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Messages - karthik

Pages: [1] 2 3
I tried the TARGET tag and it worked. Is there a way I can make it appear in a "NEW" target tab instead of replacing a older one?

Thanks for the clarity. That helps. Another follow up question: Is there a way I can open it in the target panel instead of the source panel?

Script / get path name and replace drive and open in target panel
« on: March 27, 2015, 10:44:12 »
Hello, I want to get the path name in the source panel and replace the drive letter in it and open the result in target panel.
For example, in source panel I have the following path Y:\Projects, I want to open the directory P:\Projects in the target panel. I tried writing a script but doesn't work.

@var $path = GetSourcePath();
@var $str = StrReplace($path, "Y:" , "P:");
MC.Explorer.Goto PATH=$str

I see that $str has the path P:\Projects but MC.Explorer command does not execute properly. Also, how can I ask MC.Explorer.Goto to open this window in the target panel instead of source panel.


Support and Feedback / Re: Copy options
« on: September 01, 2014, 08:00:33 »
Thanks, Mathias. That helps.

Support and Feedback / Re: Copy options
« on: August 31, 2014, 02:13:07 »
No, I want to copy only the files in the main directory. I want to exclude all subdirectories and its files.

Support and Feedback / Copy options
« on: August 30, 2014, 19:02:01 »

I have a directory say (Main) and inside this I have a set of files (file1, file2, etc) and folder (folder1, folder2, etc). Now I want to copy the Main directory to another location but I want to copy only the files in it and not the folders. Is there a filter I can use to do this?

Manually, I can do this by creating a Main directory in the target location and say Hide folders in source Main directory and copy the files alone. I am trying to see if there is a easy way to do it.


Support and Feedback / file search and delete
« on: April 02, 2014, 12:41:19 »
I use the file search option and search for all files in a specific folder and in the search window I select some specific file and delete and it does it properly as long as the file extension is not "RSL". Is this a bug or something else? Thanks.

Support and Feedback / Re: Userdefined Commands XML file
« on: March 26, 2014, 16:31:47 »
Thanks. Looks like I missed a "/'" in the XML file. Now it works. Opening in IE tip was useful to check if XML was fine.

Support and Feedback / Userdefined Commands XML file
« on: March 26, 2014, 15:53:38 »
I made some changes in the Userdefined Commands XML file and I thought once I close and open MC, the changes will take effect. But to my surprise, when I closed and opened MC, none of my user defined commands show up in GUI but I see the XML file is intact. Is there any other place I need to make changes for MC to reload the XML file?

Support and Feedback / Re: Commandline field history
« on: March 24, 2014, 09:55:44 »
It is not empty but shows only 1 command (and not the recent one either). In a given session it shows the list of commands used in that session but once I close MC and re-open it, it shows only 1 command.

Support and Feedback / Commandline field history
« on: March 18, 2014, 13:34:12 »
Is it possible to keep the commandline field history saved so that when I close and open it again, I can see the history.

Thanks, Mathias.

The following code works fine now. Am able to get this text to the filesearch window as well.

@var $arr = GetSelectedPaths();
@var $len = arrayCount($arr)
@var $n
@var $str = $arr[0]
@var $new;
for( $n = 1; $n <= $len-1; $n++)
   $str += ";" + $arr[$n];
MC.FileSearch.Search SEARCHIN="{$str}" SEARCHFOR="*.*" EXCLUDE=".backup" AUTOSTART

Now I have '.backup' in exclude. Can I get that as argument.

Ideally, I want to type
del_files '.backup' and it should execute the above script (del_files should be an alias to execute the script), and use the argument '.backup' in the EXCLUDE field of the MC.Filesearch line and give me the result.

Can I do that?

I figured that '+' concatenates two strings

I tried to write a script that can give me the path of the 15 folders separated by a ';' and here it is:

@var $arr = GetSelectedPaths();
@var $len = arrayCount($arr)
@var $n
@var $str = $arr[0]
for( $n = 1; $n <= $len-1; $n++)
   $str = $str + ";" + $arr[$n]

But I find that the string str does not get updated. Can you let me know what am missing?

Also, can I use this string "str" as the filesearch "look in" box automatically?


Thanks, Mathias.

This gives me some idea. How can I concatenate two strings in multi-script.


Is there a way to do a scripting. If yes, just give some pointers and I will attempt to do it.

Thanks, Mathias.

The way you have mentioned, "search for everything in the location you want to delete" - the problem is the location has 20 folders and I want to search only in 15 folders. The search panel doesn't allow me to do search in multiple folders.


Support and Feedback / delete certain files in multiple folders
« on: March 17, 2014, 17:18:26 »

I have a main directory, which has say 20 folders. Each folder has a certain set of files (*.txt,*.dat,*.xls, etc). Out of these 20 folders, I want to keep only *.txt in 15 of these folders (which I select) and delete the rest of the files in the 15 folders. The remaining folders, I don't want to be touched.

Currently, I just select the 15 folders, move it to a temp directory (and while moving give options so that the move command moves only *.txt) and the delete the source folders and then move the folders from the temp directory to my working directory.

Is there a easier way to do this in MC?


Support and Feedback / Re: Copy files without directory structure
« on: November 15, 2013, 11:04:30 »
Any pointers for the script?

Support and Feedback / Re: Copy files without directory structure
« on: November 15, 2013, 10:13:18 »
How can I do this recursively for all the directories? For example, I have directories named 1, 2, 3, 4... And in each of them I have a different directory structure inside. What I want is to copy the directories named 1,2,3,4... but in the target I do not want to have the directory structure for each of the individual directories. So the target should have a directory named 1, but inside it it should only be files (recursively found from source directory 1) but no directories. I want this to be repeated for all directories 1,2,3,4... Is there a way to get it done?

Support and Feedback / Copy files without directory structure
« on: November 15, 2013, 08:35:39 »
I have a root directory and a directory structure inside it. I want to copy all the files in root and its sub directories (recursively) but I do not want the folder/directory structure inside the root directory. How can I do it in MC? Thanks.

Support and Feedback / Frame height and width in explorer panel
« on: August 25, 2013, 04:12:46 »
I have a set of movies and I would like to see the frame height and width of the movies. In windows explorer, I can choose those columns but how do I do it here ( Thanks.

Support and Feedback / Filters for a specific drive
« on: July 30, 2013, 11:34:08 »
I have a network drive (say Y drive) and when I open it in MC, I want to apply some file filters by default. I want to hide folders starting with a '.' and files that start with '.'

As can be guessed this network drive is a unix drive and I do not want to show files that starts with a '.'

I would like it to be my default whenever MC opens any sub-directory (or root) of this drive.


Support and Feedback / Re: download previous versions - portable media
« on: February 11, 2013, 08:58:24 »
With the latest portable version, when I try to open the core settings MC crashes. So I have now downloaded the latest 64-bit installer and applied the various settings separately. Thanks.

Support and Feedback / Re: download previous versions - portable media
« on: February 11, 2013, 08:47:51 »
Found that export settings for core/explorer panel. Was able to recover from the crash reasonably well.

Does the settings on multiupdate "backup existing version" export the core/explorer panel settings as well apart from favorities, buttons settings etc?

Support and Feedback / Re: download previous versions - portable media
« on: February 11, 2013, 08:40:09 »
Thanks. The file (MCIcons) is there.

I checked the downloads page but that has only previous versions of the installer and not portable versions.

Also, I have a working MC on a another machine. How can I export the core and explorer settings from that MC to a new one?


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