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Messages - keygen

Pages: [1]
Support and Feedback / Re: Select files with the 'Insert' key
« on: May 19, 2012, 00:06:03 »
Yeah, I think you already know what I mean, but just to clarify and how to reproduce easily. If you have 7zip installed (or I think any program that adds a similar context menu):
1. select a few files with Insert
2. press the context menu button (to the left of the right Ctrl)
3. navigate to 7zip and add the files to an archive

All the Insert-selected files and the currently focused-selected file will be added. If I enable checkboxes in the settings, I can see that the last file gets checked when pressing the context menu button.

When using copy/delete it's different, the last file (the not Insert-selected one) is properly ignored.

So, in short: the context menu creates a slightly unexpected behavior.

Support and Feedback / Re: Select files with the 'Insert' key
« on: May 18, 2012, 22:11:25 »
I noticed an inconsistency when using this:

After selecting some files with Insert, the focus will be on the file below them. If I then delete/copy the selection, it will work as intended: The currently focused file below them is not selected and will not get processed (copied/deleted) together with the selected files.

But when selecting them with Insert and then using the context menu, that focused file will get processed with the others (for example: it will get packed together with the others into a 7zip archive).

I run it from the MC command line.
For example, FreeCommander has the option to enable/disable this. (If I mention it all the time, it's just because I've been using it the most in the past. :) )

But now I realized that I can also make it work in MC if I simply write cmd.exe /k before the main command, like cmd.exe /k robocopy f: d: file.txt. I suspect this is also what FC might be doing "behind the scenes".
So, after all with this workaround, I don't really need this feature that much anymore. But it wouldn't hurt either.

I know that setting.
What I meant was, I'd like to have a different color for system/hidden files&folders. Sorry if I wasn't very clear. FreeCommander has that option, for example.

As the title says. After restarting MC that setting will be still checked, but it will behave as if it wasn't: the color will be the same on focused and non focused panel.
The other settings there are unchecked, so I'm using the default Windows colors.

(I clicked "Save", too.)

I apologize if this is perhaps already possible, anyway:

When executing something like a robocopy command the DOS window closes immediately after finishing. I'd prefer if it stayed open to see the report.

Yes, but I don't see a setting for system/hidden files and folders.

Is there a shortcut to toggle showing of hidden/system folders and files?
Not so you can toggle it on/off with a button. You have to go into Explorer Panel Settings and enable/disable it.
Do you mean that setting or can I actually place a button for toggling that somewhere in the main interface?
I know about the setting, but something more quickly accessible would be better.

Also it would be good if those files/folders were of a different color.
That can be configured in Explorer Panel Settings.
You mean under Colors? I don't see it..

Support and Feedback / Re: Select files with the 'Insert' key
« on: May 18, 2012, 18:08:26 »
If you Only want to change the 'insert' key then you can change it you self in
Menu > Configuration > Explorer Panel Settings

Under Selection and Checking items.
make sure that "Auto uncheck files and folder when single selecting" is unchecked

That was it, thanks.

Do you mean SHIFT - ARROW UP or DOWN ?
Similar, but with Insert you can skip some files..

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Secure delete (wipe)
« on: May 18, 2012, 17:54:21 »
In FreeCommander there's an option to delete a file or folder with multiple overwrites, so that it cannot be recovered.
It also gives you an option of how many times to overwrite it with random data (more times takes longer, but it's safer).

I think it would be a nice feature to have in MC.

Support and Feedback / Select files with the 'Insert' key
« on: May 18, 2012, 17:49:07 »
Noob question, but I couldn't find a solution after searching..

How do I assign the Insert key to "select file and move to the next one"? (like in TC, FC..)

Is there a shortcut to toggle showing of hidden/system folders and files?

If not, that would be my feature request.

Also it would be good if those files/folders were of a different color.

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