« on: October 31, 2023, 16:54:02 »
This Multi-script creates a timestamped configuration backup in a specific directory. It's a bit quicker to use than Help > Backup/Restore if assigned to a hotkey, button or the "User commands" menu. You'll need to edit line 10:
@var $backupdir = "C:\\Users\\jpcoetzee\\Documents\\Apps\\MultiCommander\\;
to suit your own requirements.
// 1. Create filename with data and time
// 2. Get location of config files
// 3. Use PackFile to create the backup
// ---------------------------------------
// 1. Create filename with data and time
@var $now = GetTime();
@var $datestamp = FormatDate( "yyyyMMdd" , $now );
@var $timestamp = FormatTime( "HHmmss" , $now );
@var $backupdir = "C:\\Users\\jpcoetzee\\Documents\\Apps\\MultiCommander\\;
@var $zipfilename = $backupdir + "MC_ConfigBackup_" + $datestamp + "_" + $timestamp + ".zip";
// 2. Get location of config files
@var $mcconfigdir = GetTagValue("${mcconfigpath}");
@var $mcuserdatadir = StrReplace( $mcconfigdir, "\Config" , "\UserData" );
// LogDump($datestamp)
// LogDump($timestamp)
// LogDump($backupdir)
// LogDump($zipfilename)
// LogDump($mcconfigdir);
// LogDump($mcuserdatadir);
// 3. Use PackFile to create the backup
PackFile($zipfilename, $mcconfigdir, "*.*", "zip", "NOWAIT, USEEXISTINGQUEUE");
PackFile($zipfilename, $mcuserdatadir, "*.*", "zip", "NOWAIT, USEEXISTINGQUEUE");
I'm sure the wizards here could improve it!