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Messages - maXmo

Pages: [1]
Support and Feedback / Re: My feedback
« on: September 04, 2014, 19:18:05 »
Looks like if you specify color (r,g,b), it draws with color (255-r,255-g,255-b). So if you draw with color (255-r,255-g,255-b), the result will be (r,g,b) - as specified by user.

Edit: or maybe I just have white background?

Support and Feedback / Re: My feedback
« on: September 04, 2014, 19:08:53 »
1. Dialogs in panel ??
2. I know. And I blame Windows. The API functions to draw the focus rectangle is drawing using by XOR against the background with the set color.
   And by doing so the result of the color does not match.
3. The background can be configured. Just make sure the "Use File/folder specified background colors" is enabled. else the
   default background colors is used for all items.
1. Yeah, the major ones: "Core settings" and "Explorer panel settings". Looks like they're not navigable with tab key.
2. Maybe, given a desired color, there's an easy trick to figure out, what color to use in drawing, so that xoring will give the desired color?
3. Background to the FocusRect, not to all files.

Support and Feedback / My feedback
« on: August 26, 2014, 21:13:57 »
In list mode look and feel should better match that of explorer:
1. columns make little sense, should be ability to remove them, common sorting options should be accessible from menu instead
2. file name should fit window, not constrained by name column
3. when cursor is in a list column, which is partially visible in panel, the panel should be scrolled to display the column
4. pressing right at the last file does strange thing: shows the beginning of the list without moving cursor

1. dialogs in panel tabs should use dialog font instead of file list font - they serve different purposes (I prefer file list font Verdana 12pt, yet it's not good for dialogs)
2. dialogs in panel tabs are a little contradictory: dialog controls should be navigable with `tab` key, but it's already reserved for panel switching; they should be probably done as normal dialogs (modeless if desired); also "Save" and "Apply" buttons look a little non-traditional, usually it's "Apply" to apply without closing and "OK" to apply with closing
3. "Column settings" dialog doesn't fit in my display (1366*768, 125% DPI) and I couldn't find buttons with keyboard - probably messed tabstops (tried to remove columns)

1. FocusRect color... is it inverted??? Any way to make it solid and add background?

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