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Messages - User_99

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Beta Releases / Re: v14.0 BETA
« on: June 21, 2024, 22:49:32 »
Hi Mathias,

thx for update.
Translation strings all fine. Great work...

Beta Releases / Re: v14.0 BETA
« on: June 14, 2024, 17:55:27 »
Hi Mathias,

thx for update.
All fine so far here for me.

Missing some translatable text items. All found in Settings - Filesystem...

Hi Mathias,
any chance for a change here?

When I extract an archive I got in title "28%  Abgeschlossen -" only. For copy "29%  Abgeschlossen - Dateien werden kopiert" or for move "29%  Abgeschlossen - Dateien werden verschoben"

Possible to get the same for extracting an archive? Like "29%  Abgeschlossen - Dateien werden entpackt"

Or if not possible, can you remove " - "?

Beta Releases / Re: v14.0 BETA
« on: May 31, 2024, 17:26:45 »
@Second pic: Need only for ONE char more space. Possible to expand?

Thx, is fixed in latest release.

Beta Releases / Re: v14.0 BETA
« on: May 30, 2024, 09:37:23 »
Hi Mathias,

some suggestion for new dialogue:

First pic: all fine

Second pic: Need only for ONE char more space. Possible to expand?

Third pic: Window is also a little bit too small. Could it be the same size as in picture one shown?


Beta Releases / Re: v14.0 BETA
« on: May 25, 2024, 20:01:27 »
Yes, text is ok, but not the two boxes.
Both boxes should be at the same height / level.
The problem is if they are, it looks like the advanced button and save button belong to the settings for Keeping incomplete/Broken files.

I been thinking to swap the left and right side if settings. then the buttons is not so close to just one setting
Thx, is fixed in latest release preview.

Beta Releases / Re: v14.0 BETA
« on: May 19, 2024, 23:32:27 »
Yes, text is ok, but not the two boxes.
Both boxes should be at the same height / level.

Beta Releases / Re: v14.0 BETA
« on: May 19, 2024, 19:31:56 »
Does this really looks good for you?

Beta Releases / Re: v14.0 BETA
« on: May 18, 2024, 11:26:26 »
Hi Mathias,

in latest beta there is a small glitch. Should be on the same level, or not? Possible to fix?

Beta Releases / Re: v14.0 BETA
« on: April 14, 2024, 08:12:41 »
Work in progress ;)

@translation: ok, thx

Beta Releases / Re: v14.0 BETA
« on: April 13, 2024, 18:27:19 »
Thx for the new beta!

Nice feature for "File Operation Error Handing"

Miss some strings for translation. Still wip, or do I miss something?

Support and Feedback / Re: right menu lost "new text doc"
« on: December 15, 2023, 17:24:42 »
Known problem.

Here my thread about that topic.

Beta Releases / Re: v13.0 **BETA**
« on: October 23, 2023, 18:29:34 »
Yes, it's a problem by installing Win11 fresh and clean. No problem in Win10 or after Upgrade from Win10 to Win11...

Beta Releases / Re: v13.0 **BETA**
« on: October 22, 2023, 16:48:01 »
Does it even work in the past after fresh, new Installation of windows?

Me is messing e.x. Item for "New Text file"

My thread:,4417.0.html

Hi Mathias,

now more details for my last question here for this dialogue?

When I extract an archive I got in title "28%  Abgeschlossen -" only. For copy "29%  Abgeschlossen - Dateien werden kopiert" or for move "29%  Abgeschlossen - Dateien werden verschoben"

Possible to get the same for extracting an archive?

Announcements and News / Re: MultiCommander v13.0
« on: July 20, 2023, 17:56:46 »
Congratulation to your new home. Hope you have a lot of fun.

Beta Releases / Re: v13.0 **BETA**
« on: June 02, 2023, 21:23:44 »
It's fixed. Thx.
Language updated;)

Beta Releases / Re: v13.0 **BETA**
« on: May 29, 2023, 12:08:18 »
Hi Mathias, thx for the new RC.

Is there a problem with translation server`? Cannot update my latest updates for Language pack.
Got message that my public key is not correct!?

Support and Feedback / Re: Why does the File Edit etc disappear?
« on: April 10, 2023, 20:26:23 »
Have you found the online help? Try this link:

Beta Releases / Re: v13.0 **BETA**
« on: April 07, 2023, 21:03:51 »
The new DataPreview inside a Panel is great.
Thx very much...

Announcements and News / Re: New WebPage (But still the same)
« on: February 25, 2023, 07:12:52 »
Great, nice work. Looks quite good. Small glitch on main page in Portrait modus on tablet. See picture...

Hi Mathias,

was there a change in the latest betas for this dialogue?

In title "69%  Abgeschlossen -" should not there be after the minus ex. "69%  Abgeschlossen - Dateien werden kopiert" or "69%  Abgeschlossen - Dateien werden verschoben" - or remove the minus?

Support and Feedback / Hover Data Preview
« on: December 08, 2022, 15:36:05 »
Hi Mathias,

sometimes - especially when I want to show pictures in right tab and file near the edge - the hover window is above the next file I want to preview. Is it possible to display the preview window - depending on the cursor position - on the other tab?

And a small graphic glitch: There is a blank character between "Vergangene Zeit" and " : "
Looks like this space is hardcoded, because in language file (item iid="985") shows only the text, but not ":"
Can that be fixed?
Fixed, thx :)

Support and Feedback / Re: Windows 11 oddities
« on: November 21, 2022, 17:41:10 »
There is really not much different between how WI10 and 11 works.. 11 is 10.1 with new taskbar
But the small things makes the difference. See my post about Context menu for text files...

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