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Messages - Jungle

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Support and Feedback / [Bug?] Remember open paths
« on: October 25, 2012, 10:15:01 »
I switched to list view and saved it as default layout. But if Remember open paths option disabled, after start Explorer panel has Detailed view. Is it a bug or by design?

Support and Feedback / Re: Tabs on Panels
« on: October 25, 2012, 05:45:50 »
1. I have Tabs in left panel, a. D:\abcd 2. E:efcg. on my right panel I have a. E:\hiij, E:\klmn, E:\opqr. I wish to set this as my start option. In other words I want these to open when I start MC.

You may create autostart file and pass it as command line parameter.

3. When cursor stays on a file, it changes by displaying line with an underline (without changing color). If possible, I would like to change color of whole line to indicate that cursor is there.

You can change text/background color for focused files/folders in Explorer panel options > Colors.

Support and Feedback / Re: Save Clipboard into a FIle
« on: October 21, 2012, 19:43:56 »
Probably you should right click on some column and choose "save as default layout"

Support and Feedback / Re: Save Clipboard into a FIle
« on: October 21, 2012, 19:10:55 »
Just copy some text somewhere, then in MC press Ctrl+V or Shift+Ins, dialog will popup...
Also you can save images from clipboard.

Support and Feedback / User Defined Commands bug
« on: October 17, 2012, 06:09:59 »
1. Create user command, e.g. Test
2. Set its type to Multi Script
3. Check "Store script in external script file"
4. Enter full pathname to script file
5. Press Save

Result: MC terminates

Now launch MC, go to User Defined commands, select Test command. MC terminates.

So now you have to delete (or maybe rename - i haven't tried) script file.

MC v2.7.2 x64 Portable

Support and Feedback / Re: Quick Launch Customization
« on: October 17, 2012, 05:19:27 »
You may create user defined command, set its type to "Custom Commands" and text to

Code: [Select]
MC.Run CMD=x:\some_path\some_prog.exe ARG=${focusfilepath}
And then insert that command as a button into Quick launch

x:\some_path\some_prog.exe = path to your program

Support and Feedback / Fast moving to sibling folder BUG
« on: October 09, 2012, 12:40:14 »
1. Enter some folder with many subfolders (there must be more than two columns in explorer panel).
2. Navigate no e.g. third column.
3. Enter some folder.
4. Press Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDn.
5. Leave folder.

Result: explorer panel is unscrollable anymore (at lest by cursor keys) until you enter and leave some folder in the first two columns or parent folder.

Video attached (rename to .7z).


P.S. Although Ctrl+PgUp and Ctrl+PgDn are used for moving to sibling folder, they are allowed to be shortcuts in the keyboard customization. But don't work.

On the attached pic. you can see how the keyboard customization dialog looks after assigning Ctrl+PgDn key on View - Menu Bar

Support and Feedback / Re: Column Customisation
« on: October 08, 2012, 05:27:24 »
1. Right click on column header and choose Save current layout as default
2. View > Explorer Panel > Date format > Standard
3. Configuration > Explorer Panel settings > Display > Date / Time format
4. Press Ctrl+M to show/hide menu bar

This settings should not disable tooltips..
No. I mean tooltip for this option in settings tab.

Is it normal that hint (popup tooltip) is not displayed for this option? I think it should.

Support and Feedback / Re: bug of multi-rename extension
« on: September 21, 2012, 08:06:40 »
You can also enable Substring in 'Plugin and More' dialog and add several patterns to rename template, e.g.

Code: [Select]
and then save the profile.

Beta Releases / Re: 2.7.2 BETA - Bugs - Report Bugs for 2.7.2 BETA here
« on: September 21, 2012, 07:59:47 »
No translation string for Explorer panel settings > Layout > Hot Paths node

P.S. [Application][Explorer Panle] m.113 (Thumbnail details) - where is it used?

Support and Feedback / Re: Bug with displaying Drives toolbar
« on: September 18, 2012, 16:49:37 »
Well. It only happens if you change language between restarts.

If you set Russian language. Then restarts. Then hide drive toolbar, Then Restart, They are now still hidden.
No. It happens always. For Russian, English and Czech ok. Haven't tested other langs.

Support and Feedback / Bug with displaying Drives toolbar
« on: September 18, 2012, 08:17:38 »
If i set English language and disable drives toolbar, it is not displayed after restart. But if i choose Russian language, drives toolbar is always displayed.

No problem with Czech too.

Win 7 x64, MC v2.7.1 (x64 and x32)

Blog post comments / Re: Multi Commander 2.7.1 BETA - Build 1178
« on: September 13, 2012, 15:01:05 »
Configuration > Core Settings > Application Layout > Toolabrs > Quicklaunch bar (Entire row) ?

BTW If I may ask a subquestion - how can I set the different background color for even and odd rows?
Configuration > Explorer Panel Settings > Colors
Check Override standart Windows background, Alternating Background color. Then choose desired colors.

Support and Feedback / Re: Startup logo
« on: September 05, 2012, 11:55:51 »
I think it should be posted in FAQs section

Beta Releases / Multi Commander 2.7.1 BETA - Build 1178 - Bugs
« on: September 03, 2012, 05:51:14 »
Where do s.493-499 lines in Application.MultiCommander Core used? I can't find. Also no comments on h__p://

Btw, why are Shortcuts again included in text? I thought they are now added automatically.

Beta Releases / 2.6.0 Beta 1165 bugs
« on: August 13, 2012, 17:04:09 »
MC crashes after switching to Thumbnails mode (internal system) if folder contains *.dcr file (delphi related).

sample file attached (rename txt to dcr)

Beta Releases / Re: 2.6.0 b1159 - Questions
« on: August 13, 2012, 07:37:02 »
1. Is it possible to disable the behaviour of switching tabs on dragging files? Or maybe include modifier (ctrl/alt/shift).

When i drag files to the quicklaunch and mouse is over other tab, that tab becomes active.


2. Will it be possible to pass multiple files to quicklaunch buttons?


3. Space key selects files/folders and calculates folder size. Is it possible to make it move cursor down like Insert does?

Beta Releases / 2.6.0 b1159 - Questions
« on: August 10, 2012, 21:27:02 »
Is it normal that back, forward and history buttons (at the left of the command line) have no focus rectangle on mouse over?

Well, i don't try to change your mind :) I like the possibility to perform several simultaneous searches. You're right, everything should be easy. And efficient.

[irony] It just makes me sad when i see an application with single empty form that does nothing and has size ~1Mb. :) And i can't understand how the hell 2GHz CPU + 1Gb RAM + 128Mb video can not be enough for playing Tetris or 8-bit style game! [/irony]

Mistake of course.   :(
Well, good and bad are subjective. Performance and resources consuming are what is really important and what can be measured and compared. I can say nothing about smartphones since i've never had one, but i definitely prefer to have one phone for all my contact list rather than lots - phone per contact   :)

(And if it is never shown then it is never fully created, and does not take up any resources)
If i want to always see a tree, it means that it will be created for every tab. And for 10 tabs on each side there will be 100 trees? But since there is always one visible active tab on each panel, it means that actually only 2 trees needed.

Press the tree button or Alt+Num* to toggle it.  by default it is always off.
So each tab has its own tree? Or just some attribute? I think each explorer panel should have only one tree and it should be either always visible for all tabs or always hidden.

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