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Messages - janicoma

Pages: [1]
Support and Feedback / MC does not remember Window Position/Size
« on: August 14, 2024, 15:52:30 »
Hi happy users,

I like MC, after installing it today I am just setting everything up.

If I restart the window is somewhere in the middle of the screen. Other windows of Office, Windows Explorer etc. are stored. I have Win 11 64bit not portable Version.
Config files are writable, are changed and also the registry.

Obviously, this position is stored in the config-files. So 3 questions.

1.) Does MC generally not store the window size and position?
2.) is there a command line parameter I can use?
3.) can I hard store the X and Y coordinates of the window somewhere in the config files?

Help is appreciated,
Good day,

Pages: [1]