Author Topic: Features-Updates-Mods  (Read 30360 times)


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« on: February 12, 2015, 12:33:23 »
[New Features]
New features a powerful FM should have.
Stages: Proposed/ Approved/ In Progress/ Implemented/ Field-Tested

*F02-1   Multiple actual columns (Status: Proposed; Origins: All FMs; Type: modification/update, high priority)
There are no subcolumns.
If only one basic column is selected (name/ext), files are displayed as big list since no subcolumns exist.
to illustrare, please compare the two screenshots:

See the difference ?
The visible nuber of files is very limited compared to a multi-column display.
This is something of great importance in file management.
We should adapt the current column system to be able to work this way.
In this manner we can have both the important information and geenral view of a large subfolder (like the ones from windows).
  +F02-2 Related: Filter by extension with no extension column
While having only one main column (name, that includes n+ext) there should be the possibility to list files by extension also, without having to add an entirely separate extensions column.

*F02-3   Focused file size/date displayed the lower information area  (Status: Proposed; Origins: DN; Type: modification/update)
Any files that is cursor-on (focused) shown display at least its size and dates (perhaps attributes also) in the lower area where
we currently have information about selected folders.
Also, the total space should sum when multiple files are selected.
This is critical information that must be seen at all times without requireing additional commands/maneuvers.
  +F02-4 Related: F3 should be used to display 'calculate folder size' values. (Status: Proposed; Orgins: DN; Type: small update)
Since it's use can be dual (for viewing files and getting folder size) it really should be implemented.

*F02-5: Space selection to next row (Status: Proposed; Origins: DN, Type: small modification)
Current file selection system is pretty unfriendly.
If you want to select a few random files is not that nice.

Desired functionality: when pressing space to select a focused file, the focus should move on the next file (below).
This will cause a file list to be selected efficiently by keeping space pressed. This is widely used in file managers.
Not having this option is pretty bad. Shift-based selection is unreliable.
  +F02-6 Related: Option not to remember a file selection or not when changing folder (Status: Unknown). If one does not exist, it should be added. (Status: Proposed; Type: small modification)
This also applied for selecting the drive and going to root instead of a sub-sub-sub folder previously accessed. 
  +F02-14 Related: when copying files, with unselection on, all file are unselected initially instead of being unselected independently after copy-move.
This is a big problem in case of accidental stop of copy/move.
*F02-7 File colors rules editor needs Enable button (Status: Proposed; Type: small modification)
When you edit file colors you get that warning that you need to enable them or they will not apply.
The best thing is to replace that with an enable button that has the same function as the color wheel apply checker.
I really took some time as new user until I could find that checkable option which was not in any relevant menus.

*F02-8 Custom upper icons (Status: Proposed; Origins: WN; Type: modification, low priority)
The move, delete, copy, find etc icons on the top area look way too similar.
There should be the possibility to choose external ones. An icon subfolder with proper naming should make customization easy.

*F02-9 Portability (independent of OS cfg/settings) (Status: Proposed; Origins: DOS, Type: modification, very high priority)
All configuration must be stored locally (InstallpathToMCmd\CfgSubfolder), not in user windows junk folders or registry.
A file manager must be able to run completely configured by its onw files, not by depending on operating system limitations.
There is no rason whatsoever to keep the cfg files in the windows user trash folders.
If user-based setup is needed, user subfolders with the custom configurations can be crated even more easy to InstallpathToMCmd\CfgSubfolder\UserName.
This is one of the most important issues for It experts.
File managers need to unpack and run in many situations where installation is not possible or file system is broken enough not to allow corresponding access to user trash folders.
 +F02-10 Related: overwriting default XMLs.
I have studied the file color-related XMls and found that it actually exists in 3 places at once. I did overwrite the default one with the my completed color configuration that is now seen as [default].
Although this is not a feature request, I would like to know if the overall configuration can be overwirtten in the same manner and what XMLs correspond to what settings (or can you overwrite all-in-one somehow ?).

*F02-11 Internal edit/view/others (Status: Proposed; Origins: DN, Type: new features)
A good FM must be able to view/edit files. I'm not saying to incorporate movie player or anything, but to be able to view basic file types (including well known image formats), or play an audio file without depending on the OS or installed externals is very important.
Let's be serious: notepad ? Even DOS editors are more advanced. 
 +F02-12 Related: Hex editor (Status: Proposed; Origins: DN, Type: new feature)
Sufficiently to say. A hex editor is essential for advanced file users.

*F02-13 Menu bar needs cloak/decloak button (Status: Proposed; Type: small modification)
Top menu bar needs a simple hide/unhide button. New users don't know about Ctrl-M. The button can be placed on the top icons raw.

*F02-14 Symlink/hardlink creation support (Status: Implemented)
-This was updated, it does exist.

*F02-15 Goto File (Status: Unknown; Origin: DN; Type: small modification)
In the file/dir area, pressing a key combo should enable a quick search by file name with autofocus.
So lets say I press alt-x, then when I start to type something, the focus automatically goes to the file starting with that character or multiple characters.
This is widely implemented in many FMs.

*F02-16 Custom Ctrl+lower buttons (Status: Unknown; Origin: DN; Type: update)
In the lower side we have the evryday view-edit-copy-etc buttons.
While pressing ctrl, new buttons do appear but they have nothing on them. Can this be customized ?
Certain actions could be bound there if customization would allow it.

*F02-17 Command bar customization (Status: Proposed; Type: modification/update)
1st of all, it should be placed in the lower area, not the top. Top positioning is very inconvenient for users that type a lot of commands.
2nd, it could be made customizable to be able to have colored prompt on black background (or any color combo, similar to the file area)

*F02-28 Removable spamtrash from drive area selection
Some users that manage files well do not use at all the windows spam folders (My Doc, My etc, Fav, Downloads, Public).
Those options should be removable from there. This could be done by allowing customization of that area.
Spamtrash folders should not be mandatory stuck with drives, network and registry.

There are still existing features I have not yet studied, but the above can turn this FM into a truly powerful tool. I am willing to debate any technical issues and even help with some issues and hope to get more time so I can even help some of the implementations if needed.
Hope this FM will continue to evolve and become the best available.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2015, 13:38:34 by Borg »


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Re: Features-Updates-Mods
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2015, 13:10:01 »
So far...

Multiple columns. Implemented as List View mode

Option not to remember a file selection or not when changing folder. Implemented (see Explorer panel settings)

Internal edit/view/others. Internal file assotiations can be set (respecting relative paths)

Symlink/hardlink creation support. Implemented (see Tools > File Links)


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Re: Features-Updates-Mods
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2015, 13:29:53 »
So far...

Multiple columns. Implemented as List View mode

Option not to remember a file selection or not when changing folder. Implemented (see Explorer panel settings)

Internal edit/view/others. Internal file assotiations can be set (respecting relative paths)

Symlink/hardlink creation support. Implemented (see Tools > File Links)

Thanks for the answers.
Multiple columns do not work if implemented. I have the List View mode enabled. It is one of the first settings I did. See screenshot in my initial post.
File selection remember mode does not apply for the top drive buttons.
I am not talking about file associations, but the ability to read certain formats with no external WOS systems. (Example: even from the old DN in DOS mode if I strike enter on a .wav file, it can play without anything additionally installed/nothing external.)
Links system - [Confirmed].
« Last Edit: February 12, 2015, 13:33:30 by Borg »

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Features-Updates-Mods
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2015, 13:56:56 »
*F02-1   Multiple actual columns (Status: Proposed; Origins: All FMs; Type: modification/update, high priority)
There are no subcolumns.
If only one basic column is selected (name/ext), files are displayed as big list since no subcolumns exist.
to illustrare, please compare the two screenshots:
See the difference ?
The visible nuber of files is very limited compared to a multi-column display.
This is something of great importance in file management.
We should adapt the current column system to be able to work this way.
In this manner we can have both the important information and geenral view of a large subfolder (like the ones from windows).
This is kind of an artifact of how it works. The column width is determent by the column width of the filename column So you can resize it to see more/less columns.
But if you remove all the other column from the header (there are there so you can change sorting easy) and the option "autosize columns" is enabled the filename column will fill there entire width. A workaround would be to disable that option.
(maybe that option should be autodisabled in ListView mode. )

  +F02-2 Related: Filter by extension with no extension column
While having only one main column (name, that includes n+ext) there should be the possibility to list files by extension also, without having to add an entirely separate extensions column.
Guess you mean sorting.? Well that tricky because the sorting is controlled by what header is activated.
If you show the Ext column you can in settings control how the file extension should be shown.. With filename or separate.  If separate then that column space
used by the filename column (if placed after the filename column) else it will be empty but pressing it to sort that column still have an affect.

*F02-3   Focused file size/date displayed the lower information area  (Status: Proposed; Origins: DN; Type: modification/update)
Any files that is cursor-on (focused) shown display at least its size and dates (perhaps attributes also) in the lower area where
we curently have information about selected folders.
Also, the total space should sum when multiple files are selected.
This is critical information that must be seen at all times without requireing additional commands/maneuvers.
Showing info of current item in the explorer panels status field is something that is kind of planed.
It is however not always wanted so it is not so easy to tweak it right.
(Total space of selected files are summed up.)

  +F02-4 Related: F3 should be used to display 'calculate folder size' values. (Status: Proposed; Orgins: DN; Type: small update)
Since it's use can be dual (for viewing files and getting folder size) it really should be implemented.
So selecting to "View" a folder should activate 'calculate folder size' since you can't even view a folder, So it is point less to try to open a folder in the file viewer.
Interesting idea. Viewer is actually a viewer plugin and it can not request to do that. But I guess there might not be any reason for the any viewer to even try to watch a folder. So it can be done before any viewer is notified about that.

*F02-5: Space selection to next row (Status: Proposed; Origins: DN, Type: small modification)
Current file selection system is pretty unfriendly.
If you want to select a few random files is not that nice.

Desired functionality: when pressing space to select a focused file, the focus should move on the next file (below).
This will cause a file list to be selected efficiently by keeping space pressed. This is widely used in file managers.
Not having this option is pretty bad. Shift-based selection is unreliable.
It might depend on default setup.. In Commander style setup it works good. use INSERT key.
But it can also be configured to another key. Most commander style FMs uses INS key for this.
(Im aware of the issue that small keyb is missing the insert key)

  +F02-6 Related: Option not to remember a file selection or not when changing folder (Status: Unknown). If one does not exist, it should be added. (Status: Proposed; Type: small modification)
This also applied for selecting the drive and going to root instead of a sub-sub-sub folder previously accessed. 
There is an option for that in Explorer Panel settings
"Remember selected files/folders when changing path"

*F02-7 File colors rules editor needs Enable button (Status: Proposed; Type: small modification)
When you edit file colors you get that warning that you need to enable them or they will not apply.
The best thing is to replace that with an enable button that has the same function as the color wheel apply checker.
I really took some time as new user until I could find that checkable option which was not in any relevant menus.
Maybe.. I will take a look on want can be done.

*F02-8 Custom upper icons (Status: Proposed; Origins: WN; Type: modification, low priority)
The move, delete, copy, find etc icons on the top area look way too similar.
There should be the possibility to choose external ones. An icon subfolder with proper naming should make customization easy.
If you draw some good icons I can add them.  Problem is I can not draw, So I use 3d party icons that are free. and the selection of them are limited.
All Icons are stored in a standard icon resource file. There are lots of 3d party tools out there that allow one to modify them.
Having all the icons laying around on the disk is not an option. To many sources of error that can make MC fails (and also a lot slower)

*F02-9 Portability (independent of OS cfg/settings) (Status: Proposed; Origins: DOS, Type: modification, very high priority)
All configuration must be stored locally (InstallpathToMCmd\CfgSubfolder), not in user windows junk folders or registry.
A file manager must be able to run completely configured by its onw files, not by depending on operating system limitations.
There is no rason whatsoever to keep the cfg files in the windows user trash folders.
If user-based setup is needed, user subfolders with the custom configurations can be crated even more easy to InstallpathToMCmd\CfgSubfolder\UserName.
This is one of the most important issues for It experts.
File managers need to unpack and run in many situations where installation is not possible or file system is broken enough not to allow corresponding access to user trash folders.
No. MC is installing according to recommended guidelines from MS

First, If you use portable version all configuration and session information is stored in the folder you run from.
Nothing is placed under the user profile/registry
(The only different between portable and install is really the default config that tells MC that it is portable so look for config at current location)

Normal installed version can NOT do that because if program is install under program files that is a read only area for normal users.
So for installed versions store all configuration under the user profile. (As designed and recommended by MS)
All configuration are stored in files (easy backup and roaming) only session/history data is stored in registry (information that are not vital for the run, but gives the user better experience.) All this info session/history data be cleared from the MC help menu

+F02-10 Related: overwriting default XMLs.
I have studied the file color-related XMls and found that it actually exists in 3 places at once. I did overwrite the default one with the my completed color configuration that is now seen as [default].
Although this is not a feature request, I would like to know if the overall configuration can be overwirtten in the same manner and what XMLs correspond to what settings (or can you overwrite all-in-one somehow ?).
3 hmm should only be 2 (I think, Have not checked).  Install folder for default file then under the user profile for user specified copy.
For installed version the config file in the installed location is never changed. they are the default configuration the users get the first time it starts

*F02-11 Internal edit/view/others (Status: Proposed; Origins: DN, Type: new features)
A good FM must be able to view/edit files. I'm not saying to incorporate movie player or anything, but to be able to view basic file types (including well known image formats), or play an audio file without depending on the OS or installed externals is very important.
Let's be serious: notepad ? Even DOS editors are more advanced. 
View Text files and Pictures (most common formats) are supported.  Audio and video are not I do not think they will.
There are so many 3d party players that can do a much better job at that.  Adding internal support for that and MC would be 5x as big
Audio/Video are so complex so it is best to use with programs dedicated to that

Notepad is good enough. There are so many 3d party text editor to use if you want something more advanced.
And under FileType Setup it is easy to change so that your favorite editor is used instead.
Creating an advanced text editor so out of the scope of MC.  It would be project that is as big as MC it self.

+F02-12 Related: Hex editor (Status: Proposed; Origins: DN, Type: new feature)
Sufficiently to say. A hex editor is essential for advanced file users.
The Viewer can VIEW in hex..  But edit.
There are 3d party tool for that, that are free that are much better then anything I would have time to create.

*F02-13 Menu bar needs cloak/decloak button (Status: Proposed; Type: small modification)
Top menu bar needs a simple hide/unhide button. New users don't know about Ctrl-M. The button can be placed on the top icons raw.
Wasting space on the toolbar with a toggle button for the menu? I don't really fell that I like it to steal toolbar space.
Must be some way to do this.
I was thinking that that maybe the first time you restart MC with it hidden a popup message information the user to press Ctrl+M or Alt key.
Not sure.

*F02-14 Symlink/hardlink creation support (Status: Proposed; Type: new feature)
Since WOS now uses this stuff quite a lot, it could actually have use also for normal users.
MC can see this type of content, but a feature that can create such things could be good for the future.
Menu > Tools > File Links > Create Link
It can create symlinks, Hardlinks, Junctions, Shortcuts(lnk)

*F02-15 Goto File (Status: Unknown; Origin: DN; Type: small modification)
In the file/dir area, pressing a key combo should enable a quick search by file name with autofocus.
So lets say I press alt-x, then when I start to type something, the focus automatically goes to the file starting with that character or multiple characters.
This is widely implemented in many FMs.
It is customizble in ExplorerPanel settings. Most Commander style FMs this wil forward keys to command line field.
But this can be change in settings.

*F02-16 Custom Ctrl+lower buttons (Status: Unknown; Origin: DN; Type: update)
In the lower side we have the evryday view-edit-copy-etc buttons.
While pressing ctrl, new buttons do appear but they have nothing on them. Can this be customized ?
Certain actions could be bound there if customization would allow it.
All buttons on the button panel can be customizable.
Use Menu > Configuartion > Button Editor  or press the "Wizard Mode" button (Last Button, Last Row)
When that is active you can now drop file/folder on the button to create Open/Run actions.
You can also turn of the alternative buttons state that show up when holding Ctrl,Shift,Ctrl+Shift

*F02-17 Command bar customization (Status: Proposed; Type: modification/update)
1st of all, it should be placed in the lower area, not the top. Top positioning is very inconvenient for users that type a lot of commands.
2nd, it could be made customizable to be able to have colored prompt on black background (or any color combo, similar to the file area)
?? Not sure I understand

*F02-28 Removable spamtrash from drive area selection
Some users that manage files well do not use at all the windows spam folders (My Doc, My etc, Fav, Downloads, Public).
Those options should be removable from there. This could be done by allowing customization of that area.
Spamtrash folders should not be mandatory stuck with drives, network and registry.
In ExplorerPanel settings you can configure this a bit. (by group)

The end.
Phuu that was a long post..
« Last Edit: February 12, 2015, 14:08:27 by Mathias (Author) »


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Re: Features-Updates-Mods
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2015, 14:23:40 »
Note: for command bar, I'm referring to the bar where hints are displayed and you can enter commands there.

I will review the ones that you said are already implemented or at least a little tweakable.

Thank your four your reply.

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Re: Features-Updates-Mods
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2015, 14:38:18 »
Ahh CommandLine Field

*F02-17 Command bar customization (Status: Proposed; Type: modification/update)
1st of all, it should be placed in the lower area, not the top. Top positioning is very inconvenient for users that type a lot of commands.
2nd, it could be made customizable to be able to have colored prompt on black background (or any color combo, similar to the file area)
1. I is possible but it there are issues in some situation with it. and it look bad. But settings for it is there but hidden..
2. Standard Windows UI component is used and colors for it can not be overriden in a good way. And rewriting my own is to much work.


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Re: Features-Updates-Mods
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2015, 07:51:47 »
I kindof improvized.
Auto-resize was locked/grayed.
I have added an extension column, then I could resize the primary (name) one.
Cfg was manually saved on exit and now seems it remembered it.
Some delimitation lines would of been nice though.
This improvisation also fixed the next issue, I can sort by extension since the tag is now there.

Where can we find the command codes for KB configuration ?

Suggestion: All compare options in edit could be in a sub-menu (only 1 compare remaning in the main), they take a lot of space in Edit tab.

About the icons, I could try to design some at a point, but probably switching between icon sets should be supported, although is not something that important.
And they can be in a pack file, don't have to be separate.

I did switch to portable version and I will be doing more tests with this one.

How do you switch to internal picture viewer instead of external windows one ?

I found the search customization. One can switch between Alt-key and Ctrl-Alt-Key.
I will do for now.


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Re: Features-Updates-Mods
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2015, 08:33:49 »
I kindof improvized.
Auto-resize was locked/grayed.
Auto resize in header is gray when the settings for auto resize is enabled.  because then column are auto resized to fill the width.
When the settings if OFF in settings this option is enabled.. Now it will not automatically resize the column. You the popup menu option auto resize is now enabled and when selected the auto resize operation is done... by manual request.
Hmm maybe bad wording with calling everything auto resize.

Some delimitation lines would of been nice though.
Enable vertical gridline in explorer panel settings. 

Where can we find the command codes for KB configuration ?
internal command codes are shown in keyboard customization dialog
Also hold shift white pressing export there and the internal command codes are exported to the file

Suggestion: All compare options in edit could be in a sub-menu (only 1 compare remaning in the main), they take a lot of space in Edit tab.
Had it like that before, but it annoyed me everytime I wanted to use them

About the icons, I could try to design some at a point, but probably switching between icon sets should be supported, although is not something that important. And they can be in a pack file, don't have to be separate.
Then it is supported. ALL icons are in the MCIcons.dll there are free resource edit tool that will allow you to replace icons in that files.
So it is possible to create all new icons sets.

How do you switch to internal picture viewer instead of external windows one ?
It should be there.. Select to view a picture instead of edit it.
You can override edit/view/run behavior in FileType Setup.

I found the search customization. One can switch between Alt-key and Ctrl-Alt-Key.
I might add other combination options if wanted.. (unless it creates a conflict with something else)


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Re: Features-Updates-Mods
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2015, 10:18:15 »
Thanks. The grids were enabled, but not the main root option itself. They seem to be ok now.

MCIcons.dll -- then I'll try to make an icon set.
Does any XML point to the .dll or is the name hardcoded ?
(Can I point to like MCIcons2.dll or i'll have to use the original file itself ?)

I will do extensive tests on file types.
I intent for certain extension classes to point to certain external programs when viewed.

As for the quick search, I currently use a system that spawns a mini-search box when pressing Alt-X, but things seem to behave ok with the more direct approach MC has.

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Re: Features-Updates-Mods
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2015, 10:54:49 »
The filename is hardcoded.  If icons set start to be created I might consider changing so the name can be set.


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Re: Features-Updates-Mods
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2015, 09:55:47 »
A new feature that may be truly useful to have is mounting a shadow copy volumes. Since hardlinks already are supported, mounting shadow volumes would be a good next step.

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Re: Features-Updates-Mods
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2015, 09:58:17 »
Shadow Volumes are a messy and the API for it is messy. Unless somebody have a wrapper for it. It will not be added anytime soon because it would take so much time to add.


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Re: Features-Updates-Mods
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2015, 12:32:53 »

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Features-Updates-Mods
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2015, 18:52:39 »
.NET wrapper around some VSS stuff, Not sure if it is usable..
Not sure what I would do with it. Don't really know what issue VSS would solve.. and if it would fit into MC.
Feels like it is very specialize needs. Something that very very few users needs. Think is I got so much on my todo list and this looks like something that would take lots of resources to add and benefits very few. 
« Last Edit: February 26, 2015, 18:59:22 by Mathias (Author) »