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Messages - herve

Pages: [1] 2
Ok thanks, I close the subject.

Support and Feedback / Re: Can't delete Onedrive folders
« on: January 01, 2025, 10:33:34 »
never mind, I'll close the subject

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Ctrl + Shift + P
« on: December 31, 2024, 16:27:39 »
The idea is to have, like in VS Code, a such shortcut to list and.or find for a program's command (inside all the program's commands)
It's quicker than any other mouse gesture.
The list contains the shortcut and uses fuzzy search.

Excellent idea!

Support and Feedback / Re: Can't delete Onedrive folders
« on: December 31, 2024, 08:55:00 »
Here are some examples of messages in the log:

2024-12-31 08:49:03.817 Failed to delete folder (163) : C:\Users\XXX\OneDrive\YYY\_personnel\code\jsarrays\.git
2024-12-31 08:49:03.817 Handle file Operations error : 163 (0) - Can not delete directory. It is not empty.
2024-12-31 08:49:07.776 Deleted : C:\Users\XXX\OneDrive\YYY\_personnel\code\jsarrays\favicon.ico
2024-12-31 08:49:07.779 Deleted : C:\Users\XXX\OneDrive\YYY\_personnel\code\jsarrays\index.html
2024-12-31 08:49:07.783 Deleted : C:\Users\XXX\OneDrive\YYY\_personnel\code\jsarrays\index.js
2024-12-31 08:49:07.785 Deleted : C:\Users\XXX\OneDrive\YYY\_personnel\code\jsarrays\style.css
2024-12-31 08:49:19.155 Failed to delete folder (163) : C:\Users\XXX\OneDrive\YYY\_personnel\code\jsarrays\.git
2024-12-31 08:49:19.155 Handle file Operations error : 163 (0) - Can not delete directory. It is not empty.
2024-12-31 08:49:21.473 Failed to delete folder (163) : C:\Users\XXX\OneDrive\YYY\_personnel\code\jsarrays\.git
2024-12-31 08:49:21.473 Handle file Operations error : 163 (0) - Can not delete directory. It is not empty.
2024-12-31 08:49:22.986 Failed to delete folder (163) : C:\Users\XXX\OneDrive\YYY\_personnel\code\jsarrays\.git
2024-12-31 08:49:22.986 Handle file Operations error : 163 (0) - Can not delete directory. It is not empty.
2024-12-31 08:52:05.103 Failed to delete folder (163) : C:\Users\XXX\OneDrive\YYY\_personnel\code\MauiApp1\.vs
2024-12-31 08:52:05.103 Handle file Operations error : 163 (0) - Can not delete directory. It is not empty.
2024-12-31 08:52:10.625 Failed to delete folder (163) : C:\Users\XXX\OneDrive\YYY\_personnel\code\MauiApp1\Platforms
2024-12-31 08:52:10.625 Handle file Operations error : 163 (0) - Can not delete directory. It is not empty.
2024-12-31 08:52:12.706 Failed to delete folder (163) : C:\Users\XXX\OneDrive\YYY\_personnel\code\MauiApp1\Properties
2024-12-31 08:52:12.706 Handle file Operations error : 163 (0) - Can not delete directory. It is not empty.
2024-12-31 08:52:13.842 Failed to delete folder (163) : C:\Users\XXX\OneDrive\YYY\_personnel\code\MauiApp1\Resources
2024-12-31 08:52:13.842 Handle file Operations error : 163 (0) - Can not delete directory. It is not empty.
2024-12-31 08:52:14.339 Deleted : C:\Users\XXX\OneDrive\YYY\_personnel\code\MauiApp1\App.xaml
2024-12-31 08:52:14.345 Deleted : C:\Users\XXX\OneDrive\YYY\_personnel\code\MauiApp1\App.xaml.cs
2024-12-31 08:52:14.346 Deleted : C:\Users\XXX\OneDrive\YYY\_personnel\code\MauiApp1\AppShell.xaml
2024-12-31 08:52:14.351 Deleted : C:\Users\XXX\OneDrive\YYY\_personnel\code\MauiApp1\AppShell.xaml.cs
2024-12-31 08:52:14.353 Deleted : C:\Users\XXX\OneDrive\YYY\_personnel\code\MauiApp1\MainPage.xaml
2024-12-31 08:52:14.356 Deleted : C:\Users\XXX\OneDrive\YYY\_personnel\code\MauiApp1\MainPage.xaml.cs
2024-12-31 08:52:14.357 Deleted : C:\Users\XXX\OneDrive\YYY\_personnel\code\MauiApp1\MauiApp1.csproj
2024-12-31 08:52:14.358 Deleted : C:\Users\XXX\OneDrive\YYY\_personnel\code\MauiApp1\MauiApp1.csproj.user
2024-12-31 08:52:14.360 Deleted : C:\Users\XXX\OneDrive\YYY\_personnel\code\MauiApp1\MauiApp1.sln
2024-12-31 08:52:14.363 Deleted : C:\Users\XXX\OneDrive\YYY\_personnel\code\MauiApp1\MauiProgram.cs

It's not limited to .git folders and my files and folders are not write protected.
If I go in each folder, I can remove files from Multi Commander without any problem.

it's an option that must be activated in Windows, it's explained in this link :

In the section "Change your settings for nearby sharing"

It's really very practical,it means you don't need a USB key when you want to exchange files between PCs.

Support and Feedback / Re: Can't delete Onedrive folders
« on: December 28, 2024, 14:57:13 »
It says "Folder is not empty! Can't remove 'XXX'

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(in french)

Here is a picture:

I have to find where are the logs.

Thanks for the answer.
I have the problem on all files, even those who are stored on OneDrive.


With Windows 11, the contextual file menu lets you share files with other computers in the same network.
It works fine with Windows 11 Explorer, but when I try to do it with Multi Commander, nothing happens.
Is there anything I can do?


Support and Feedback / [Closed] Can't delete Onedrive folders
« on: December 28, 2024, 11:24:04 »

I can never delete the contents of an Onedrive folder containing files and subfolders, I always get an error that forces me to use the Windows Explorer, is there a reason for this?
I have Multi Commander version 14.5 and Windows 11 Pro.


Feature Requests and Suggestions / Support fzf and/or act as Broot
« on: November 18, 2023, 12:10:27 »

First thank you for this excellent program that I use since many years.
Navigating in the different folders of my PC would be a lot easier if I could use something like fzf ( or a system like Broot (
First, I do everything with my keyboard so I'd like to have a shortcut to open a popup/window/modal where I will just have to type a few words to navigate into my PC folders.
For example, typing, just "sys32" will propose me c:\windows\system32.

It could be also available in the search, the one we can can use on the bottom right of each tab.

Hope you will consider a such feature, tell me if you need more information but Broot is an excellent example of what we could have in MultiCommander.


Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Dracula theme
« on: December 07, 2017, 08:33:30 »

thank you for the answer.
I will try and if I succeed I will share.


Feature Requests and Suggestions / Dracula theme
« on: December 06, 2017, 11:52:51 »

Id' like to have a Dracula theme for Multi Commander:


Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Create a folder and go to it
« on: November 29, 2017, 09:09:58 »
Thank you very much.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Create a folder and go to it
« on: November 29, 2017, 08:54:43 »

Can I suggest a new feature, create a folder and go inside it after it has been created ?


Support and Feedback / Re: Problem with some files and folders
« on: June 07, 2017, 12:47:56 »
Thank you for your help Mathias.
I will repost here if I can find something.


Support and Feedback / Re: Problem with some files and folders
« on: June 07, 2017, 12:41:44 »
It can be related to the fact that I am using a french translation?

Support and Feedback / Re: Problem with some files and folders
« on: June 07, 2017, 11:57:35 »
If you have a debug version, or something like this, I can use it.

Support and Feedback / Re: Problem with some files and folders
« on: June 07, 2017, 11:16:41 »
No, not at all.

Support and Feedback / Re: Problem with some files and folders
« on: June 07, 2017, 10:18:28 »
Hello Mathias,

As you say, it's very strange.
No there's nothing special, I can see them "normally" in the Windows Explorer.

But this morning I, may be, found an explanation.
I just gone to this site:

And generated pictures for mobile development.
As a result I downloaded (i received) a zip file from the website.

The problem appeared in MultiCommander just after I unzipped (with 7Zip) the resulting zip file into a folder.

I have attached a screenshot to this post, one with MultiCommander and the other one with Windows 10 explorer.


Support and Feedback / Re: Problem with some files and folders
« on: June 06, 2017, 12:36:18 »
No sorry, when I say Archive, that's the file's attribute.
It is only archived (not read only nor hidden)

Support and Feedback / Re: Problem with some files and folders
« on: June 06, 2017, 08:52:50 »

Both are files, both are just archived, both have an extension and both are PDFs.


Support and Feedback / Problem with some files and folders
« on: June 05, 2017, 16:57:14 »

Some files and folders have a blue screen icon (see attached picture) and I can't:
1) see their extension
2) see their date
3) see the date
4) open them

I have made some verifications, they don't have any special attributs and I'm the owner of the files & folders.
One the screenshot attached to this email, you can see 2 PDFs, I can't even open the first one but I can do everything I want with the second.

Is there a reason why I face this problem?

Thanks by advance,

Support and Feedback / Re: Focus lost
« on: September 13, 2015, 18:17:51 »
Thanks for your answer Mathias

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