« on: May 30, 2022, 17:05:23 »
Hi Mathias,
I'm sending some points which I found in new release (probably issues regarding favourite window was also in previous version):
1. I think icon for show/hide hidden files was good, better then new one - in my opinion (Please see Screen1.jpg).
2. If you plan to keep new icon, is it possibility to standardize it, I mean the same folder icon in the background, like one showed with green underline? (Please see Screen2.jpg)
3. Favourite window – there is issue with font colour, as you can see font should be yellow, but unfortunately is in grey like full row marking. Hover colour is also not working correctly. (Please see Screen3.jpg)
4. No possible to translate Inactive option, I think this is added function, but honestly speaking I was not able to test it during work with MC - could you give more details about it? (Please see Screen4.jpg)
5. No possible to translate sentences marked in orange. (Please see Screen5.jpg)
6. I think shortcut for Hover data preview CTRL+H should not be set as a default; I’m using this shortcut to show/hide hidden & system files and after update I had a conflict. So maybe there is a chance that MC after update will check if there are shortcut conflicts.
7. Pack and unpack command from menu and shortcut (Alt+F5) doesn’t work.
8. There are still some windows not showed in dark mode like Multirename and others.