Feature Requests and Suggestions / Path column display customization for search results
« on: September 25, 2021, 10:06:45 »
When searching multiple deeply nested/long name folders one often ends up with results looking something like
it would be much more informative to have ability to display them as
Code: [Select]
X:\subdirA\subdirB\subdirC\.. | file1.ext |
X:\subdirA\subdirB\subdirC\.. | file2.ext |
X:\subdirA\subdirB\subdirC\.. | file1.ext |
X:\subdirA\subdirB\subdirC\.. | file2.ext |
it would be much more informative to have ability to display them as
Code: [Select]
...\subdirL\subdirY\subdirZ | file1.ext |
...\subdirL\subdirY\subdirZ | file2.ext |
...\subdirM\subdirY\subdirZ | file1.ext |
...\subdirM\subdirY\subdirZ | file2.ext |
so ideally condensing path parts that are the same for all results, but even option to align display to path end would sort most use cases