Author Topic: Remember folders when changing drive  (Read 12314 times)


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Remember folders when changing drive
« on: June 21, 2016, 01:40:21 »
Hi !
I've just installed MC instead TC. I've customised it, and have a questions:
1. When changing a drive, MC not remember a opened folder - always goes to root of drive. Is there any setting to remember opened folder?
2. Is this possible to mark opened drive icon on the panel?
3. Is this possible to make free space bar of drive?
3. I have a couple of zip folders. Some of them are opening in panel, some opened explorer window, don't know how.

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Remember folders when changing drive
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2016, 08:59:54 »
1. Yes it does unless you turn it off.. By default it does not remember network drives but that can be enable in settings (since it can hang MC on startup of it gone away)
2. Not sure how you mean ?
3. Not sure I understand. You got the device dropdown next to the 'free space field' you want to remove it ?
4. You must be opening them in different ways. or that are not really normal zips. or something
Normally MC just browse into a zip archive if you select to open it. but it depends on how you tell mc to open it. 


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Re: Remember folders when changing drive
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2016, 09:41:44 »
Thanks For fast reply. My English is not perfect so have to explain what I mean.
I'm trying to find something instead TC I'm using for decades. MC looks very good, is fast and have lots of settings I like. But I can't find something that is very important for me (point 1 from first post)
For example: I have opened drive c: in folder program files. then I change drive to f: in this panel then go back to drive c:. And I'm in root of drive c:. And every time I click on drive icon it starts on root.
about 2 and 3 - I attached screenshot from another file manager (Double Commander) there are optional bars of used space of drives - nice feature, maybe implement it to MC next to percents of free/used space? And on the screenshot you can see what i mean in point 2.
about 4... I don't know. It looks like normal zip file, on another programs it opens in panel, but on MC it opens explerer window...
« Last Edit: June 21, 2016, 11:15:42 by xenony »

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Remember folders when changing drive
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2016, 10:02:29 »
If you use the device dropdown it should work (or Alt-F1/F2). I'm not sure But I think the device button are going to fixed path.

A free space UI "progress" indicator.. No MC do not have that.
There is a settings for adding drive buttons inside the explorer panel


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Re: Remember folders when changing drive
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2016, 11:13:38 »
I think i've found answer on my problem - when dropdowns of drives are turned off the drives buttons are fixed to roots of drives. When I turned on dropdowns device buttons are working as they should.
About progress indicators (free space) maybe its worth to implement in next version