Author Topic: Go To Link Target v2  (Read 24833 times)


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Go To Link Target v2
« on: August 02, 2017, 03:38:05 »

As Mathias added new functions to MultiScript, I updated my script. Now it is much mor concise.

For the hardlink detection I use FindLinks from SysInternals on and put it on mcinstallpath\Tools\Links\Hardlinks

// Junction, Symlink, MountPoint & Windows Shrtcut -> get link target with MultiComander - reliable
// Hardlink -> get link target with findlinks64.exe - communication via text file

@var $source_focus_path = GetSourceFocusPath();
@var $link_target;
@var $link_targets[];
@var $target_count;
@var $link_found;
@var $link_target_temp_file;
@var $temp_file_content;
@var $link_target_file_size;
@var $findlinks_path;
@var $aux[];
@var $aux2;
@var $n;
@var $mcinstallpath = GetTagValue("${mcinstallpath}");

//0 - Not a link (maybe a hardlink)
//1 - Junction
//2 - Symlink
//3 - MountPoint
@var $link_type = GetFSLinkType($source_focus_path);
if( $link_type == 0 )
   $link_target = GetWinShortcutTarget($source_focus_path);
   //LogAppInfo('shortcut to ' + $link_target);
   if( !($link_target == '') )
      $link_found = 1;
      // Hardlink
      $link_target_temp_file = $mcinstallpath ^ 'Tools\Links\Hardlink\link_target.txt';
      $findlinks_path = $mcinstallpath ^ 'Tools\Links\Hardlink\FindLinks.exe';
      if (FileExists($link_target_temp_file) == 1)
         $aux = {"NOPROGRESS", "NODIALOG", "SILENT"};
         DeleteFile($link_target_temp_file, $aux);
      LogAppInfo('C:\Windows\System32\wscript.exe "' + $mcinstallpath ^ 'Tools\run_invisible\run_invisible_bat_2_args.vbs" "' + $mcinstallpath ^ '\Tools\Links\Hardlink\bat_findlinks.bat" "' + $source_focus_path + '" "' + $link_target_temp_file + '"');
      MC.Run CMD={'C:\Windows\System32\wscript.exe'} ARG={'"' + $mcinstallpath ^ 'Tools\run_invisible\run_invisible_bat_2_args.vbs" "' + $mcinstallpath ^ '\Tools\Links\Hardlink\bat_findlinks.bat" "' + $source_focus_path + '" "' + $link_target_temp_file + '"'} STARTIN={$mcinstallpath ^ '\Tools\Links\Hardlink'} WAIT
      // Work on FindLinks' return
      if (FileExists($link_target_temp_file) == 1)
         $link_target_file_size = GetFileSize($link_target_temp_file);
         if ($link_target_file_size > 0)
            $temp_file_content = LoadStringFromFile($link_target_temp_file);
            // Delete temp file
            $aux = {"NOPROGRESS", "NODIALOG", "SILENT"};
            DeleteFile($link_target_temp_file, $aux);
            // Check/Parse link_target_temp_file content
            @var $temp_file_lines[] = StrLines2Array($temp_file_content);
            if( StrIsWildMatch($temp_file_lines[0], 'Error*') )
               MessageBox('Resolve Link', 'Error logged by FindLinks.', 0);
               $target_count = arrayCount($temp_file_lines);
               // 4 lines -> no links
               // 7 lines -> 1 link
               // 8 lines -> 2 links
               // etc
               if( $target_count >= 6 )
                  $link_found = 1;
                  $link_target = $temp_file_lines[5];
                  // More than 1 hardlink found
                  if( $target_count > 6 )
                     // Mount an array with all hardlinks targets, so the user can choose
                     for( $n=5; $n<$target_count; $n++ )
                        arrayAdd($link_targets, $temp_file_lines[$n]);
                     // Ask user
                     @var $link_targets_answer = AskOption('Select target', $link_targets, 0);
                     if ($link_targets_answer == -1)
                        // User cancelled
                     $link_target = $link_targets[$link_targets_answer];
         MessageBox('Resolve Link', 'Operation timeout', 0);
   // Junction, Symlink or MountPoint
   $link_found = 1;
   $link_target = GetFSLinkTarget($source_focus_path);

// Go to target
if( $link_found )
   // Clear selected files in the case of the link target being on the same folder
   arrayAdd($aux, '');
   SetSourceSelected($aux, 1);
   // As Mathias said here,1929.0.html
   // "the UI can't be updated until the script is finished since the script is running in the same thread"
   // So there's no way to break going to the folder, then selecting the file in 2 operations
   // We can do it in 1 go using MC.RunCmd ID="Core.1312" that is CTRL+V with the target path on the clipboard
   // Go To Link Target
   MC.RunCmd ID="Core.1312"
   MessageBox('Resolve Link', 'Not a link.', 0);

bat_findlinks.bat file:
FindLinks.exe %1 > %2