Author Topic: Crash during multi rename attempt  (Read 15503 times)


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Crash during multi rename attempt
« on: March 22, 2016, 09:01:16 »
Hi there,
I want to report that Multi Commander crashed during multi rename operation. You can check two last today crash reports and grab all the details from them.
I use the following pattern for renaming (transliting):
|а|б|в|г|д|е|ж|з|и|й|к|л|м|н|о|п|р|с|т|у|ф|х|ц|ч|ш|щ|ы|ь|э|ю|я                         search pattern
_|a|b|v|g|d|e|zh|z|i|y|k|l|m|n|o|p|r|s|t|u|f|h|c|ch|sh|sch|y|j|e|yu|ya                    replace pattern
which works in TC like a charm without even ticking RegEx option.

What actions should I perform to reproduce its behavior in Multi Commander?
If you need more dumps or whatever, don't hesitate to ask me.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2016, 09:03:53 by Suncatcher »

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Crash during multi rename attempt
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2016, 09:28:28 »
If MC crash it shows a crash ID.  with that ID I can see what the crash analyze system say.
Also the crash report often only contains very minimum information like call stack info. and at what position in the program it crashed at.
I can't see all the options used and and such.
if it is reproducible, a description on what you did and what option was used to make it crash in MC should do.
If it is not easy to reproduce. than a exact guide on all the step you do to make it crash would be good, But that is probably not needed in this case.

What works in TC does not matter for MC. MC is not built on top of TC. and they work totally different.
A screen shot of TC does not really helps with showing what you did to make it fail in MC ?
What works in TC is not interesting, the interesting things is what make it fails in MC.

I have not tried to reproduce my self yet. I will check that later



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Re: Crash during multi rename attempt
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2016, 09:55:36 »
What works in TC does not matter for MC. MC is not built on top of TC. and they work totally different.
I aware.
But I am also aware that MC shouldn't crash in any use case or during any actions no matter whether they related to TC or not.  Fool-proofing should exist anyway  :)
In the evening I'll post crash IDs, and now I can post exact steps I did.

  • I pasted search pattern into left textbox of Multi Rename tool
  • I pasted replace pattern into right texbox
  • I pressed Add button
  • MC crashed

Any other questions?


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Re: Crash during multi rename attempt
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2016, 10:08:31 »

1. I have no error in v5.9

2. If I understand your task right, you do wrong thing. You should either add separate search and replace patterns for each letter

Code: [Select]
search = ж
replace = zh

or press [...] and add single block

Code: [Select]

P.S. This is for non-RegEx search. I haven't tried RegEx.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2016, 10:21:00 by Jungle »

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Crash during multi rename attempt
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2016, 12:29:08 »
What works in TC does not matter for MC. MC is not built on top of TC. and they work totally different.
I aware.
But I am also aware that MC shouldn't crash in any use case or during any actions no matter whether they related to TC or not.  Fool-proofing should exist anyway  :)
In the evening I'll post crash IDs, and now I can post exact steps I did.

  • I pasted search pattern into left textbox of Multi Rename tool
  • I pasted replace pattern into right texbox
  • I pressed Add button
  • MC crashed

Any other questions?

I have not said it should crash.. thats why I ask for info on what cause the error in MC.
I only meant that showing a picture of how it works in TC does not help me figure out what in MC does not work. because a picture of TC is not showing me what you did in MC.

But I think you are trying to use MC search/replace as you use it in TC and something in MC does not like it.
Every line in the search/replace part is a pair. You can't enter multiple finds in the "find" field and multiple in replaces in the "replace" field.
The "..." button opens a editor where find/replace pair can be entered, they are separated by | Just like Jungle shows in previous post.
(MC and TC are formatting the multi search/find pairs differently I guess)
However MC should not crash even if input is wrong. I will investigate that.


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Re: Crash during multi rename attempt
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2016, 20:13:56 »
Crash IDs are 6-L122YM,  6-O122TH for two last ones, and for the first ones I haven't find the IDs anywhere. I attached all four dumps.
Suddenly, during the first attempt (from the last couple) it crashed not after "Add", but after "Start"


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Re: Crash during multi rename attempt
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2016, 20:21:31 »

1. I have no error in v5.9
I also have 5.9 build 2062 64bit Edition.

or press [...] and add single block
Brilliant! That works like a charm. I didn't know about that functionality. Will be  using it.