Author Topic: Will not retain horizontal scroll bars  (Read 11090 times)


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Will not retain horizontal scroll bars
« on: August 10, 2013, 03:19:28 »
Vista x64, MC 3.21. x64 portable.
Reset default column headings - found old post here; nothing in manual.

Saw another old post about keeping horizontal scroll bars.  Said to uncheck autosize columns (then under Layout, but now under Display).  Did that, applied, saved.  Works for the session.  Scroll bars disappear on restart.

Have 3 columns - (besides name) - Date, Date Created, Date Last Accessed.  Usually have tree showing, but disabled it & sized columns so data fit, but of course, is too wide when tree is displayed.  As said, works during session - scroll bars are there & columns display correctly - even w/ tree view.  Restart & scroll bars gone.

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Will not retain horizontal scroll bars
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2013, 12:54:55 »
Not sure I understand..
But I get horizontal scrollbar if I uncheck autosize and then change columns to be wider then the view and then set that layout as default (so that the column sizes are saved).

After restart I still get the horizontal scrollbar.


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Re: Will not retain horizontal scroll bars
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2013, 14:58:42 »
Thank you.  Maybe that's the problem.  AFTER changing column headings (del, add, resize) - didn't set that as default.  Did set new col selections as default, but not the resizing of them.

That I recall, no other app ever req'd a step - "set as default," after make GUI config changes.  Just "Save," if even that.  Definitely not for saving resized columns.

It's OK - if there's a reason req'g clicking Set as Default (people want temp changes, but want it to revert to factory defaults), but it is unusual, so probably warrants an FAQ & prominent mention in the Help file, how to do it.  (if already there, I missed it)

Another thing I noticed - haven't quite figured exactly when / how it happens.  If R click column headings to add column AND remove a default one (say, attrib), I guess Save As Default must be clicked before closing screen, where changes were made. 

Else, the attrib. or other "original" default columns reappear.  I guess this applies to ALL UI changes, in order to save them?

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Will not retain horizontal scroll bars
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2013, 15:21:11 »
Columns positions are not saved per tab on restart. So if you customize the size of the columns and want to save that.. Then you should save it.

If you want to customize the default column layout you need to either save current as default or go to "customize column sets" and select default and then edit it there.
also there is a different between Enable/Disable a column and adding/removing.  (this will be change sometime in the future if I ever get the time)