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Messages - Jochen

Pages: [1]
Support and Feedback / Re: Store location to the closure
« on: April 17, 2016, 07:48:44 »
Yes, to store different tabs and also the path of these tabs works with the "Save on exit" option.

But for me it would be much more comfortable to make a snaphot of the tabs and their paths one time,
with which the programm then would always start.

I tried if i can use the "Save on exit" option in this way.

I configured my tabs and paths, then used the "Save on exit" option, closed the programm, then started the
programm again and removed the "Save on exit" option.

I had the hope that the last saved configuration is then used.
But this does not work...

When i remove "Save on exit" the complete configuration is completely lost...

I believe it would be better to store the last saved configuration and to use this configuration further on,
also when i deactivate the "Save on exit" button.

Then there should be an additionally  reset option where i can delete the last saved configuration...
Then everybody could use it just the way you want it...  :D


Pages: [1]