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Messages - Kietna Qu'Tak

Pages: [1]
Hello. Instead of creating a manual I'm suggesting creating wiki with main subjects that needs to be discusses and allow MC users to write articles.  Maybe this will make less work for Mathias.

God luck :-) So far FTP client inside MC is working without problem for me.

As an home webmaster I'm using a lot of FTP connections. So far it works quite well, no error on working with FTP (expect that files does not have icons specific for they extensions). The only thing I really miss is possibility to change file or folder permissions. Right now to do this I need to use external software dedicated to FTP, but I would prefer to use MC since it has much better user interface than average FTP client.

Support and Feedback / Re: bug of multi-rename extension
« on: October 24, 2012, 14:25:50 »
Thanks god I found this. At the beginning I was afraid that I need to change some scripts to generate date in a different format (all dates does not have separator between date and time). I'm suggesting to add an user interface that will help to create custom date format. For example form the dropdown menu, where we could select current year/month/day we could select the same for date created and modify.

But there is also a new thing.. You can define a date and time format to use in the tag.
Code: [Select]

// Only show time , Empty date format.. do not forget the | separator before the time format.

// Only show date

Date Formatting
Time Formatting

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: 5 new features
« on: October 17, 2012, 11:16:12 »
Ad.3.: You don't need to assign a new key. Use default key for deleting withouth a recycle bin: shift+delete. (edit: I forgot to mention: this is a key from Windows, not MC).

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Language
« on: October 10, 2012, 23:26:55 »
Since MC has it's own translating tool it's even better then other software has - one don't need to edit XML files in notepad :-) The only thing I would suggest that could speed up translating is some online portal dedicated to "social translating". Something like BableZilla - portal where users put language files for their tools (on BableZilla there are only Firefox extensions I think) and wait for other users to participate in global translating. Everyone that is willing to help just connect with the chosen files and language. But to be honest... I don't know any tools similar to BableZilla that will be not only for one specific program. As I just googled I have found that people are recommending Pootle and Tradubi.

I can imagine that when You have so many good ideas then You want to do them at once :-) But take Your time, I would love to see more functions in the tabs especially if those functions can be operate similar to files (keyboard controls).

I don't think that search tab has bad design. Maybe only this Ctr+F window was a bit distractive on the beginning but event if You won't manage to make it minimize to small bar with sliding panel then it's ok, it's not a problem to get use to it. In fact Your search panel is much more convenient than in other tools I was using in past few years. First off all when I try to navigate through found files/folders I'm not loosing search list. It's great that when I double click on one item in search panel then it's focused on the other panel and I still have the search result in front of me. The only think I would like to see is the list view instead of details but I can understand that list view is in early stage of development in MC.

BTW: When I disable Path column in search panel just to save some space for long file names, then this column is visible again when I open search panel later.

Hello. I really like the idea that when I'm opening for example Core Settings, Explorer Panel settings and File Search they are opening inside the panel, just as new tab. It's natural behavior because users of double-panel file managers are used to operating on panels with tabs. Can You consider making all popup windows to be opened as tabs inside active panel? All actions that require some additional space (like Ctrl+F popup window in File Search) could be integrated to the panel as well. They could be minimize into a small bar (with for example name and shortcut to maximize) on the bottom/top of the panel and when pressed this will slide up/down just to set some additional settings. In case of File Search one could set search query, press Start and the popup window fill be automatically minimized to the small bar. How about that?

Blog post comments / Re: [Blog Post] - An Early Look - List Mode
« on: October 09, 2012, 17:33:59 »
I understand that. Can't wait for features updates to see how You will surprise users ;-)

Support and Feedback / Re: Log window styling for FTP not responding
« on: October 09, 2012, 17:32:18 »
Thanks mate. Keep on updating, You have really good ideas. I'm surprised with what can MC do so far. I really do :-)

Support and Feedback / Log window styling for FTP not responding
« on: October 08, 2012, 13:29:29 »
Hello. I have noticed that no matter what settings I chose in Configuration => Core settings => Logging => Log Window those settings are not applied to FTP log tabs. Only Application Log and File Operations tabs are using right colors and fonts set in settings. Where can I change the style for FTP tabs in Log Window?

Blog post comments / Re: [Blog Post] - An Early Look - List Mode
« on: October 08, 2012, 12:48:21 »
Hello. I'm new to Multi Commander and as far as I'm reading the forum I've found out that List Mode is quite new feature. I have just noticed that this view is not using settings Autosize columns from Configuration => Explorer Panel settings... => Display => Sorting and Columns. It's working only in Details view. Is there any chance that name column will be automatically adjusted to the average width of file/folder names in current directory? Currently when I adjust column width with double click on the column border in header it's width adjust automatically to the longest name. When I move to the different folder column width is the same as for previous folder and is not adjusted. If this is something that will be prepared in feature updates then I will suggest to add option to cut names that are much longer than average length of names in current folder. Best regards, KQT ;-)

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