« on: February 18, 2022, 14:05:41 »
I'm using drive selection box (default ALT+F1/ALT+F2) to choose drive, but I often work on one drive, but in diferrent folders. Is there any option to turn on that allow me to enter folder that is on second explorer panel?
Let me be clear on this one with an example.
On left panel I am in folder "FOLDER A" (drive D:), on right panel I am in folder "FOLDER B" (drive D:). When right panel is active and I push ALT+F1 and choose drive D nothing changes - left panel is still in "FOLDER A". I want to know is there an option that allow me to change it that way, that when push ALT+F1 and choose drive D as a result left panel will jump to "FOLDER B".
best regards