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Support and Feedback / Re: Smartphone Verbindung
« Last post by Matthias515566 on December 17, 2024, 14:39:00 »
This forum is in english. Please write question in english
I translated this with ChatGPT:

Hello, I have a strange problem that I haven't found in the forum so far. When I connect an Android smartphone (Samsung) to a Windows 10 PC via USB, a specific folder in the DCIM directory is not displayed in Multi Commander. In other file managers (Windows Explorer, FreeCommander, xplorer2, Total Commander, etc.), the directory is always shown. I have not set any display filters.
Additionally, I have the problem that I can copy files from the smartphone to the PC but cannot move them.
I think Multi Commander is otherwise the best file manager. Does anyone know what could be causing this?
Support and Feedback / Re: internal picture viewer is missing
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on December 17, 2024, 14:36:48 »
Strang.. "Picture Tools" and "MCPictureViewer" is missing.
You can try to run the Update tool and select "Force" in settings..  Or reinstall.
Beta Releases / Re: PictureViewer Beta ArrowKeys Perusal To Next Item
« Last post by total_annihilation00 on December 17, 2024, 12:41:23 »
O.K. I narrowed it down to SessionConfig, when I replaced that /w a copy from the Beta Portable, the Images are properly cycled & detected !! I'll see if I can make a transition to a working version of the SessionConfig folder without any data loss. Also I replaced Config + Extensions, but the bug still persisted. Now I need to find out what in the SessionConfig folder is causing the Images to not be detected.
P.S: I found it, it's a prob in SessionConfig\History folder !!!! Oops no it's something else, I'm still looking into it, now it says there's 147 images in Title Bar, I'll figure it out.
P.P.S: Now even the fresh d'ld copies are broken —they do not display the Folder Image Count in the Title Bar.  :(
Beta Releases / Re: PictureViewer Beta ArrowKeys Perusal To Next Item
« Last post by total_annihilation00 on December 17, 2024, 12:06:35 »
Space/ Backspace is working but it's not displaying any other Images other than the one I pressed F1 to View. & to answer your question, I do have AutoHotkey scripts running, & COMODO AV/ Firewall. I'll try singling out the config file progressively. The PictureViewer is only displaying one file, and the "[1/8]" pictures is incorrectly displayed for all my image folders, even where there's over 30 images ! This is what I see when I press Space:
P.S: I'll make a throwaway clone & test it out —see what I can find. By the way, if it was a conflict /w AutoHotkey or COMODO Internet Security Premium, it wouldn't explain why my fresh d'ld Beta Portable copy was working.  ;D
Beta Releases / Re: PictureViewer Beta ArrowKeys Perusal To Next Item
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on December 17, 2024, 12:01:04 »
There is no different from portable. It is the exact same exe.
And if it show 1/8 it detected other files in the folder..

So space / backspace key did not work (NOT toolbar icons) ?
Support and Feedback / Re: internal picture viewer is missing
« Last post by dech on December 17, 2024, 11:56:11 »
i have these - see pictures
Beta Releases / Re: PictureViewer Beta ArrowKeys Perusal To Next Item
« Last post by total_annihilation00 on December 17, 2024, 11:53:01 »
No, all the commands work, except for the detection of other images in the folder. The Slideshow doesn't work because it cannot detect other images, and the Left and Right Blue Buttons are broken because in the Title Bar it says "[1/8]" in every folder even when there's dozens of other Images in it ! I can see the Slideshow working because it flickers, but there's no other Images in the PictureViewer that is borked at this point. My guess is a Config file conflict (not a prob /w Win10 as my fresh Beta Portable copy works), but I don't want to lose any settings by needlessly resetting stuff.  :)
Gimme an hour and I'll narrow it down to the faulty Config XML file.  ;)
Support and Feedback / Re: internal picture viewer is missing
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on December 17, 2024, 11:45:42 »
You should have MCPictureViewer in the list and by default there should be a couple of items there.
Check the Extension/Plugin Manager under configuration and see if it is listed there. If not then you have a bad install.
Beta Releases / Re: Re: PictureViewer Beta ArrowKeys Perusal To Next Item
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on December 17, 2024, 11:41:49 »
So no commands works. that very strange. Does space / backspace work ?
Like something is blocking the command for you..  You have any program running that hook it self into running processes. Like autohotkey or thinks like that
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