« on: October 10, 2012, 23:05:08 »
I can imagine that when You have so many good ideas then You want to do them at once :-) But take Your time, I would love to see more functions in the tabs especially if those functions can be operate similar to files (keyboard controls).
I don't think that search tab has bad design. Maybe only this Ctr+F window was a bit distractive on the beginning but event if You won't manage to make it minimize to small bar with sliding panel then it's ok, it's not a problem to get use to it. In fact Your search panel is much more convenient than in other tools I was using in past few years. First off all when I try to navigate through found files/folders I'm not loosing search list. It's great that when I double click on one item in search panel then it's focused on the other panel and I still have the search result in front of me. The only think I would like to see is the list view instead of details but I can understand that list view is in early stage of development in MC.
BTW: When I disable Path column in search panel just to save some space for long file names, then this column is visible again when I open search panel later.