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Messages - dech

Pages: [1]
Support and Feedback / Re: internal picture viewer is missing
« on: December 18, 2024, 12:05:12 »
so i have deleted the FileTypes.xml  and it works (viewer - F1 button)!  ver 14.2.  x64  (installed ver, not portable)

i will check later the 1) 2) issues

thank you for support

Support and Feedback / Re: internal picture viewer is missing
« on: December 18, 2024, 11:06:08 »
in portable 14.2 it WORKS  :)  ...eeee what is the conclusion?  :)  is there way it can work in last version...for me on win8 ? i see you are the maker himself  8) the VIEW works - i see that the viewer is not made as i supposed it will be -
1) could you please add some simple tools like zoom/rotation (not edit image file but just adjust the view on the file ) to the PREVIEW tab ?
like you have for PDF files (well rotation is missing there too - this would be there appreciated too)

2) is there way how to hide the info panel below image/pdf file - it takes space - the less is for image/pdf

see picture

Support and Feedback / Re: internal picture viewer is missing
« on: December 18, 2024, 10:00:40 »
downgrade - i downloaded the  installation file and install it , without uninstalling previous version it overwrited the higher ver.

portable ver. 14.4  behaves same way as the installed - in extension plugin manager are the "Picture Tools" and "MCPictureViewer" missing

log is in attachement  - after hitting F1 or "View" button on the toolbar (next to the music note icon) on image - no error  (now ver 14.1)

Support and Feedback / Re: internal picture viewer is missing
« on: December 18, 2024, 08:44:42 »
i have forced update - no change

i have downgraded to v 14.1  (build 3017) - now i see the extensions
and also i see , in file type setup, the MC picture viewer

but still nothing happens when i "View" button on the toolbar (next to the music note icon) or
F3 / F1 (depending on setup)

i have win 8.1 Pro   64bit

Support and Feedback / Re: internal picture viewer is missing
« on: December 17, 2024, 11:56:11 »
i have these - see pictures

Support and Feedback / Re: internal picture viewer is missing
« on: December 17, 2024, 10:35:32 » I did exactly, but just binary code of picture in multidataviewer is shown

i tried to manage file types association to change it to internal viewer but there is no viewer to choose :-(

see pictures

my version of MC is x64  14.4 (build 3047)

Support and Feedback / internal picture viewer is missing
« on: December 06, 2024, 23:44:11 »
Hi guys

i just simply miss the internal picture viewer - with which i wish to zoom in/out, rotate images, resize ...just some simple stuff...
this should be as extension right? but i dont see such extension...

only i have on hand is "preview tab" which just shows the image but nothing else

...guess what saaad   :'(

Pages: [1]