Zip-dialog profile setting ist fixed now. Thx.
Translation for "Password required" and "This archive require a password to be opened. Please enter password." is available but not used for that dialog.
The strings are new and should be used:
<item iid="2165" text="Passwort erforderlich"/>
<item iid="2166" text="Dieses Archiv kann nur mit einem Passwort geöffnet werden. Bitte geben Sie jetzt das Passwort ein."/>
But instead these are really used:
<item iid="2160" text="Passworteingabe notwendig"/>
<item iid="2161" text="Die Datei oder das Archiv ist passwortgeschützt."/>
Is this a bug?
UPDATE: Think it depends which archiv format is used. For .7z I have the behavior described above.
For .RAR I got the new strings, but need more space. See pic MC Archiv extracting PW 2.png
BTW, need some addition strings for that process for "canceld by user" and "wrong PW entered" dialog. Than all is finished for handling zip