Author Topic: Best File Manager  (Read 12722 times)


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Best File Manager
« on: October 24, 2012, 13:03:38 »
MC is best File Manager available.
Even when available free, MC is miles ahead of other paid File Managers.
MC has limitless options to work with.
MC 2.7.2 is much stronger also better organized than 2.7.1.
Mathias (Author) is truly expert and very helpful in understanding and suggesting solutions.
Jungle is no less expert.
Due to different levels of user knowledge, it is no joke to read, understand, pinpoint then suggest solutions.
Most of all, this forum is strength of MC, instant help is available 24x7.
Best is the start up Hints, which amplifies so many commands, which average users like me would never find.
I am using MC 2.7.2 for two months and I learn one new option everyday.
Best of Luck.