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Messages - larryt

Pages: [1]
Thank you very much - that is a very informative answer.

It's not big deal for me, but I thought I'd ask anyway: Is there any way for to set up a hot-key to bring
focus to a folder in the left pane in the Folder Tree mode? The reason this is not really a big deal, is that
entering the folder in the right pane, basically results in the same thing as I want.

I am noticing that a some things (coloring, renaming), don't work in the tree view. Is it intended then, that
the tree-view is intended to work more as a view-only overview, and most of the navigation and file operations
are done from the list view, which would be considered the "main" pane in this mode?

I assigned some coloring  to certain folders, but the coloring is only applied in the right pane (I guess this this is called the list view pane?).
It would be very useful to color the tree-view pane as well. Is there a way this could be done? (I imagine not, but thought I'd ask).

As the subject says, I can't rename a folder from the left pane in tree view, only from the right.
Is there a reason for this?

I am running in Administrator mode, and using the TortoiseSvn shell for Subversion.
I typically have a number for working copies checked out, and frequently (often many times a day) need to
rename their top-level directories.
This is because of the nature of our development system, the one currently being worked on
needs to have a specific name.

Using windows explorer, this is no problem. however, in Multi Commander, when I try to rename, I get a sharing
violation, because TortoiseSvnCache is holding that directory. Is there any solution to this, keeping in mind that
this needs to be a very fast operation to be practical considering our work-flow.

In case it helps, we do not really need to have the Subversion status field in the explorer, as we have the overlay icons for that, and
we don't need to filter, sort or do anything else from Multi Commander itself - using Tortoise's existing context menu add-on is fine.

Thanks in Advance

Pages: [1]