:03

Title: path of network drive lost after reopening [SOLVED]
Post by: ato on March 22, 2013, 09:36:03

I've tried to browse the forum unsuccessfully for this problem.
if I try to close MC when multiple tabs are opened it happens that, restarting MC, the paths of folders in the local machine are mantained, but the paths in the network are lost and the C: drive is displayed by default.
How to solve this?
Many thanks

Title: Re: path of network drive lost after reopening
Post by: Mathias (Author) on March 22, 2013, 09:43:23
Go to
Menu > Configuration > Explorer Panel Settings > Save On Exit (at the bottom)

Uncheck  "(x) Save only path to local harddrive"

(This is because of network drive is unavailable it will hang at startup until window decided it does not exists. Or if a NAS or server have put drives in sleep mode you will also get a hang until they wake up  )

Title: Re: path of network drive lost after reopening
Post by: ato on March 22, 2013, 10:08:39
TNX !!!