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Messages - Syscom

Pages: [1]
Script / Re: Problems with MC.FileSearch.Search
« on: September 12, 2022, 15:00:46 »
Hello Mathias
Thanks for your quick answer.
I will try another way.

Script / Problems with MC.FileSearch.Search
« on: August 30, 2022, 17:34:03 »
I've been using multicommander for now more than a year.
It's a fantastic tool.
But in a script I'm facing a problem with filesearch:
 I wrote a script to "normalize" the directory names on a server.
To extract all the subdirectories names from a directory I try to use sth MC.FileSearch.Search function.
But when I run the script, nothing happens.
As far as i understand, it should return its results in RES: Or eventually an array if assigned to.
I've tried the example syntax seen in the documentation.
But nope !
What is the exact syntax in the script language ?
I use the V12.1 Build 2906 on windows 10.
Thanks For you help.

Pages: [1]