Author Topic: MultiCommander v4.4.1 (Alpha)  (Read 38585 times)

Mathias (Author)

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MultiCommander v4.4.1 (Alpha)
« on: July 23, 2014, 15:05:39 »
v4.4.1 Alpha

  The FSFavorites Extension that allows favorites to be accessible from the filesystem is now working.
  If you find any issue or have ides on missing features for it let me know.

132+ Changes

 -- Build 1764
  ADDED - Now possible to choose what extended device items should be shown in the device dropdown list
  CHANGE- Removed some obsolete settings, Change some defaults.
  FIXED - Copy/Move progress window tries better to keep its since when queue is shown/hidden
  FIXED - Queue in Copy/Move progress window will try to show the alternative targetname if one is set.
  FIXED - Key combo for Quick Search in Explorer Panel will no longer trigger if more keys then configured are pressed
  FIXED - Eject/Disconnect command in Explorer Panel can now be customized
  FIXED - Exporting the list of keyboard shortcut will now be saved as Unicode (UTF16)
  FIXED - Handles insert/removal of devices that are mounted under a folder better
  FIXED - 1 crash issues reported by Crash report system
  CHANGE- Changed how the tab is drawn. Is now more flat

 -- Build 1756
  CHANGE- Thumbnail queue management will now prioritized item that are currently visible
  FIXED - Fixed couple of scrollbar issues with Thumbnail list view when set to vertical scrolling.
  FIXED - Thread synchronization issue with thumbnail extraction that could sometimes cause a crash

 -- Build 1752
  FIXED - Couple of issue with Change View mode and refresh issue with view modes changes
 -- Build 1750
  ADDED - Thumbnail detailed mode can now Top/Center/Bottom align image (Look funny. Might remove this)
  ADDED - Thumbnail tweak option to "Crop to Square" Only valid if "Windows" Thumbnail engine is used and OS is Win8+
  ADDED - Vertical scrollmode can now be selected for Thumbnail List mode (Vertical is now the default mode)
  FIXED - Lots of internal change to make vertical scrolling work. Other things might be have been broken. please report navigation/scrolling issues
  FIXED - 2 crash issues reported by Crash report system

 -- Build 1745
  ADDED - New experimental (proof of concept) view mode for the Explorer Panel.
          Thumbnail Detail that have both a thumbnail and detailed information.
          This new mode is very alpha and experimental.
          Let me know if you have any thoughts on what is missing, What should be configurable and other ideas/issue

 -- Build 1740
  ADDED - FSFavorites - various fixes and should now be usable
  ADDED - FSFavorites Now support right click to remove/change
  ADDED - FSFavorites can now delete sections.
  ADDED - FSFavorites will now run files that are linked to files.
  FIXED - MultiRename - negative value in rule was 0-based when start value was 1-based, Now both are 1 based
  FIXED - MultiRename - [F-4] rule now works (Just like [N-4])

 -- Build 1735
  ADDED - Drop of WebPage link from IE/Chrome into FSFavorite location will now create a web link
  ADDED - Drop file/folder to QuickLinks in FSFavorite now works.
  ADDED - Better support for drag of File/Folder to FSFavorite location in FolderTree
  FIXED - Problem with deleting from zip archive

--Build 1731
  ADDED - FSFavorite extension now support file Rename to rename favorites, MakeDir to create favorite folder
  ADDED - FSFavorite extension support Drop of file/folder to Create a new favorite item
  ADDED - Drop file/folder on Favorite item will now start copy to the target of the favorite item.
  FIXED - Quick Connect for FTP work again.
  FIXED - 1 crash issues reported by Crash report system

« Last Edit: August 11, 2014, 17:49:21 by Mathias (Author) »

Mathias (Author)

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Re: MultiCommander v4.4.1 (Alpha)
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2014, 13:03:31 »
The new experimental (proof of concept) view mode "Thumbnail Detail" that are available from build 1745
It is for now very buggy and a lot of things does not work. And I'm not entire sure if this is something that will really be added.

It is there to give you an idea of the concept of this view mode and allow you to provide feedback on how you would like
it to work, how it should look, what should be configurable and so on.. So if you have any thoughts or ideas.. drop a msg here are send me a email

« Last Edit: July 29, 2014, 13:07:59 by Mathias (Author) »


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Re: MultiCommander v4.4.1 (Alpha)
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2014, 16:05:09 »
Thumbnail Details mode look interesting. Have been missing the file information when showing thumbnails.

Possible options..

* Now thumbnails are vertical center aligned. option to vertical align them to the top of the row ?
* Smaller spacing between the detail information lines.
* Highlight the filename with bigger font and/or show it as bold.
* Dynamic row size. Now all rows are as big as the thumbnail size like 128x128, But if you have a thumbnail that are 128*32 because the picture is very wide you
will get a lots of empty white space. Using dynamic row will make the row just so big that it needs to be.
However I know this can be a bit tricky since HitTest for every mouse action must calculate form the top to the found item. (Fixed size is so much easier)
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Re: MultiCommander v4.4.1 (Alpha)
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2014, 11:58:24 »
I think I like the new thumbnail view better - I prefer vertical to horizontal list/scroll.

From an aesthetic point of view I wonder if there is too much 'empty space' to the right of the thumbnail.  Can a second column be added?  (Or dynamic multiple columns depending on pane size).
Dynamic tiling of thumbnails (image scale/vertical & horizontal columns/rows re-flow) would be cool but probably a huge amount of work. 

Pedro Albuquerque

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Re: MultiCommander v4.4.1 (Alpha)
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2014, 18:15:41 »
I love the details. But I also agree that there is to much white space. I don't know how hard it is to accomplish but maybe two columns instead of just one? Add more properties to fill the blank lines?
 And the 'bolded' filename is a good idea too.
Great work, as usual.  :)


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Re: MultiCommander v4.4.1 (Alpha)
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2014, 19:37:47 »
1. I think there should be only one thumbnails mode but with options:
  a) info align - left/right/top/bottom/disabled;
  b) info content - filename, attr, dates, etc;
  c) scroll direction - left<>right  or  top<>bottom;
  d) ...

2. On Windows XP associated file icons aren't scaled. So if i have set up icon size to 16x16 and thumbs size to 128x128, icons will still be drawn as 16x16. But i suppose Win XP is not a thing for you to deal with anymore. And probably it's not worth it.

Mathias (Author)

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Re: MultiCommander v4.4.1 (Alpha)
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2014, 23:31:26 »
* Now thumbnails are vertical center aligned. option to vertical align them to the top of the row ?
* Smaller spacing between the detail information lines.
* Highlight the filename with bigger font and/or show it as bold.
* Dynamic row size. Now all rows are as big as the thumbnail size like 128x128, But if you have a thumbnail that are 128*32 because the picture is very wide you
will get a lots of empty white space. Using dynamic row will make the row just so big that it needs to be.
However I know this can be a bit tricky since HitTest for every mouse action must calculate form the top to the found item. (Fixed size is so much easier)

* Top/Center alignment. Might be a good idea. will try it
* Spacing is fixed. it was using the wrong value for it. It was never intended to be that big
* Will try and see how it looks
* Dynamic size.  Would be nice but as you write. It is not something that is easily added. All items in all modes are now fixed size. and that makes calculation for hittest and draw area and everything quick and fast. with dynamic sizes things get a lot more complicated. Maybe in the future.

From an aesthetic point of view I wonder if there is too much 'empty space' to the right of the thumbnail.  Can a second column be added?  (Or dynamic multiple columns depending on pane size).
Dynamic tiling of thumbnails (image scale/vertical & horizontal columns/rows re-flow) would be cool but probably a huge amount of work. 
Second column might be added. But then the question is should the width of an item be "fixed" or should it be based on first column size
Also for second column to work first vertical scrolling with multiple items per row need to work and right now that does not work
(more below about that)

I love the details. But I also agree that there is to much white space. I don't know how hard it is to accomplish but maybe two columns instead of just one? Add more properties to fill the blank lines?
 And the 'bolded' filename is a good idea too.
The details are based on what column are set to be show.. so instead of columns to be layout after each other they are place under each other.
So if you want more properties.. enable more columns.

1. I think there should be only one thumbnails mode but with options:
  a) info align - left/right/top/bottom/disabled;
  b) info content - filename, attr, dates, etc;
  c) scroll direction - left<>right  or  top<>bottom;
  d) ...

2. On Windows XP associated file icons aren't scaled. So if i have set up icon size to 16x16 and thumbs size to 128x128, icons will still be drawn as 16x16. But i suppose Win XP is not a thing for you to deal with anymore. And probably it's not worth it.
1) No there need to be multiple thumbnail modes. Sometimes you want more info and sometimes just the thumbnails are enough and going into settings to just change that is to much..
1b ) content is based on shown columns.
1c ) Vertical (top<>bottom) scrolling is something I been trying to add. However it is not easy. Everything from hit-testing, scrolling , draw area calculation needs to be tweaked to work with it. The UI controller can normally one have 1 item per row. And when adding list mode. it was a lot easier to add left<>right, Top<> Bottom is so much more complex. But I got it almost working. But there area many many corner cases, special situation where it does not work yet. And if I'm able to solve it (without breaking anything else) the Top<>Bottom option will be added to list/thumbnail mode

2) Yes I know. For XP only the Internal Thumbnail engine works and it can not scale icons good since XP does not support large icons. 


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Re: MultiCommander v4.4.1 (Alpha)
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2014, 11:48:27 »
Interesting problems Mathias.
I wonder if the idea of fixed column/thumbnail size is more robust & wouldn't have as many issues.
The size must be somehow relative to pane size & pane resizing to avoid empty space. 
Is it possible for the user to set a fixed size that suits their pane size? 
Or can the reflow of thumbnails be dynamic via the interface upon edge or corner drag? (I think perhaps it can't if I understand you correctly).

Another useful addition to MC in any event.  ;)

Mathias (Author)

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Re: MultiCommander v4.4.1 (Alpha)
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2014, 14:34:06 »
From Build 1750
Vertical Scrolling mode can now be selecting the settings for the "Thumbnail List view mode". However there might still me issues with it and
scrolling/navigation issues for other modes might have been broken.

Under Tweak settings for FileSystem under Core Settings you can now enable "Crop the thumbnails dimensions so that it is square" (Crop To Square)
However that setting only works if the Thumbnail engine is "Windows" and OS is Win8+ since that is an option in the built in Windows Thumbnail engine.

You can align thumbnail top/center/bottom for Thumbnail detailed mode. But that looks funny and that option might be removed. Enable Corp to Square instead. That will make them look better.

** Known Issue.
    Sometimes when switching between view modes, something with hittesting and/or something can get weird.  But sometimes not.
    Restart of MC will fix that.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2014, 14:46:22 by Mathias (Author) »


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Re: MultiCommander v4.4.1 (Alpha)
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2014, 15:06:08 »
1. When i select Thumbnails Details mode, that menu item is not selected.
2. I see no difference between Left<>Right and Top<>Bottom scroll modes.
3. I see no difference between Thumbnail Alignment modes.
4. I see no difference between Highlight filename enabled and disabled.

P.S. Win 7 Ent

Mathias (Author)

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Re: MultiCommander v4.4.1 (Alpha)
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2014, 15:25:28 »
1. When i select Thumbnails Details mode, that menu item is not selected.
2. I see no difference between Left<>Right and Top<>Bottom scroll modes.
3. I see no difference between Thumbnail Alignment modes.
4. I see no difference between Highlight filename enabled and disabled.

P.S. Win 7 Ent
Works for me.. But as mention above.  currently you might need to restart MC if settings are changed for some settings if other modes been active.


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Re: MultiCommander v4.4.1 (Alpha)
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2014, 15:41:15 »
But as mention above.  currently you might need to restart MC if settings are changed for some settings if other modes been active.
I tried. No effect.

Mathias (Author)

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Re: MultiCommander v4.4.1 (Alpha)
« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2014, 16:06:27 »
Does matter.. A new build are currently building, and will be out soon, it has a couple of refresh and change view mode issues fixed.

Mathias (Author)

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Re: MultiCommander v4.4.1 (Alpha)
« Reply #13 on: August 04, 2014, 16:32:48 »
Build 1752

Refresh of it self works better now when changing view mode.

If a view mode settings is change. You might have to toggle to a other view mode and then back for it to activate.
Top/Bottom/Center of thumbnail in Thumbnail detail mode only works of the Windows Thumbnail engine is used. (So no support for this on XP)


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Re: MultiCommander v4.4.1 (Alpha)
« Reply #14 on: August 10, 2014, 12:27:53 »
I noticed that altering thumbnail alignment does now alter the view (I saw same issues as Jungle). W7x64
In some cases the bottom of a thumbnail can be 'cropped' to fit the viewing space of the pane.
Now alignment will alter this.
However in details mode I see the last text line is 'cropped' in the view space.
This may be the same issue - item display vs viewable area - if the thumbnail is bottom aligned it loses a bit at the bottom.  For text (details view) alignment won't recover the filename visibility.

Hope it's not too tough to fix as I like a little whitespace at the foot of my display.  :D

Mathias (Author)

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Re: MultiCommander v4.4.1 (Alpha)
« Reply #15 on: August 10, 2014, 12:59:18 »
I noticed that altering thumbnail alignment does now alter the view (I saw same issues as Jungle). W7x64
In some cases the bottom of a thumbnail can be 'cropped' to fit the viewing space of the pane.
Now alignment will alter this.
However in details mode I see the last text line is 'cropped' in the view space.
This may be the same issue - item display vs viewable area - if the thumbnail is bottom aligned it loses a bit at the bottom.  For text (details view) alignment won't recover the filename visibility.

Hope it's not too tough to fix as I like a little whitespace at the foot of my display.  :D

Thumbnail aligment only works for view mode "Thumbnail Detailed" and only if you use the "Windows" thumbnail engine (WinVista+).
But that option will go away, aligning tumbnails top/bottom does not look good.


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Re: MultiCommander v4.4.1 (Alpha)
« Reply #16 on: August 10, 2014, 13:58:48 »
Thanks for the fast response Mathias. 
I was using "Thumbnail Detailed" mode.  Using centre alignment for "Thumbnail Detailed" means the thumbnail is complete & the 'whitespace' below it is cropped.  Bottom alignment crops the thumbnail itself.
I guess that is why you will remove the  top/bottom  option.

My 'problem' is the view of text in 'detailed' mode as per the attachment above - I see the last line horizontally cropped now. 
found if I drag the window size around it can go away & nothing is cropped.  I notice the space between the top 2 toolbars becomes much longer than normal at times - unless this is just me never noticing....  :-\
« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 14:08:00 by Ulfhednar »

Mathias (Author)

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Re: MultiCommander v4.4.1 (Alpha)
« Reply #17 on: August 10, 2014, 14:05:56 »
Thanks for the fast response Mathias. 
I was using "Thumbnail Detailed" mode.  Using centre alignment for "Thumbnail Detailed" means the thumbnail is complete & the 'whitespace' below it is cropped.  Bottom alignment crops the thumbnail itself.
No the thumbnail is not cropped.  If the thumbnail is wide it will be align against the top of the line if alignment is top..  if it is bottom it is aligned to the bottom of the line.

My 'problem' is the view of text in 'detailed' mode as per the attachment above - I see the last line horizontally cropped now. 
The last line is only haft shown since the Windows is not big enough to show the complete line
« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 14:08:08 by Mathias (Author) »

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Re: MultiCommander v4.4.1 (Alpha)
« Reply #18 on: August 10, 2014, 14:10:16 »
found if I drag the window size around it can go away & nothing is cropped.  I notice the space between the top 2 toolbars becomes much longer than normal at times - unless this is just me never noticing....  :-\

That is a Windows UI bug that I have no control over..  You can force the drive button toolbar to be placed on its own line then that will not happen


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Re: MultiCommander v4.4.1 (Alpha)
« Reply #19 on: August 10, 2014, 14:13:37 »
(I edited my comment above)
OK on the toolbars, I was trying to make sense of the layout being odd.

Having been stretching the panes I now do not see the cropping of the last vertical whitespace. 
I have rebooted several times since the las update so I am not sure why the layout redrawing itself saw an issue.

Altered the toolbars & restarted - the horizontal cropping of the last line reappeared.  Played with stretching the pane & it reset to allow a vertical whitespace/full display of last item line.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 14:25:59 by Ulfhednar »


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Re: MultiCommander v4.4.1 (Alpha)
« Reply #20 on: August 11, 2014, 08:48:38 »
(I edited my comment above)
OK on the toolbars, I was trying to make sense of the layout being odd.

Having been stretching the panes I now do not see the cropping of the last vertical whitespace. 
I have rebooted several times since the las update so I am not sure why the layout redrawing itself saw an issue.

Altered the toolbars & restarted - the horizontal cropping of the last line reappeared.  Played with stretching the pane & it reset to allow a vertical whitespace/full display of last item line.

If the window is not large enough to fully draw the last line inside the list what did you expect would happen?  Overdraw it on the status line ? skip the last line ?
Drawing a partial line is fully normal behavior if the line does not completely fits into the list.  Just resize the window a couple of pixels in height if it is a issue.
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Re: MultiCommander v4.4.1 (Alpha)
« Reply #21 on: August 11, 2014, 12:25:36 »
(I edited my comment above)
OK on the toolbars, I was trying to make sense of the layout being odd.

Having been stretching the panes I now do not see the cropping of the last vertical whitespace. 
I have rebooted several times since the las update so I am not sure why the layout redrawing itself saw an issue.

Altered the toolbars & restarted - the horizontal cropping of the last line reappeared.  Played with stretching the pane & it reset to allow a vertical whitespace/full display of last item line.

If the window is not large enough to fully draw the last line inside the list what did you expect would happen?  Overdraw it on the status line ? skip the last line ?
Drawing a partial line is fully normal behavior if the line does not completely fits into the list.  Just resize the window a couple of pixels in height if it is a issue.

I'm talking about display relative to scrollbar position. 
I am talking about having reached the end of the details list vertically & having the last line obscured. 
Normally when the vertical scroll bar is all the way down, Win ensures the last item is not obscured & crops the top items. 
I attach how it should look if the vertical bar is mid travel or at the end of travel.  I have been seeing this latter with a cropped item on occasion as I show above.
It didn't matter how big I made the pane or what the resolution was, it would cut off the trailing whitespace & bisect the last line.

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Re: MultiCommander v4.4.1 (Alpha)
« Reply #22 on: August 11, 2014, 13:25:49 »
MC do not leave partial rows at the top only at the bottom.
And if the it is too much of the last line hidden then the scrollbar is set so that is possible to scroll one more line.


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Re: MultiCommander v4.4.1 (Alpha)
« Reply #23 on: August 11, 2014, 19:12:05 »
And if the it is too much of the last line hidden then the scrollbar is set so that is possible to scroll one more line.
That wasn't happening.  :(
I needed to restart MC & resize in different directions until that came back into operation.