Multi Commander Support Forum
Multi Commander => Support and Feedback => Topic started by: em on May 05, 2013, 22:19:11
Let's say the file A has focus, when I hold [Ctrl] key and click on file B, now only the file B is selected, but the more natural and standard behavior would be to both files be selected.
All the best,
By default ctrl+Click will toggle selection as you describe. Maybe you changed some settings ?
And also there are some minor differences depending on if you are using Commander styled setup or Windows Explorer styled setup.
Ok, I downloaded a fresh copy and Ctrl + Click works the way I think it should only in Windows Explorer style, but which style I personally dislike.
Ctrl+Click will also toggle in commander styled setup.
But Commander style setup also toggle selection using right mouse button then no ctrl key is needed at all. :)
(There is no need to reinstall to switch mode..Quick Look'n'Feel setup in Configuration menu will do the settings changes to switch between modes.)
Ctrl + Click toggles in Commander Style, but the file from where the action started won't get selected.
To see what I mean, you can try the following steps:
1 - File A has focus (but is not selected)
2 - Ctrl + Click File B
Now only the File B is selected...not both
And yes, it's really nice that a task can be accomplished in multiple ways.
Ahh no, Commander style mode does not do that. it is by design.
Commander style mode does not set item to selected when clicked on