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Messages - pstein

Pages: [1]
Support and Feedback / How to re-enable menu bar?
« on: March 16, 2021, 07:03:51 »
I have accidentially disabled the menu bar.

How can I re-enable it?

Assume I have two folders trees. The first on the left pane and the second on the right pane.
The content of all the files is the same but some of the files differ in their timestamp.

How can I mark e.g. 27 out of 231  files on the left pane and tell MC to copy (only) the timestamp of the corresponding file from the other side?

Thank you

Support and Feedback / Show folder diff + copy marked?
« on: March 25, 2019, 10:12:36 »
Assume I want to compare two directory trees.
I select the first folder in the left pane and the second in the right pane.

How can I tell MC to (auto-expand) the full dirtree and (only) show the different files?
How can I define "difference"?
Files with timestamp differences (only) should be shown as well.

How can I tell MC to copy (only) the currently marked files to the corresponding (sub) directory on the other side?

Thank you

What I need is an easy way to toggle between the 1-pane and the 2-pane view.

In general I would like to work with the 1-pane view (Treeview+Details view just like in "normal" WinExplorer).

Only from time to time I need to work with a second directory.
Therefore I would like to have an icon in toolbar which (when clicked) shows a second pane (Treeview + Details view).

Is this possible?

The second pane should be visually added (!) left or right of the current MC window.
In other words: the current window size of MC should NOT be divided into 2 panes now.
Instead the same window space should be added to the left or right.
Afterwards the second pane should have the same window dimensions as the previous first pane.

Is this possible?


How do I hide file filter bar just above the tabs at the bottom?
Which contains information like 0B/2MB in 0/12 files and 01/1 folders selected


How can I change the font type and font size of filename lines?

Currently the filename column displays the filename WITHOUT extension.

I don't want an extra extension column.
How do I tell MC to display filename WITH extension?


I want to avoid tabs.

How can I disable them?

I need only one directory per pane (left and right) at a time.


How can I turn off background marking with green for today modified folders?


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